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Top 100 Small Press Items
01.100 Oddities for a Sewer [Revised, Updated & Expanded]

100 Oddities for a Sewer [Revised, Updated & Expanded]
by Skirmisher Publishing

Welcome to “100 Oddities for a Sewer,” the eleventh entry in Skirmisher Publishing’s bestselling “100 Oddities” series of universal mini-sourcebooks! Sewers figure in a lot of roleplaying games, especially those set in or involving cities and, from the lowly rat-slaying forays of fledgling heroes to quests against monstrous beasts that dwell within them, they can keep adventurers busy. They...   [click here for more]
02.Goblings (Cardstock Characters™)

Goblings (Cardstock Characters™)
by Skirmisher Publishing

This beautiful set of cardstock miniatures by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl contains 16 unique figures, along with horizontally-flopped versions of them to provide additional variety (for a total of 32 different miniatures).  This set includes:  ● 16 different anthropomorphic Pig/Gobling cardstock miniatures, including four with swords, four with spears, four with bows, and a command group that...   [click here for more]
03.Blades in the Dark: Deep Cuts

Blades in the Dark: Deep Cuts
by One Seven

Blades in the Dark: Deep Cuts is a 118-page expansion for the Blades in the Dark roleplaying game — containing a treasure trove of lore, setting material, and alternative mechanics I've developed over the years for use in Blades campaigns. The first part expands on the setting of the game, including: 27 factions, providing new lore and crew...   [click here for more]
04.Maps for a Thieves' Guild (36 x 24)

Maps for a Thieves' Guild (36 x 24)
by Skirmisher Publishing

These maps by noted artist Bob Greyvenstein depict a Thieves' Guild, along with the streets and buildings around it, located in a run-down area where the lower end of the mercantile quarter meets the slum district. Features include a guildhall set in an old and decaying mansion, fake storefronts that conceal areas for storing stolen goods, a watchtower for thugs charged with guarding the complex,...   [click here for more]
05.Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition

Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition
by Word Mill Games

Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition Play any role-playing game solo or without a Game Master! Mythic's oracle-style question resolution system revolutionized solo role-playing. The Second Edition of the Mythic Game Master Emulator updates the ground-breaking 2003 ruleset with essential new additions, a wide range of options to customize your adventures, and numerous refinements. Mythic...   [click here for more]
06.~Mapas para uma Ilha Tropical~

~Mapas para uma Ilha Tropical~
by Skirmisher Publishing

Esses mapas do famoso artista Bob Greyvenstein retratam uma parte diversa e colorida de uma Ilha Tropical, com características que incluem selva, trilhas, uma pequena vila costeira com uma praia, algumas cabanas isoladas, um rio com uma cachoeira, um pequeno lago, um complexo de templos na colina, um santuário em uma caverna escondida, um vulcão com uma ruína e um tubo de lava, alguns pequenos...   [click here for more]
07.Cosmere RPG | Chasmfiend Magazine #1

Cosmere RPG | Chasmfiend Magazine #1
by Brotherwise Games

Dive into Chasmfiend Volume 1! Exclusive interviews, insights, and behind the scenes of Cosmere RPG at your fingertips! Originally handed out at GenCon 2024, in this magazine you will find: A MESSAGE FROM THE TEAM - A foreword from Stormlight RPG Lead Writer, Lydia Suen MISTBORN PREVIEW - Deckbuilding Game preview and John D Clair interview, by Chris...   [click here for more]
08.Fabula Ultima Atlas: Techno Fantasy

Fabula Ultima Atlas: Techno Fantasy
by Need Games

You were cast, unaware, into a wounded, imprisoned world. Trust the light in your hearts and fight for the future! The TECHNO FANTASY ATLAS for FABULA ULTIMA will guide you into high tech, dystopian worlds, where outcast heroes fight inequality while merciless villains commit any atrocity to safeguard their privilege. Restore...   [click here for more]
09.Mystery Flesh Pit National Park: The RPG

Mystery Flesh Pit National Park: The RPG
by Ganza Gaming

Cosmic Horror Meets Bureaucratic Satire As seen in Polygon. For years, artist Trevor Roberts has meticulously archived a fictional alternate timeline at, when a oilmen accidentally drills into a cosmic horror beneath the dusty plains of west Texas.  ...   [click here for more]
10.ACKS II Revised Rulebook

ACKS II Revised Rulebook
by Autarch

Enter a world where empires stand on the brink of war, and terrible monsters tear at the fragile borderlands of men; where decaying cities teem with chaos and corruption, weeping innocents are sacrificed to chthonic cults and nobles live in decadent pleasure while the realm burns; where heroes, wizards, and rogues risk everything in pursuit of glory, fortune, and power. This is a world where adventurers...   [click here for more]
11.Fabula Ultima TTJRPG

Fabula Ultima TTJRPG
by Need Games

This is your world, this is your story. Make a choice and fight for what you believe in. FABULA ULTIMA is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game inspired by Japanese-style console RPGs, or JRPGs.  In Fabula Ultima, you and your friends will tell epic stories of would-be heroes and fearsome villains, set in fantasy...   [click here for more]

by Fat Dragon Games

Special first week release offer: Save 40% - ENDS SOON! Today is a good day to die... for the enemy crew! BATTLEFRONT VALKYRIE™ is a groundbreaking 3D printable wargame that delivers the thrill of epic fleet battles right to your tabletop, all at a cost that's just a fraction of traditional games!  This expansion set includes: Kurgun C-5A Heavy Cruiser...   [click here for more]
13.~Mapas para una Casa Antigua y Escalofriante (24 x 18)~

~Mapas para una Casa Antigua y Escalofriante (24 x 18)~
by Skirmisher Publishing

Este título incluye cuatro mapas de una casa antigua y espeluznante que representan su sótano, planta baja, nivel superior y ático. Estos hermosos mapas del reconocido artista Bob Greyvenstein son adecuados para cualquier juego de rol, miniaturas o juegos de guerra de fantasía, fantasía urbana o terror, y son especialmente adecuados para jugar en línea o en mesas virtuales. Se proporcionan dos...   [click here for more]
14.~ORUS (Office for Research of Unusual Science/Amt für Forschung Außergewöhnlicher Wissenschaft)~

~ORUS (Office for Research of Unusual Science/Amt für Forschung Außergewöhnlicher Wissenschaft)~
by Skirmisher Publishing

Diese systemfreie Erweiterung bietet eine detaillierte Übersicht über das Amt für Forschung außergewöhnlicher Wissenschaft (ORUS), von seinen Anfängen in der Welt der Antike, über seine verschiedenen Inkarnationen im Lauf der Zeitalter, bis zu seiner letztendlichen Umsetzung in der gegenwärtigen Epoche als eine verdeckte Regierungsbehörde. Sie ist geeignet für den Gebrauch mit jedem beliebigen...   [click here for more]
15.~ORUS (Office for Research of Unusual Science/Bureau de Recherche en Sciences Inhabituelles)~

~ORUS (Office for Research of Unusual Science/Bureau de Recherche en Sciences Inhabituelles)~
by Skirmisher Publishing

Ce supplément pour tous systèmes offre une description détaillée de l’Office for Research of Unusual Science (ORUS), de ses origines antiques à sa forme actuelle d’agence secrète gouvernementale, en passant par ses diverses incarnations au fil des âges. Outre qu’il peut server à toutes sortes de jeux de rôles, c’est aussi une source possible d’inspiration pour d’autres...   [click here for more]
16.Through Sunken Lands - The Sorcerous and the Weird

Through Sunken Lands - The Sorcerous and the Weird
by Flatland Games

Forbidden secrets lie before you... Though they are few in number and their natures are strange, demons, spirits, and the mages foolish enough to treat with them touch almost every story in the Sunken Lands. The eternal war between law and chaos is fought across a battlefield made of many worlds with a variety of weapons. Wizards hide against this vastness in secret orders, spirits...   [click here for more]
17.Sandbox Generator

Sandbox Generator
by Atelier Clandestin

The Sandbox Generator is a simple but powerful tool for DMs. It allows you to easily create a world from scratch when you prepare your next campaign. It will provide you with all the necessary information about your world: from the biomes map, to a lord’s coat of arms and the menu of the local tavern! It is also convenient for solo players and DMs who want to generate their world...   [click here for more]
18.Fabula Ultima Atlas: High Fantasy

Fabula Ultima Atlas: High Fantasy
by Need Games

An epic journey will guide you beyond what you have ever imagined you could be. Destiny itself shall bow before the fires in your hearts! FABULA ULTIMA ATLAS: HIGH FANTASY will guide you into a world of ancient mysteries, breathtaking views, incredible magic, and powerful beings. Like the heroes of legend and myth, your characters...   [click here for more]
19.Fabula Ultima Game Master's Toolkit

Fabula Ultima Game Master's Toolkit
by Need Games

Among these pages you shall find tools abundant. And within each, a soul all too eager to be playful. Heavily inspired by JRPGs and beautifully illustrated by Takashi Konno, this 4-panel screen will provide Fabula Ultima’s GMs with quick tools and rules references. The 36-page companion booklet expands the Chapter...   [click here for more]
20.Carcass Crawler: Issue Four

Carcass Crawler: Issue Four
by Necrotic Gnome

The fourth issue of Carcass Crawler — the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, referee advice, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more! In This Issue New classes:...   [click here for more]
21.Ancient Wonders

Ancient Wonders
by Ludic Pen

The Wondrous Side of the Galaxy Awaits Ancient Wonders is the biggest third-party expansion for Starforged to date with great system-agnostic compatibility. It provides you with all you need to explore the galaxy in a way that has never been done before, with generators for solar systems, planets, alien megastructures, megacities, and hazardous, otherworldly encounters;...   [click here for more]
22.Kids on Bikes: Second Edition Core Rulebook

Kids on Bikes: Second Edition Core Rulebook
by Hunters Entertainment

Kids on Bikes is a Collaborative World Building RPG set in small towns with big mysteries. Written and created by celebrated game designers Jon Gilmour (Dead of Winter, Atari: Centipede/Missile Command/Asteroids) & Doug Levandowski (Gothic Doctor, Seven Minutes in Hell, Home: The Haunted House Map Building RPG). Kids on Bikes is a rules-light storytelling system that gets players into the action...   [click here for more]
23.100 Sci-Fi Data Files to Find for Sale

100 Sci-Fi Data Files to Find for Sale
by Azukail Games

Knowledge is power, but it is also valuable, and in a sci-fi setting, there are people and organisations willing to sell it. This supplement has 100 files or collections of such that characters could find for sale. The value of the various files will vary, as some are clearly more valuable than others. The information purchased could help make a task easier or be used as a potential adventure hook....   [click here for more]

by Evil Hat Productions

Unlace those heavy boots. Put down that shield. Hang up your sword. And pull up a seat. The adventurer’s life is tough. It's time to call it quits. For years you stumbled through hostile lands, living off stale rations, and struggling to get a few hours’ sleep. Now it’s time to hang...   [click here for more]
25.Sandbox Generator - Factions Expansion

Sandbox Generator - Factions Expansion
by Atelier Clandestin

This supplement, focusing on factions, is meant to be used with Sandbox Generator. Set the scene for games of power between the factions in your sandbox! This supplement contains: a table to add variety to factions (domain size and nobility titles), rules and tables to describe the relationships between domains (vassalage, contested areas and neighbors), a name generator for factions, tables of...   [click here for more]
26.Sandbox Generator - Biomes Expansion

Sandbox Generator - Biomes Expansion
by Atelier Clandestin

This supplement, focusing on biomes, is meant to be used with Sandbox Generator. It adds the possibility to generate more diverse biomes, including weird ones! This product contains: equivalence tables for temperate, cold and hot biomes, 3 methods to generate hex maps with climates, encounters for cold and hot biomes, a procedure to generate special biomes called "deep biomes", landmarks for deep...   [click here for more]
27.Knave: Second Edition

Knave: Second Edition
by Questing Beast Games

Physical copies are available on the Swordfish Islands webstore. "Somehow, Ben has improved upon the original Knave in ways I couldn't have anticipated. I'm blown away." - Professor Dungeon Master, Dungeon Craft "The most varied and useful smorgasbord of random tables I've ever used!" - Baron...   [click here for more]
28.Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master

Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
by SlyFlourish

Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master is a book designed to help fantasy roleplaying Gamemasters get more out of their games by preparing less. Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master uses the experiences of thousands of GMs to help us focus on how we prepare our games, how we run our games, and how we think about our games. Refined for five years after the release of the Lazy Dungeon...   [click here for more]
29.ACKS II Judges Journal

ACKS II Judges Journal
by Autarch

Enter a world where empires stand on the brink of war, and terrible monsters tear at the fragile borderlands of men; where decaying cities teem with chaos and corruption, weeping innocents are sacrificed to chthonic cults and nobles live in decadent pleasure while the realm burns; where heroes, wizards, and rogues risk everything in pursuit of glory, fortune, and power. This is a world where adventurers...   [click here for more]

by Gildor Games

Terror on the Fractured Frontier In the future, humanity has pushed the boundaries of space exploration, reaching the edges of known space, a vast, lawless region known as the Fractured Frontier. Once a hub for interstellar mining and research, the Frontier is now an abandoned wasteland after a series of catastrophic events. Mining colonies, space stations, and research...   [click here for more]
31.Mythic Magazine Volume 50

Mythic Magazine Volume 50
by Word Mill Games

Mythic Magazine #50 Mythic Magazine is a monthly ezine with tips, rules, and more goodies for the Mythic Role-Playing System, Mythic Game Master Emulator, and Crafter Series from Word Mill Games. This issue contains: Deconstructing Prepared Adventures For Solo Play: Use prepared adventures to fuel solo adventures quickly and easily. Mythic On The Move: When...   [click here for more]
32.HellMarch - Mass Combat for ShadowDark RPG

HellMarch - Mass Combat for ShadowDark RPG
by Alchemic Raker

HellMarch - Mass Combat is a streamlined set of rules for use with the award winning ShadowDark RPG, EZD6, and other fantasy RPGs. 50 years ago, Chainmail introduced rules for seamless heroic and mass combat. At the time, those mass combat rules were poorly understood, and promptly ignored and left behind. But take note: Heroic and Mass Combat were never meant to be separate "ways...   [click here for more]
33.EZD6 Core Rulebook

EZD6 Core Rulebook

From the tabletop madness of DM SCOTTY crawls EZD6! A rules-light D6 RPG system that puts creativity over complexity, but delivers a suprising amount of variation and mechanical wiggle.  Hey guys it's Hankerin from Runehammer. I have been in the DM Scotty cult for years. He's a great guy, and has a trillion hours at the table. All that creativity and table time really shines in...   [click here for more]
34.Worlds Without Number

Worlds Without Number
by Sine Nomine Publishing

The stars gutter and the skies fade and the earth grows weary with years. Ages of men and of Outsiders have ascended and been forgotten, and only the bones of their cities and the dust of their dreams remain upon this tired world. The Legacy of their laws is woven deep now, the edicts of dead gods and fallen sorcerer-kings made to trace patterns of power we no longer understand. We are heirs to...   [click here for more]
35.Orc Wars: Hell in Caecras

Orc Wars: Hell in Caecras
by Schwalb Entertainment

A Shadow of the Demon Lord Adventure for Novice Characters The whole world has gone insane. The orcs threw off their chains, murdered the Emperor, sacked the capital, and butchered its citizens. The orc general Drudge named himself king and rallied the orcs from across the Empire to join his campaign of vengeance against the authors of their people’s suffering. Dark times...   [click here for more]
36.Solo RPG GME - Fantasy

Solo RPG GME - Fantasy
by Wilona's Cave Games

Master the art of solo adventuring with Solo RPG GME - Fantasy Journey into a world of endless adventure and mystery with Solo RPG GME - Fantasy – a dynamic Game Master Emulator designed specifically for solo RPG enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned role-player or new to the solo experience, this comprehensive guide offers many key aspects you need to craft thrilling narratives...   [click here for more]

by Candlenaut

This discount is for the limited time only - Pocket Quest 2023 From the mind behind the 2022's Silver Bestseller, "Campfire Story", hails a new chapter in solo tabletop gaming. Prepare to embark on an epic hard Sci-Fi journey, one that transcends the boundaries of known space and delves into the mystery of a long-lost civilization. A chilling odyssey teetering on the edge of the unknown,...   [click here for more]
38.FDG Custom Bambu Studio Miniatures Profile

FDG Custom Bambu Studio Miniatures Profile
by Fat Dragon Games

FDG custom profile for printing Fat Dragon Games miniatures on the Bambu Lab A1 Mini and full-size A1 3D printers. This profile requires a .2mm nozzle, and we recommend watching the YouTube video linked below. Sunlu PLA Meta is our recommended filament. BEFORE USING READ THE INCLUDED INSTRUCTION PDF. Be sure to turn on e-mail notifications from FDG in your DrivethruRPG user account so you will get...   [click here for more]
39.Hero Kids - Fantasy RPG

Hero Kids - Fantasy RPG
by Hero Forge Games

Unleash your kids' imagination with Hero Kids, the ENnie award-winning fantasy RPG for kids aged from 4 to 10.  This game offers a fast and fun introduction to RPGs, perfect for younger kids who are just getting interested in role-playing games. "Hero Kids is great, we were off and playing within a few minutes of reading the rules!"   "Was woken up at 6am this...   [click here for more]
40.The Wizard's Spell Compendium (5e)

The Wizard's Spell Compendium (5e)
by The Gorilla Of Destiny

Have you ever wanted your own spell book? With runes from the Spell Writing Guide, Spoken names from the Spell Saying Guide, and descriptions from the Creative Commons 5e SRD you will be able to quickly reference the symbol and name of all standard wizard spells. Presented as an in universe textbook given to students at the University of Theoretical Magic this book should prove a fun reference for...   [click here for more]
41.Pestilence at Halith Vorn

Pestilence at Halith Vorn
by G. Hawkins

An Adventure for six to eight 4th-6th level characters: In the days before the rise of the Jade Empire and the rule of the serpent men, the enigmatic axolittians reigned in Halith Vorn and there built their cities amongst the reeds in the swamps and caverns below. They mastered sorcerous arts and paid homage to devils and terrifying elemental beings. In the end, their serpent men slaves rose up...   [click here for more]
42.Artifacts & Artifice Second Edition: Volume 1

Artifacts & Artifice Second Edition: Volume 1
by Infinium Game Studios

Second Edition Notes Artifacts & Artifice has been completely remastered, expanded, edited, and refined for its Second Edition.  Seven years after its Gold-bestselling initial release, AA is getting a new coat of paint... plus a TON of additional content and value. In addition to all of the things that made AA great to begin with, you get all of the following: New...   [click here for more]
43.Cities Without Number

Cities Without Number
by Sine Nomine Publishing

The world is neon and dust. There is nothing more than the flesh. There is nothing greater than the wires. There is nothing to dream that is not sold and nothing to worship that is not made. It is a mirrorshade world of human reflections, every red hunger and every black passion worshiped in cathedrals of glass and greed. The great love their sins like children and the least want only...   [click here for more]
44.The Spell Saying Guide

The Spell Saying Guide
by The Gorilla Of Destiny

Have you ever wanted to talk like a real academic wizard with consistent names for their spells, or to have something more fun to shouth than "FIREBALL!" every time you enter a small room? Then this is exactly what you need. This short document is a very simple exploration of how we might say spells in 5e (though the ideas hold true for a lot of different systems). It serves as the explainer and gives...   [click here for more]
45.Delta Green: God's Law

Delta Green: God's Law
by Arc Dream Publishing

"A TRADITION OF SERVICE" A shockingly, unnaturally gruesome death brings your Agents to Los Angeles. Their investigation quickly brings them into contact with the massive Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, long recognized by federal agencies and civilian whistleblowers as one of the most corrupt institutions in the country. One of the many criminal gangs that work as deputies has a particular...   [click here for more]
46.DRAGONLOCK Lost Dungeons: Master Set

DRAGONLOCK Lost Dungeons: Master Set
by Fat Dragon Games

SPECIAL OFFER - SAVE 50% FOR A LIMITED TIME! DRAGONLOCK Lost Dungeons™ is an all-new 3D printable terrain series that is the culmination of our 18 years of design experience in tabletop gaming, and this master set is so complete we even include a dungeon toilet! All models print supportless and are optimized for FDM 3D printers. This set features our innovative no-solder LED...   [click here for more]
47.ACKS II Monstrous Manual

ACKS II Monstrous Manual
by Autarch

Enter a world where empires stand on the brink of war, and terrible monsters tear at the fragile borderlands of men; where decaying cities teem with chaos and corruption, weeping innocents are sacrificed to chthonic cults and nobles live in decadent pleasure while the realm burns; where heroes, wizards, and rogues risk everything in pursuit of glory, fortune, and power. This is a world where adventurers...   [click here for more]
48.Armorsmith's Handbook (5e)

Armorsmith's Handbook (5e)
by Grim Press

Adventurers love buying magic items! We all know that the Shopping Session can be a drag, but maybe it doesn’t have to be? In the Armorsmith’s Handbook, we’ve detailed 20 engaging shop owners with a unique inventory of magical armors, shields, and wondrous items. In addition to the magical wares that your player’s want, we’ve included some content to help Game Masters...   [click here for more]
49.Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
by Pinnacle Entertainment

Savage Worlds is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing settings like DeadlandsRippers, or 50 Fathoms. The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the Game Master. If you’re looking for...   [click here for more]
50.Arcane Engineering

Arcane Engineering
by The Gorilla Of Destiny

Have you ever wanted to make circuits as a wizard in 5e? Redundant question of course you have! From the same idiot who made the best-selling titles: The Theory of Magic, The Spell Writing Guide, and The Spell Saying Guide; Arcane Engineering presents a deep dive into a possible system for creating and using arcane circuitry in 5e. Perfect for the wizard who is tired of Scrolls, Tomes,...   [click here for more]
51.The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium (5e)

The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium (5e)
by The Gorilla Of Destiny

Have you ever wanted your own spell book? Using the same base system as detailed in the Spell Writing Guide you can now write all your sorcerer's spells in a simple yet dignified way. While the wizards may write in some abstract mathetmatical nonsense the sorcerers write in far more natural forms. Presented as an in universe textbook given to students at the University of Theoretical Magic this book...   [click here for more]
52.Vagabond // Pulp Fantasy RPG - Core Rulebook

Vagabond // Pulp Fantasy RPG - Core Rulebook
by Land of the Blind

Drawing inspiration from Medieval romance stories, dungeon synth, and all dungeoncrawlers to come before it, Vagabond is a tabletop roleplaying game that blends old school practicality and modern TTRPG character expression. It also takes inspiration from modern Pulp Fantasy influence, with the potential for a Goblin Gunslinger to be delving a mummy’s tomb alongside a Dwarf Witch in search of Excalibur....   [click here for more]
53.Triangle Agency

Triangle Agency
by Haunted Table

"...the best game I've ever read." -Rowan Zeoli, Polygon One of Polygon's best new TTRPG books of 2024! "Top to bottom, Triangle Agency is a special game." - Aaron Boehm, Bloody Disgusting Welcome to the first job of the rest of your life! Triangle Agency is a tabletop role-playing game in a present-day setting about wielding...   [click here for more]
54.Solar Winds

Solar Winds
by Stellagama Publishing

Starships riding the lightning across the sky. Heroes and villains exchanging laser fire. A desperate struggle against an alien monstrosity. Vast alien vistas, flying cities, cratered moonscapes, crazed robots, and close encounters with aliens. Hair-raising science-fiction adventures engaging your sense of wonder. Now in a thin pocket booklet! This booklet includes all the rules...   [click here for more]
55.Index Card RPG: Master Edition

Index Card RPG: Master Edition

Index Card RPG has slowly built a die-hard following of DIY RPG creators and players over the past 5 years. Until now, it has been found in 3 hardcopy books and numerous PDF's published by Runehammer.  This newest edition, the MASTER EDITION, combines ICRPG's numerous worlds, streamlined D20 rules and critically acclaimed GM know-how all in one PDF, all revised and updated with its latest playtest...   [click here for more]
56.The Theory of Magic

The Theory of Magic
by The Gorilla Of Destiny

Ever wanted to create your own spells? Or roleplay a wizard with truly scientific understanding of magic? Or even just explore the hidden relationships between the spells of 5e? Then this is the book you need to take your role play wizarding to the next level! The Theory of Magic is a scientific approach to the magic seen in 5e created after a succesful kickstarter (£6.5k raised!). In this book we...   [click here for more]
57.The Divided States of America Role Playing Game

The Divided States of America Role Playing Game
by Nomadic Delirium Press

No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart. Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this. Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of fourteen nation-states and The Wastelands. Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined. Some nation-states...   [click here for more]
58.Stars Without Number: Revised Edition

Stars Without Number: Revised Edition
by Sine Nomine Publishing

The year is 3200 and mankind's empire lies in ashes. The Jump Gates fell six hundred years ago, severing the links between the myriad worlds of the human diaspora. Now, the long isolation of the Silence falls away as men and women return to the skies above their scattered worlds. Will you be among them once more? Stars Without Number: Revised Edition...   [click here for more]
59.Outgunned - Action Flicks Vol. 2

Outgunned - Action Flicks Vol. 2
by Two Little Mice

[English and Italian version included /// Include sia la versione italiana che quella inglese] Action Flicks Vol. 2 is a video store of mini-expansions for outgunned, the cinematic role-playing game. It’s a collection of ideas, mechanics, tips, and tools to get straight into the action in ever-changing and surprising contexts. In this book, you will find 10 Action Flicks: Star...   [click here for more]
60.Ker Nethalas: Into the Midnight Throne

Ker Nethalas: Into the Midnight Throne
by Blackoath Entertainment

Condemned to death. Executed. Yet somehow, you survived. Now you roam the endless tunnels of the City Below, the Midnight Throne: Ker Nethalas. Will your skills and wits save you once again, or will you join the countless restless dead? Welcome to Ker Nethalas: Into the Midnight Throne, a single player dungeon crawler set in an endless necropolis. With the tools...   [click here for more]

by Fat Dragon Games

Today is a good day to die... for the enemy crew! BATTLEFRONT VALKYRIE™ is a groundbreaking 3D printable wargame that delivers the thrill of epic fleet battles right to your tabletop, all at a cost that's just a fraction of traditional games!  This expansion set includes: Six transport ships, a stellar jump gate, a new game scenario, and...   [click here for more]
62.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Brecken Vale Gazetteer

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Brecken Vale Gazetteer
by Hero Forge Games

IN A DISTANT CORNER OF THE VARLD LIES THE BRECKEN VALE To secure the Brecken Vale'speace, its adult folk travel to distant lands where they pledge their swords, slings, and spells to the eternal battle against the armies of darkness that threaten the Varld. With the adults absent, the job of protecting the Vale falls to its brave youngsters; Hero Kids. Written specifically for GMs, the...   [click here for more]
63.Ironsworn: Delve

Ironsworn: Delve
by Shawn Tomkin

An ENNIE-winning expansion for the free Ironsworn RPG. Expeditions into perilous places, more foes and encounters, an array of new oracles, expanded setting info, mysterious objects of power, campaign threats, and much more! This supplement for the Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game takes your quests to the deepest, darkest reaches of the Ironlands. Plunge into subterranean...   [click here for more]
64.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Monster Compendium

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Monster Compendium
by Hero Forge Games

The Hero Kids Monster Compendium expansion includes 176 monsters for your game: Bats, Beguilers, Boars, Brigands, Bugbears, Commoners, Constructs, Coot and Crone, Cultists, Dragon Lords, Dragons, Elementals, Firestarter, Flaming Skull, Foxes, Froglings, Gargoyle, Ghost, Giants, Gladiators, Goblins, Gorillas, Guards, Helm Knight, Hydra, Knights, Kobolds, Lizardkin, Minotaur, Mummies, Nagians, Orcs,...   [click here for more]

by Questing Beast Games

KNAVE is a rules toolkit for running old school fantasy RPGs without classes. Looking for an adventure for Knave? Try The Waking of Willowby Hall. "Knave brilliantly streamlines Old-School D&D into a lean, mean, seven-page package that eliminates all need for charts and flipping. It's intuitive, fast and accessible to novices." -Professor Dungeon Master, Dungeon Craft...   [click here for more]
66.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Darkness Neath Rivenshore

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Darkness Neath Rivenshore
by Hero Forge Games

This seven-encounter adventure takes place in the ancient tunnels, chambers, and cisterns beneath Rivenshore. When the town’s well runs dry, a child’s pleas for help echo from the dry pit.  The kids must delve to rescue the lost child.  Yet something sinister lurks in the ancient structures beneath the town, and the kids will need all their skill and bravery to rescue the lost child Emon. •  Adventure...   [click here for more]
67.Wally DM's Journal of Puzzle Encounters

Wally DM's Journal of Puzzle Encounters
by Wally DM

Hello there adventurers and welcome to Wally DM! Thank you for purchasing my Journal of Puzzle Encounters. Within this journal you will find 60 puzzles that you can use to add an element of mystery, intrigue and fun to your fantasy role-playing games. Your players will have their characters swapping out gems of an owl statue to open doors, turning their hand to stone to unlock a portal, or tasting...   [click here for more]
68.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Advancement Cards

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Advancement Cards
by Hero Forge Games

The Hero Kids Hero Advancement Cards expansion includes 120 cards. The Hero Advancement system allows players to improve all aspects of their heroes: • Improve abilities (melee, ranged, magic, or armor) • Gain new abilities (melee, ranged, magic, or armor) • Add an additional health level to their hero • Learn new skills • Train new special actions • Master new bonus abilities ...   [click here for more]

by Candlenaut

Limited-Time Discount! From the creator of the bestselling games ENTITY, KUROI, and Campfire Story comes STORYTELLERS, a new multi-genre RPG for 1–5 players. Create your own world, play your own stories. Whether solo or with friends, STORYTELLERS lets you build your own setting and play unforgettable...   [click here for more]
70.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards VI

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards VI
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new All Hallows' Eve heroes for your game: Jester Alchemist - The jester always gets the last laugh against anyone nearby Bear Brute - The bear brute is a formidable combatant Satyr Druid - The satyr can channel powerful druidic healing Krampus Duelist - Terrifying in stature and in combat Raven Hunter - The raven harries enemies from a distance Gorgon...   [click here for more]
71.Hero Kids - Fantasy Premium Adventure - Reign of the Dragon

Hero Kids - Fantasy Premium Adventure - Reign of the Dragon
by Hero Forge Games

This premium adventure takes the kids on a journey to rescue the dragon Algoxarth.   Can the kids slip past the cultists who have surrounded Rivenshore?  And can they rescue Algoxarth and her dragon egg from the Dragon Prince, or will he succeed in his fiendish plan? •  Premium adventure with 11 encounters •  Includes monsters; cultists, dragon, dragon hatchling, dragon prince •  Includes...   [click here for more]
72.Ironsworn: Starforged

Ironsworn: Starforged
by Shawn Tomkin

The Sci-Fi Evolution of the Ironsworn RPG is Here! In Ironsworn: Starforged, you are a spaceborne hero sworn to undertake perilous quests. You will explore uncharted space, unravel the secrets of a mysterious galaxy, and build bonds with those you meet on your travels. Most importantly, you will swear iron vows and see them fulfilled—no matter the cost. Starforged is a standalone...   [click here for more]
73.Dungeon World

Dungeon World
by Burning Wheel

Golden Geek RPG of the Year 2012 Indie RPG 2012 Winner: Best Game, Best Support, Best Production ENnie Award Winner 2013: Best Rules - Gold Winner Combining high-action dungeon crawling with cutting-edge rules, Dungeon World is a roleplaying game of fantasy adventure. You and your friends will explore a land of magic and danger in the roles of adventurers...   [click here for more]
74.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Pet Cards II

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Pet Cards II
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new monstrous pets for your game: • Beguiler - The beguiler's eyestalks unleash powerful and versatile magic • Boar - The battle-boar carries stalwart heroes into battle • Gorilla - Enemies' attacks only strengthen the gorilla's attacks • Griffon - The griffon swoops down to carry off its prey • Hydra - Each of the hydra's three heads...   [click here for more]
75.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards V

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards V
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new monstrous heroes for your game: Gargoyle Ambusher - The gargoyle hides in plain sight and swoops to attack Bugbear Brute - The bugbear brute swings a tree-trunk club Frogling Hunter - The frogling's sticky tongue pulls enemies closer Minotaur Knight - This bovine beast can charge with fierce horns Mummy Mage - The withering mummy terrifies enemies Goblin...   [click here for more]
76.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Wizard's Tower

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Wizard's Tower
by Hero Forge Games

The Wizard's Tower adventure takes the heroes from Rivenshore to the wizard’s tower on the eastern peninsula that encloses Brecken Bay.  The wizard, Mortain, has gotten himself into strife and needs the kids’ help! •  Adventure with five encounters and six new maps •  Includes five monsters: Froglings, water beast, rickety construct, and the fearsome helm knight ...   [click here for more]
77.Deathbringer RPG

Deathbringer RPG
by Dungeon University Presents

As seen on the DungeonCraft YouTube channel, Deathbringer RPG is a grimdark fantasy rules kit compatible with 5E and any OSR retroclone. This tri-fold rules set contains all you need for character creation, combat, & spellcasting. The unique Deathbringer Dice mechanic replaces traditional features, feats and skills with a fast, flexible alternative. Get ready for breakneck, bone-crunching, skull-smashing,...   [click here for more]
78.Biology for Fantasy Settings [Revised, Updated & Expanded Edition]

Biology for Fantasy Settings [Revised, Updated & Expanded Edition]
by Skirmisher Publishing

When designing a fantasy setting, the biology of our home planet can serve as a wonderfully rich source for generating a new world and the creatures that inhabit it. But a world creator should not forget the fantasy aspect, or feel restricted to using Earth’s biosphere as an unyielding template. Several otherwise excellent resources all suffer from the flaw of using real-world ecology in fantasy...   [click here for more]
79.Blades in the Dark

Blades in the Dark
by One Seven

Winner: 2015 Golden Geek, RPG of the Year Winner: 2016 Indie RPG Award, Game of the Year (also Best Production and Best Support) Blades in the Dark is a tabletop role-playing game about a crew of daring scoundrels seeking their fortunes on the haunted streets of an industrial-fantasy city. There are heists, chases, occult mysteries, dangerous bargains,...   [click here for more]

by Melsonian Arts Council

What is Swyvers? Swyvers is a tabletop role-playing game about bastards. You and your gang of criminals scarper through heists and sewers, stalk through the filth of The Smoke and, if you’re lucky, you’ll make it out with a few extra shillings. The whole of this city is your filthy, sickly oyster. Swyvers is a light-weight set of rules married to a full set of tools and tables for running a...   [click here for more]
81.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Twilight Watchtower

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Twilight Watchtower
by Hero Forge Games

This five-encounter adventure takes the kids out of Rivenshore and into the surrounding lands of Skritteland. In Twilight Watchtower, a husband and wife team of farmers travel to Rivenshore begging for help. Their two children have disappeared. The parents tell the kids – our heroes – about lights they’ve glimpsed from a ruined watchtower on a cliff-top near their farm.  What will the kids...   [click here for more]
82.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards IV

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards IV
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new forest heroes for your game: Spear Bearer - This ferret hero uses his spear to keep enemies at bay Knight - The turtle's armor protects him from enemy attacks, which enrage his replies Rogue - The shrew moves like a shadow and strikes distracted enemies Brute - This badger is a ferocious combatant who specializes in knocking down enemies Warlock...   [click here for more]
83.Ancestry & Culture: An Alternative to Race in 5e

Ancestry & Culture: An Alternative to Race in 5e
by Arcanist Press

Click here for the FREE rules addition to create mixed species characters with the 2024 edition rules! Character creation rules for 5e that replace race with ancestry, culture, and mixed heritage, for awesome new PCs Two Time ENnie Award Winner for Best Electronic Book and Best Supplement! Nominated for Product of the Year!...   [click here for more]
84.Modern Occult: Creating a Campaign Bible

Modern Occult: Creating a Campaign Bible
by Lightspress Media

Modern Occult: Creating a Campaign Bible is a roleplaying sourcebook designed to help you build and maintain a series bible for fantasy settings. a series bible is a tool used in television production to keep track of characters, locations, and storylines, ensuring consistency across episodes. It’s nothing unusual, and despite the word “bible,” it has nothing to do with religion....   [click here for more]
85.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Equipment Cards

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Equipment Cards
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes forty-eight pieces of equipment for your game: Armor: Pieces of armor and shields for defense and offense Items: Consumable potions and special items Magic: Wands and staffs for all types of magi Melee: Martial weapons for all fighting styles Miscellaneous: Pendants, charms, and special purpose weapons Ranged: Bows, bows, and more bows, but each unlike...   [click here for more]
86.~ Cartes pour une Forêt Enchantée (36 x 24) ~

~ Cartes pour une Forêt Enchantée (36 x 24) ~
by Skirmisher Publishing

Ces cartes réalisées par l’artiste de fantasy Bob Greyvenstein, représentent une partie d’une Forêt enchantée, riche en inspiration grâce à ses accidents de terrain : falaises, chemins, petite colline rocheuse, entrée d’un ravin, portion d’étang, ruisseau franchi par un pont, cercle de sorcières, colossale statue de pierre, vieux chêne majestueux, et autres. Ce titre comprend deux...   [click here for more]
87.The Ironclad Ogre

The Ironclad Ogre
by M.T. Black Games

Confront a terrifying enemy in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game! A beloved villager disappears and the blame falls upon an enigmatic ogre clad in mismatched armor. Our heroes set out to an abandoned tower in a brooding forest, preparing to face down a formidable foe. Yet all is not as it seems... The Ironclad Ogre is a 2-4 hour adventure for 1st-...   [click here for more]
88.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Pet Cards

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Pet Cards
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes eleven new pets for your game: Pixie - The pixie's small frame holds powerful magic Hound - The hound fights even more fiercely when hurt Eagle - Eagles attack their targets with swooping attacks Fox - The tiny fox responds to attacks with a vicious bite Bear - The bear's best defense is a strong friend at its back Lynx - This large feline transforms...   [click here for more]
89.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Tomb of the Lost King

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Tomb of the Lost King
by Hero Forge Games

On the night of the dead moon, the kids are woken by the ghost of their clan's lost king, Rothgar.  Can the kids overcome Rothgar's challenges and earn a valuable piece of equipment? •  Adventure with 6 encounters and maps •  Includes several new monsters, including several new skeletons and the scary ghost ...   [click here for more]
90.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards VII

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards VII
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new Heroes From Out of Time for your game: Athlete - The athlete's massive strength and imposing frame makes them a formidable sight Ghost - Practiced in passing unnoticed, Ghost uses an improvised surujin to strike at distant foes  Goth - The goth's unique style belies her knowledge of herbal healing remedies Hick - This country boy never travels...   [click here for more]
91.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Fire in Rivenshore

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Fire in Rivenshore
by Hero Forge Games

The Fire In Rivenshore adventure takes place when a fire breaks out in Rivenshore.  The kids are asked to help battle the blaze and find its source.  After rescuing Roger in the burning tavern and battling looters, the kids discover that a bullied street urchin (Bree) is responsible for the fires. But do they choose to arrest her or let her go? •  Adventure with five encounters and seven new...   [click here for more]
92.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards II

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards II
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new heroes for your game: Acrobat - Perform spectacular flips and tumbles to get in and out of trouble Alchemist - This bomb thrower is dangerous to enemies and allies Brute (Female) - The female brute is big enough to take on any enemy Healer (Male) - Trained in the forests of the Brecken Vale, the healer is a great addition to any group of heroes Hunter...   [click here for more]
93.Kids on Bikes: Core Rulebook

Kids on Bikes: Core Rulebook
by Hunters Entertainment

Kids on Bikes Second Edition has arrived on DriveThruRPG! Click here to grab it! What is new in Kids on Bikes Second Edition? Guided Session Zero Everything you need to set up your first session of gameplay Worldbuilding tools to build your own small town Expanded tools from the first edition to make a rich network of connections, a fascinating location history, and a system for building safe,...   [click here for more]
94.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Mines of Martek

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Mines of Martek
by Hero Forge Games

When two brave miners (not minors) disappear after reopening the Mines or Martek, the kids are the only ones who are small enough to squeeze through the rock-fall that has blocked the entrance.   Can the kids rescue the miners and find out what caused the mines to be abandoned in the first place? •  Adventure with 7 encounters and maps •  Includes several new monsters, including the...   [click here for more]
95.Dragonzine Issue 02

Dragonzine Issue 02
by Dragon Cult Games

Dragonzine is back, bigger and better with a new and improved layout design and over 200 pages of Dragonbane content! Issue 2 focuses on monsters, and includes: - In-depth interviews with writer and game designer Magnus Seter and artist Dave Brasgalla about their work on the Dragonbane Bestiary. - A bumper Bestiary section with 10 new creatures – 5 monsters with attacks tables (void crawler, wyvern,...   [click here for more]
96.100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower [Revised, Updated & Expanded Edition]

100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower [Revised, Updated & Expanded Edition]
by Skirmisher Publishing

Welcome to “100 Oddities for a Wizard’s Tower,” a volume in Skirmisher Publishing’s bestselling series of system-free sourcebooks designed to help develop fun and engaging stories and to enhance encounters with compelling curiosities! Oddities are things that stand out from the ordinary, and good ones awaken curiosity and creativity in player and storyteller alike, adding interest to encounters,...   [click here for more]
97.Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards III

Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Hero Cards III
by Hero Forge Games

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new exotic heroes for your game: Arbalest - The dwarf arbalest's powerful crossbow can shoot right through enemies Blade Dancer - The scything blades of this dragon-kin can attack two enemies Blade Dancer - With two blades, this drow blade dancer is a fearsome attacker Brute (Male) - This unstoppable dragon-kin trades off armor for a heavy blade Druid...   [click here for more]
98.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - The Lost Village

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - The Lost Village
by Hero Forge Games

On the eve of another harsh winter, the kids are sent on a journey to the village of Willowsdell to to determine why their autumn produce wagons have not arrived in Rivenshore.  Can the kids make it to the distant outpost and discover what has happened to the lost village? •  Adventure with 9 encounters and 5 new encounter maps •  Includes a 8 new monsters to add you your kids'...   [click here for more]
99.Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Yuletide Journey

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Yuletide Journey
by Hero Forge Games

The Yuletide Journey adventure takes place in the days before Rivenshore's annual midwinter Yuletide feast.  But the village has not heard from their festival's annual guest, Odin, who is the protector of the Brecken Vale.  The kids set out on a journey to Odin's home in the northern mountains, and along the way they meet new friends, overcome dangerous challenges, and face fearsome enemies. •  Adventure...   [click here for more]
100.Hero Kids - Fantasy Premium Adventure - Maze of the Minotaur

Hero Kids - Fantasy Premium Adventure - Maze of the Minotaur
by Hero Forge Games

This premium adventure takes the kids deep into the lair of the fabled minotaur.   Can the kids find a piece of the beast's treasure and escape, or will they fall foul to the minotaur or one of the other monsters and traps as they explore his maze? •  Premium adventure with 8-12 encounters (or more...) •  Includes the unique minotaur monster •  Comes with 35 modular map tiles to...   [click here for more]
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