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Valentine's Sale

You have 4 days, 9 hours and 47 minutes until our sale ends.

 Hottest OSR Good Ol' Gaming

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Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure

Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure

For more  DIY RPG Productions info and new, click here!  For apparel, stickers, stamps, etc., click here! HUBRIS WON 2017 ENNIE FOR BEST ELECTRONIC BOOK! Please note that this book has black and white interior art and the listing of standard color was so a better quality paper would be used in the printing.  Thanks! Hubris is a weird fantasy setting that  uses...   [click here for more]
DIY RPG Productions  $9.99

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Dungeon Crawl Classics #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea

Dungeon Crawl Classics #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea

A Level 0 Adventure Find out why this is among the most-celebrated adventures for DCC RPG! Since time immemorial you and your people have toiled in the shadow of the cyclopean ruins. Of mysterious origins and the source of many a superstition, they have always been considered a secret best left unknown by the folk of your hamlet. But now something stirs beneath the crumbling...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $6.99

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Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Dragon Cover)

Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Dragon Cover)

Labyrinth Lord doesn't waste precious game time. We're older now. It's hard enough setting aside time to game. Then you have to wrangle all your players together at the same time. The last thing you want is your hard-fought game time wasted. Combats in Labyrinth Lord are resolved quickly. Running adventures isn't bogged down with bloated monster stats and overcomplicated...   [click here for more]
Goblinoid Games  $14.99

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Free Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 7th Printing

Free Castles & Crusades Players Handbook 7th Printing

TLG 80107 Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, 7th Printing We’ve moved to the 7th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook. A pillar of the table top RPG industry, Castles & Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school gamer with the easy to use modern mechanics. The Players Handbook has all you need to get started in a wild ride of adventure! It’s easy...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  Pay What You Want

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Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Orcus Cover)

Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Orcus Cover)

Labyrinth Lord doesn't waste precious game time. We're older now. It's hard enough setting aside time to game. Then you have to wrangle all your players together at the same time. The last thing you want is your hard-fought game time wasted. Combats in Labyrinth Lord are resolved quickly. Running adventures isn't bogged down with bloated monster stats and overcomplicated...   [click here for more]
Goblinoid Games  $14.99

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Labyrinth Lord: Revised Edition

Labyrinth Lord: Revised Edition

Down to the Roots of Fantasy Gaming "Enter a world filled with labyrinths, magic, and monsters! You can take the role of a cleric, dwarf, elf, fighter, halfling, magic-user, or thief on your quest for glory, treasure, and adventure! This is a complete role playing game. All you need are a few sheets of paper and some dice. Welcome back to a simpler old-school gaming experience. The Labyrinth Lord...   [click here for more]
Goblinoid Games  $9.99

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Crawl! fanzine no. 6

Crawl! fanzine no. 6

Crawl! No.6: Classic Class Collection! New classes for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG as chosen by the DCC RPG community: The Talented Bard! The Tricky Gnome! The faithful Paladin! The survivalist Ranger! Plus a New Spell And Custom Thieves! About Crawl! fanzine...   [click here for more]

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Mutant Crawl Classics RPG

Mutant Crawl Classics RPG

Triumph & Technology Won by Mutants & Magic You’re no zero. You’re a wasteland wanderer: a mutant, a seeker, a robot-killer, a stoic shaman guarding forgotten ancient sciences. You seek triumph and technology, winning it with mutations and magic, soaked in the radiation and quantum fields of the mutated, the savage, the semi-sentient, and the artificially intelligent. There are...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $24.99

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Auran Empire Primer

Auran Empire Primer

Enter a world of adventure, where a once-majestic empire is slipping into oblivion, and bold and ambitious conquerors are rising to forge new realms from the ashes of the old.  The Auran Empire Primer provides an introduction to: The geography of the world of Cybele and the continent of Aurëpos, with a two-page full color map gridded in 24-mile hexes. The history of the Auran Empire and...   [click here for more]
Autarch  $2.50

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DCC Lankhmar: Masks of Lankhmar

DCC Lankhmar: Masks of Lankhmar

The Goodman Games Kickstarter for DCC Lankhmar is live now! Search "Lankhmar" on Kickstarter to find it. Pledge your support while the stretch goals are strong! Authorized by the estate of Fritz Leiber! A level 1 adventure for DCC RPG A heist gone wrong brings an unlikely group of thieves together and sets off a search...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $2.00

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Storyteller's Dictionary

Storyteller's Dictionary

Writers, game designers, teachers, and students ~ this is the dictionary you’ve been waiting for! Like no other dictionary the Storyteller’s Dictionary breaks down and defines the words you need by subject matter. In this volume, you’ll find a host of useful words. Geologic Terms, fauna and flora cover everything you might want to know about the terrain, animals and plants of a given biome....   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  $19.99

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Oldskull Necronomicon I

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Oldskull Necronomicon I

That is not dead which can eternal lie,   And with strange aeons, even Death may die.   (Al Azif, Necronomicon, Scroll 50, fin.)   THE GREATEST NECROMANCER of H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, Abdul Alhazred, comes to vivid and haunting life in this compelling first codex from the most fabled and infamous grimoire of black magic that the world has ever known:...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  $2.99

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Realms of Crawling Chaos (Labyrinth Lord)

Realms of Crawling Chaos (Labyrinth Lord)

In R'lyeh, Cthulhu Stirs... Evil cultists consummate their union with Shub-Niggurath in dark woods no other mortals dare go. Alien terrors lurk in the underworld; their vast riches wait, or their incomprehensible powers could leave you broken, dead, or worse. Adventure in underworlds filled with horrible entities, or the ruins of alien beings that enslaved the ape-like ancestors of mankind....   [click here for more]
Goblinoid Games  $6.99

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Apes Victorious

Apes Victorious

ALERT! ALERT! PREMATURE LANDING! You groggily come back to consciousness after a long cryosleep. Your ship’s warning system is telling you the ship has entered the atmosphere of a planet and is about to crash land under autopilot. Crawling to a seat, you buckle in, joining your fellow astronauts as you quickly check instrument readings. Through the cockpit window you see a barren, desolate...   [click here for more]
Goblinoid Games  $5.99

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DCC Lankhmar: Patrons of Lankhmar

DCC Lankhmar: Patrons of Lankhmar

The Goodman Games Kickstarter for DCC Lankhmar is live now! Search "Lankhmar" on Kickstarter to find it. Pledge your support while the stretch goals are strong! Authorized by the estate of Fritz Leiber! From beneath the Outer Ocean, from out of the depths of the Great Salt Marsh, and from the odd...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $2.00

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - 1,000 Rooms of Chaos

CASTLE OLDSKULL - 1,000 Rooms of Chaos

"Ah, yes.  And what do we find here?  Why, the dark harlequin of the underworld neath Castle Oldskull, Groohlz-Drakha, has brought you his cruelest and most luscious map of the nether:  Herein you will find 1,000 Rooms of Chaos, direct from the most secret lore of Darkseraphim’s own Castle Oldskull.  But here in this codex, which I now grant you, lieth only the names of the rooms,...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  $2.99

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DCC Lankhmar: Through Ningauble's Cave

DCC Lankhmar: Through Ningauble's Cave

The Goodman Games Kickstarter for DCC Lankhmar is live now! Search "Lankhmar" on Kickstarter to find it. Pledge your support while the stretch goals are strong! Authorized by the estate of Fritz Leiber! Tread in the footsteps of the legendary Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser!  Through Ningauble’s Cave is the first release in the Dungeon Crawl Classics...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $2.00

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Crawl! fanzine no.2

Crawl! fanzine no.2

The 2nd issue of Crawl!, the fanzine dedicated to Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.  This issue features:  Treasure Tables, Lucky and Legendary Items! New weapons and equipment by Colin Chapman! A merchant from the Sunken City by Jon Marr! New art from new artists! (And our awesome regular ones too!) About Crawl! fanzine...   [click here for more]

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Twisted Menagerie Manual (DCC)

Twisted Menagerie Manual (DCC)

The Twisted Menagerie Manual A gonzo post-apocalyptic monster book for Umerica or other weird realms. The wild and weird world of Umerica is a dangerous place filled with murderous creatures. It’s a good thing too since XP does not grow on trees! Within these pages dwell a cornucopia of crafty creatures to cram your campaign with consternation and paralyze your party with panic. Each one listed with...   [click here for more]
Shield of Faith Studios  $7.99

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Advanced Edition Companion (Labyrinth Lord)

Advanced Edition Companion (Labyrinth Lord)

Advance the Game To the next level of play The advanced first edition game as you remember it. Labyrinth Lord gives you the play experience of the old editions of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game! The Advanced Edition Companion is a handbook of advanced player and referee options. Play the race and class possibilities from the "advanced" first edition...   [click here for more]
Goblinoid Games  $9.99

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Crawl! fanzine no. 10

Crawl! fanzine no. 10

Crawl! no.10: New Class Options! Race as Class feeling limited? This issue features New class options for Demi-humans! Elven Rogue - Elves with Thief Abilities Dwarven Priest - Dwarves with Cleric Abilities Halfling Burglar - Halflings Expanded with Thief Abilities Halfling Champion - Halflings with Mighty Deeds A...   [click here for more]

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Crawl! fanzine no. 5

Crawl! fanzine no. 5

Between your ADVENTURERS and what they think is their TREASURE are MONSTERS. Monsters, and more Monsters! In this issue be Monsters! Monsters with Class-like features! The ORC as a monsterous Player Class! A cheat sheet for quick monster stats! Different takes on some standard monsters! Quick Wandering Monster Tables! and,...   [click here for more]

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Crawl! fanzine no.1

Crawl! fanzine no.1

The first issue of Crawl!, the ORIGINAL ZINE for DCC RPG, features: The first ever new 3rd party Patron! Simple tips & tricks for running Sword & Sorcery campaigns! Converting Old-School Spells! New skill systems! And a few other new rules to mix things up! The ultimate edition of Crawl! no.1 includes the 2013 layout by Matt Hildebrand,...   [click here for more]

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Sunken City Omnibus (DCC RPG)

Sunken City Omnibus (DCC RPG)

The Sunken City Adventure Omnibus & Guide contains four complete beginning adventures and a host of new material to enhance your Dungeon Crawl Classics campaign. Features include: Every best-selling Sunken City Adventure (Perils of the Sunken City, The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk, A Gathering of the Marked, Lair of the Mist Men) combined and refined into a single...   [click here for more]
Purple Sorcerer Games  $12.99

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Castles & Crusades Bluffside City on the Edge

Castles & Crusades Bluffside City on the Edge

Welcome to Bluffside: City on the Edge, a boom town boasting the most precious metal in the known world - adamantine. Perched upon high cliffs overlooking the deep waters of Crater Bay Bluffside’s many districts sprawl into the country beyond, climb the cliffs and ride the waters. Here is a city forged on power, where corruption mingles with purity and men contend with one the other for gold or glory,...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  $27.99

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Crawl! fanzine no.3

Crawl! fanzine no.3

The 3rd issue of Crawl! features:Simple Spell System for NPCs! The Magic Wand spell by RavenCrowking! A Magical Kobold by Sean Ellis! Anti-Magic Items by Jon Wilson! Expanded Familiar entries by Colin Chapman! The long-awaited Patron Spells of Van den Danderclanden by Brett Miller! Note!...   [click here for more]

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Crawl! fanzine no. 4

Crawl! fanzine no. 4

The 4th issue of Crawl! is an adventure module by Yves Larochelle and art by Scott Ackerman. It features: A complete adventure for 4 to 8 5th-level characters! A detailed village full of interesting locals but with a hidden secret! A nearby forest full of unique beasts including a dragon! A deadly dungeon with a sinister evil! Plus new magic items and...   [click here for more]

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Castles & Crusades Codex Nordica

Castles & Crusades Codex Nordica

With iron grips they held their ships at sea. Face to the wind, back to the mist, they cut the water in their dragon prow ships, bringing the song of death and plunder upon the backs of gods that rose from the maelstrom of eternity. With axe and sword, shield and spear, they rose as if from the ether and opened the world to a storm of primeval lust. The Codex Nordica plunges into their world, exploring...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  $14.99

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Dungeon Crawl Classics #86: The Hole In The Sky

Dungeon Crawl Classics #86: The Hole In The Sky

A Level 0 Adventure The Lady in Blue, a mysterious figure of cosmic power, enlists a band of simple peasants for a strange task. They are to follow an invisible bridge until they arrive at a hole in the sky – and then jump through. Death awaits all but the bravest, strongest, and luckiest, but the Lady offers a reward beyond all the riches of the world: the chance to change the very stars...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $6.99

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - Monsters & Treasures Level 1

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Monsters & Treasures Level 1

AND SO YOU DARE to open the dungeon door, delving deeper into the upper ruins of nefarious Castle Oldskull. The door opens with a groan, puffing moldy spores into the air. Some evil creature cackles in the dark. You grip your sword, thrust your torch into the murky shadows, and … What do you find? Snarling orcs? Skulking goblins who worship the fire demon who reigns in the Abyss? Dark elves wielding...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  $2.99

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Crawl! fanzine no. 9

Crawl! fanzine no. 9

Crawl! no.9The Arwich Grinder The Curwen Family have lived up among the pine woods on the outskirts of Arwich Village for as long as the oldest village gaffers can remember. The beautiful Bessie Curwen's bonnet is found in a strange creature's grasp. The village owes much to her family, so someone must go up into the dark pine-clad hills to make sure that the Curwens are all...   [click here for more]

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Nebin Pendlebrook's Perilous Pantry (DCC)

Nebin Pendlebrook's Perilous Pantry (DCC)

"This is one of those rare purchases that I honestly think should be more expensive and it would still be totally worth it." - Humanitarion Orc "It might just be the perfect introductory adventure for folk new to tabletop and to the Dungeons Crawl Classics RPG in particular." - Just Another Old School Gaming Blog (full review below) The tiny village of Bitterweed Barrow is unaccustomed...   [click here for more]
Purple Sorcerer Games  $4.49

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Crawl! fanzine no. 11

Crawl! fanzine no. 11

Crawl! fanzine no.11: The Seafaring Issue! (PDF) The long awaited maritime issue is now available! Features: Naval Warfare for Ocean Crawlers Nautical Mighty Deeds Fantastic Forms of Sea Ship Propulsion The Deep Elders - Deep sea servants of Dagon Life Aboard - Ship morale and on-board events Written by Bob Brinkman, Rev. Dak...   [click here for more]

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Crawl! fanzine no. 8

Crawl! fanzine no. 8

Crawl! No.8: Firearms! Rules and tools to introduce firearms to the DCC RPG! Basic Firearms Rules Optional Rules Different Eras of the Firearm Invasion! An adventure tool-kit Crit and Fumble Tables for Firearms A slightly different version of this issue is also available for the Swords & Wizardry game as Hack!...   [click here for more]

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Crawl! fanzine no. 7

Crawl! fanzine no. 7

Crawl! No.7: Tips, Tricks and Traps! Tips and Tricks for playing DCC RPG! And making Traps more brutal! Run Mazes! Creative Skill Checks! Unique Ogres! A Chaotic Sword! and Crit Tables for Traps! About Crawl! fanzine Crawl! fanzine is a zine for Dungeon...   [click here for more]

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Crawl! fanzine no. 12

Crawl! fanzine no. 12

Crawl! fanzine no.12: The Luck Issue! (PDF) The latest issue Crawl! is dedicated to one of the unique features of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, the Luck ability score! Features: Tips for dealing with Luck checks Alternatives to Luck checks Using Luck as a motivator Burning Luck for Mighty Deeds Other ways to burn Luck Luck Tables Debut of The Dungeon Balladeer Written...   [click here for more]

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Umerican Survival Guide, Delve cover (DCC)

Umerican Survival Guide, Delve cover (DCC)

The Umerican Survival Guide A Gonzo Post-Apocalyptic Campaign Setting and Sourcebook based on the articles of Crawling Under a Broken Moon Foretold in the ancient calendars, early in the 21st century a rogue object from deep space hurtled near the Earth and struck the Moon. Its impact caused catastrophic destruction around the globe, ripping the very fabric of time and space itself; yet mankind still...   [click here for more]
Shield of Faith Studios  $6.99

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - 1,000 Rooms of Chaos II

CASTLE OLDSKULL - 1,000 Rooms of Chaos II

"Ah, yes.  And what do we find here?  Why, the dark harlequin of the underworld neath Castle Oldskull, Groohlz-Drakha, has brought you his cruelest and most luscious map of the nether:  Herein you will find 1,000 Rooms of Chaos, direct from the most secret lore of Darkseraphim’s own Castle Oldskull.  But here in this codex, which I now grant you, lieth only the names of the rooms,...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  $2.99

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - 333 Realms of Entropy

CASTLE OLDSKULL - 333 Realms of Entropy

Herein you will find 333 fleeting glimpses of the World of Oldskull … the Realms of Entropy.  What wonders will you create from these enigmatic inspirations? The realms in this book will give you enthralling and mysterious idea-shards filled with exotic locales, disturbing secrets, and haunting monster encounters which you can make your own. Each of the 333 realms is uniquely...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  $2.99

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Crawling Under a Broken Moon Compilation (DCC)

Crawling Under a Broken Moon Compilation (DCC)

Contained within this mighty tome is all 18 issues of the Crawling Under a Broken Moon zine. Each issue is chock full of post-apocalyptic goodness set in the weird and wild world of Umerica! What you will find inside: Over 70 new post-apocalyptic monsters to plague your players. Two full adventures and several adventure locations set in Umerica. 15 new PC classes - Aetherian Hero, Battle Chanter,...   [click here for more]
Shield of Faith Studios  $11.99

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CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Oldskull Deck of Strangest Things

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Oldskull Deck of Strangest Things

For all levels, all classes, all who dare. Shake your old school campaign to its foundations with the ultimate magic item …   THE OLDSKULL DECK OF STRANGEST THINGS is a deluxe supplement detailing the hundreds of effects created by a Tarot-inspired minor artifact.  Profusely illustrated throughout with beautiful card motifs, and with printable color...   [click here for more]
Kent David Kelly  $2.99

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Slave-Drones of the Fantas-Ti-Plex (DCC)

Slave-Drones of the Fantas-Ti-Plex (DCC)

AN ODD UMERICAN 0-LEVEL FUNNEL ADVENTURE FOR EXPERIENCED JUDGES WELCOME TO THE FANTAS-TI-PLEX! A lovely underground dystopian complex ruled by the ever beneficent Autocrat. Here all drones live in peace and prosperity, because the Autocrat says so. I mean, why would any of the drones doubt him, EVER. It is a perfect place to barely live and no one would EVER want to leave, right? Slave-Drones of the...   [click here for more]
Shield of Faith Studios  $3.99

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Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen in Time

Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen in Time

A Level 1 Adventure Eons-old secrets slumber beneath the forbidden Ghost Ice. Since the time of the Elders, the local tribes have shunned the crawling glacier, knowing it as taboo land that slays all who tread its frigid expanse. Now, the Ghost Ice has shattered, revealing hints at deeper mysteries entombed within its icy grasp. Strange machines and wonderful horrors stir beneath the ice…...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $6.99

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The Monster Alphabet

The Monster Alphabet

Designing monsters is as easy as A, B, C! What foul beasts slosh and gibber in the furthest reaches of your skull? Unleash your demons with the Monster Alphabet, a compilation of monster design elements keyed to letters of the alphabet. A is for Android, B is for Breath Weapon, C is for Crossbreed! Game masters of any rule system will find inspiration for creating strange, new abominations:...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $11.99

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The Carnival of the Damned (DCC)

The Carnival of the Damned (DCC)

A band of villagers are trapped in a mist-shrouded carnival in the dead of night, facing death at every turn. Can they survive twisted oddities like the corpse-filled Tunnel of Love and the dreaded Bone Coaster? Filled with fantastic art, the Carnival of the Damned unleashes nightmares into any campaign, with encounters refined and polished by the anguished screams of hundreds of players at...   [click here for more]
Purple Sorcerer Games  $9.99

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Castles & Crusades Town of Kalas

Castles & Crusades Town of Kalas

Sitting on the banks of the Ganda river estuary, the town of Kalas has a population of some 8,000 souls. The Town sees a great deal of business pass in through its gates; river barges coming down from the lakes, seagoing merchant vessels and privateers, as well as caravans coming in from the Ust-Aan steppes. The town serves as a trading centre, a rest stop, and as a place to refit vessels, caravans...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  $18.00

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Moat Monsters: A Sourcebook for OGL RPGs

Moat Monsters: A Sourcebook for OGL RPGs

In most fantasy settings, castles and cities are vital components of civilization, and many of these rely on moats for defense. These large ditches are usually filled with water and meant to stop attackers from reaching the outer walls. Although this tactic was successful in real world history, traditional moats are not as effective in fantasy worlds because of the existence of magic. To counter this...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $1.99

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Dungeon Crawl Classics #70: Jewels of the Carnifex

Dungeon Crawl Classics #70: Jewels of the Carnifex

A Level 3 Adventure for DCC RPG At the end of a forgotten back alley, in the weird and otherworldly marketplace of faiths known as the Bazaar of the Gods, stands the ruins of a forgotten chapel. Once the cult of the Carnifex was celebrated throughout the City of a Thousand Gates. But a band of holy warriors rose against the cult of executioners and torturers, casting down her signs and scattering...   [click here for more]
Goodman Games  $6.99

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Killer of Giants, an Umerican adventure (DCC)

Killer of Giants, an Umerican adventure (DCC)

AN UMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE ADVENTURE FOR 3+ LEVEL CHARACTERS The protections surrounding an ancient military base, home to the fabled “Killer of Giants”, are down! The denizens of Umerica have flocked to the base to grab what they can and establish dominance over this post-apocalyptic treasure trove. Why let everyone else have all the fun? Your party of daring adventurers will discover: Dozens...   [click here for more]
Shield of Faith Studios  $3.49

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Perils of the Sunken City (DCC RPG)

Perils of the Sunken City (DCC RPG)

Most find death in the crumbling ruins that stretch beyond sight into the mists south of the Great City; once rich districts now claimed by swamp and dark denizens. But for the desperate folk of the city, the ruins offer treasures the Great City denies them: fortune, glory, and a fighting chance!  The massive crumbling ruins of the swamp-ravaged Sunken City await! The way...   [click here for more]
Purple Sorcerer Games  $4.99

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