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Read What Others Are Saying
by Alfredo S. D.
Publisher: Chaosium
Date Added: 02/16/2025 04:27:44
pixel_trans.gif QuestWorlds The best and most polished version of the HeroWars ruleset first published by Issaries around 2000 as an alternative ruleset for playing in Glorantha and later published as the generic HeroQuest book by Moon Design, and originally written by Robin D. Laws. It has been greatly streamlined and simplified, and yes, it is still a narrative-focused, very light game engine despite it being presented in a 350 page book. However, it is a small A5 sized book (which always means the same content will take more pages; if it was A4 it probably would have been around 150-200 pages at most) and most of the pages are devoted to explanations, rule clarifications and examples. TONS of very illustrative, detailed and entertaining examples. For me, this is a plus! Another plus is that the rules are covered under the ORC licence, which means anyone can publish their own settings to be used with QW. I've been in love with the concept of these rules for years, and I believe this is exactly the version ...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Chaos in Chiapas: A Call of Cthulhu Pulp Adventure
by Jared
Publisher: Chaosium
Date Added: 02/15/2025 19:29:38
pixel_trans.gif Chaos in Chiapas: A Call of Cthulhu Pulp Adventure This scenario is the definition of serious pulp fun. Featuring everyday tourists pushed immediately into an impossible situation and set in the modern era, Chaos in Chiapas is a refreshing take on the pulp genre. While you may need to speed things up for a 3-4hr run time, it still works great for convention play - highly recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Corrosive Souls
by Emily
Publisher: Broken Synapse Press.
Date Added: 02/15/2025 17:53:21
pixel_trans.gif Corrosive Souls Very creative and well thought out ooze-based archetypes for the bloodblade class!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Magnus Archives Player's Guide
by Edward
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
Date Added: 02/15/2025 16:17:48
pixel_trans.gif The Magnus Archives Player's Guide Ring Side Report- RPG review of The Magnus Archives Player's Guide Originally posted at, a new idea every day! Product- The Magnus Archives Player's Guide System- Cypher System Producer- Monte Cook Games Price- Free here
chives-player-s-guide?affiliate_id=658618 TL; DR- Good, but this doesn’t cover most of the basics. 80% Basics- What’s your statement? The Magnus Archives is a podcast that was adapted to the cypher system. Players take the roles of investigators looking into paranormal events. WIll you find what’s causing all these strange events? Base Mechanics- This is the cypher system. Players state an action, and the GM states a difficulty. The difficulty times 3 is what the player needs to roll on a d20. If the player wants to lower the DC, players can spend points from a pool for mind, body, and dexterity to reduce the level. The GM doesn't roll dice! And that's it. It's built o...

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Worlds at a Glance: Towns & Villages Core Book
by PJ
Publisher: Game Master Worlds
Date Added: 02/15/2025 16:14:36
pixel_trans.gif Worlds at a Glance: Towns & Villages Core Book As a huge fan of creating worlds for my own games and for others, this is such an amazing product! I see myself spending a lot of time making more of them!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ruins of the Enigmatic
by Muerte B.
Publisher: Paizo
Date Added: 02/15/2025 15:02:11
pixel_trans.gif Ruins of the Enigmatic I got the pleasure to run this as a side adventure to my Wardens of Wildwood campaign. Planning a single session, it turned into 4 that the players wholly enjoyed. Created all the creatures and maps in Foundry and adapted where needed. Great storyline and interesting adventure; even with a bunch of murderhobos.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hero System Book of Templates II
by Steve
Publisher: Hero Games
Date Added: 02/15/2025 14:34:43
pixel_trans.gif Hero System Book of Templates II Presentation This is a 60 page supplement for Hero 6th edition. It is laid out in two columns and the content is primarily character sheets along with some additional information on the characters. The layout is clean and, thanks to the use of the standards, familiar. The book is eell-editted and easy to read. Content Despite the title, this is basically a book of complete characters for use in a Champions game. The interesting part is these characters are based on familiar characters with the names changed. We get a character in a battle suit called "Armored Billionaire", "Perfect Aim Man" who can kill by throwing just about anything, and a martial artist called "Patriotic Shield Boy Scout". The characters are interesting and if the names don't give away who they might have used for inspiration, the powers certainly do. These are well-designed versions of some very popular heroes who are likely to be familiar to anyone who has read a comic or seen a superhero movie in the last fif...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Hero System Book of Templates
by Steve
Publisher: Hero Games
Date Added: 02/15/2025 14:32:43
pixel_trans.gif The Hero System Book of Templates Presentation\ This is available in pDF and as a print-on-demand softcover. The book is 32 pages in two-column format using the standard Champions character sheet as the key presentation element. The editing is very good. Content This isn't really a book of templates; it's a book of complete characters. These could be used as pre-gens for a game or they could be used as a starting point for characters with similar powers. There are twenty-five characters in here, a few of which are more experienced (powerful) versions of characters also listed in this book. The characters in this book have terrible names like Jade Fury Brute, Arachnid Man, and Transparent Lass. Most of them are, once you read their powers, pretty clearly famous characters from movies and comic books. Evaluation The title of the book is awful as are the names of most of the heroes which can make this whole thing seem sub-par. The issue is that these aren't really templates and the names are selected to not infringe ...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Forgotten Encounters: Underground [PFRPG]
by Matt T.
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
Date Added: 02/15/2025 14:15:40
pixel_trans.gif Forgotten Encounters: Underground [PFRPG] On the better side of OK. If you are looking for some small encounters to flesh out a random encounter table it's absolutely fine. If you are looking for more depth, this isn't it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
FlexTale Infinite Adventures Volume 1: Western Realm of Aquilae
by Matt T.
Publisher: Infinium Game Studios
Date Added: 02/15/2025 14:02:10
pixel_trans.gif FlexTale Infinite Adventures Volume 1: Western Realm of Aquilae I just don't get it. The locations seem to be incredibly generic with lots of words but little of it gameable. Unless someone doesn't know what an abbey or a castle is I don't really understand what they are supposed to do with this book. Edit, in response to publisher's reply: With hindsight I think 1 star is a too harsh and have amended to 2 stars. This is just my personal take and others like this sandbox. I get no joy from criticising something that is clearly a work of love because I think the idea is fantastic, in principle. I'll try to give a little more clarity on why it doesn't work for me. 1. I think some art would go a long way to communicate tone and flavour. I find the format very dry. I appreciate that commisioned art is unaffordable but stock art, public domain and AI are options. 2. Maps of significant locations would really help. 3. I didn't find the mechanical detail and icons helpful. It just feels overwhelming. ...

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Matrons of Mystery
by Chaotic
Publisher: Savage Spiel
Date Added: 02/15/2025 11:43:26
pixel_trans.gif Matrons of Mystery This game is a hack of Brindlewood Bay, and aims to "fix" a lot of its problems from the 2017 version, which was 40 pages. It didn't expand any of the rules, over more advice, or even more mystery support. It instead remove multiple mechanics for developing characters, a lot of supporting elements for mysteries, and multiple elements for collaboration between players. This is cheap and a non-creative ripoff of Brindlewood Bay. If you want Brindlewood Bay without the supernatural elements, it would be better to run that game with a house rule of no Dark Conspiracy elements in the game rather than buy this game....

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Dare
by David
Publisher: Sentinel Hill Press
Date Added: 02/15/2025 07:43:02
pixel_trans.gif The Dare A breath of fresh air. This was a welcomed change from the typical call of Cthulhu adventure. This was fun and easy to prep and run. I changed less than 10% of the scenario because it all made sense. The Kid-thulhu rules are awesome! I hope the team behind this makes more like it. I ran this game with 2 2 veteran players and 2 newbies. They had a blast and appreciated how easy it was to pick up and play. 10 pre generated characters makes this even easier to run. The scenario is set in the 80s, but with very little change, it could be anytime in the last 100 years. ...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Chased | A Distemper Encounter & Campaign Setting
by Bob
Publisher: Xero Sum Games
Date Added: 02/15/2025 04:22:57
pixel_trans.gif Chased | A Distemper Encounter & Campaign Setting Spoilers- Recently, I soloed my way through Chased/A Distemper Encounter (free at DriveThruRPG, 40 pages). It is for Distemper RPG, but I used Atomic Punk 2240 (same place, 170 pages, a 2d10 system). For the solo engine, I used a yes/maybe/no oracle and an encounter chart that I created. I created six PCs for this adventure. The encounter opens with the players moving east through Delaware towards the coast and what they hope will be a reliable source of fresh fish. They had hoped to make it there before nightfall, but it has become increasingly clear that they are going to have to stop for the night in this woods. Here the PCs encounter Maddy, and one of the Connor Boys (Luke) who is chasing her. The PCs win that battle and then they have to deal with Luke's brother Owen. The PCs win that battle and then question Maddy. She insists on rescuing her boyfriend and her two kids. The PCs agree to help her and the group manages to find the farmhouse in the dark. Namek the PC shuts off the p...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Atomic Punk 2240
by Bob
Publisher: The Basic Expert
Date Added: 02/15/2025 04:18:51
pixel_trans.gif Atomic Punk 2240 Recently, I soloed my way through Chased/A Distemper Encounter (free at DriveThruRPG, 40 pages). It is for Distemper RPG, but I used Atomic Punk 2240 (same place, 170 pages, a 2d10 system). For the solo engine, I used a yes/maybe/no oracle and an encounter chart that I created. I created six PCs for this adventure. The encounter opens with the players moving east through Delaware towards the coast and what they hope will be a reliable source of fresh fish. They had hoped to make it there before nightfall, but it has become increasingly clear that they are going to have to stop for the night in this woods. Here the PCs encounter Maddy, and one of the Connor Boys (Luke) who is chasing her. The PCs win that battle and then they have to deal with Luke's brother Owen. The PCs win that battle and then question Maddy. She insists on rescuing her boyfriend and her two kids. The PCs agree to help her and the group manages to find the farmhouse in the dark. Namek the PC shuts off the power to th...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
With Friends Like These
by Donald
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
Date Added: 02/14/2025 23:55:11
pixel_trans.gif With Friends Like These Myself and my players are enjoying this setting, but The Chessmaster Style references the Castling Edge. I can't find that Edge in the BASS core rule book, Big Bad Wolf or this book. Does anyone know what that Edge does and its requirements.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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