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Patrol Boat Paper Model $2.95
Publisher: Dave Graffam Models
by Allison M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/28/2024 18:54:05

A great little craft! I like the sail options and the clean lines of the hull.

This is not a complete beginner level kit, but I didn't encounter any severe challenges. Care has to be taken when fitting the bow together, and preventing the flat bottom from curving. I used a piece of thin corrugated cardboard in the bottom, and had to trim the inside hull pieces to fit. It's turned out really nice! it's super easy to detail this kit essentially as much as you want: I added rigging rope, and a tiller bar made from matchsticks on the rudder. It would probably look really cool with sails made of actual cloth, but the paper ones are enough. Print them on regular paper  not card, and hand-shape them while the glue is still wet to get a nice 3D "billowing" look.

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Patrol Boat Paper Model
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