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Trade Empire-class Commercial Transport
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Trade Empire-class Commercial Transport
Publisher: Independence Games
by wade g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/03/2022 22:30:05

Great deck plans but it is somewhat irritating that storage for consumables and water (drinking, showering, etc) are never given space (cupboards either).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Trade Empire-class Commercial Transport
Publisher: Independence Games
by paul h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2022 10:43:29

I have been looking forward to this release since I saw it was coming. I have enjoyed my previous purchases of Independence Games ships and supplements for years. So let’s get into the review.

Overall I’m pleased with my purchase. The length of the PDF is reasonable for the price – official page count is 40 pages, but actual (i.e. usable with information/illustrations) clocks in at 36 pages. As I have come to expect from the publisher and illustrator, the artwork is top-notch. All of it is very clean, making the PDF easily printable if you prefer to have your own hard-copy or to share images of the ship with your players. It includes some variations of different types, with short descriptions of the variants listed in their own section. However the ship stats and deckplans are only for the primary listed class.

I also want to take the time to call out the extra details I love about these series of ship books. In nearly every one they have a size comparison for previous ships – which give you a sense of scale in both written and visual comparisons. I think that’s a great eye towards detail and is very much appreciated! There’s also a short (about 1-page) example of an interstellar cargo carrier, the British Interstellar Company, that briefly gives a history of the company and ties in the other ship supplements that have been previously released. That’s a nice nugget to be used in games to help gin up plot points if needed.

Now, on to the critique and questions. Every designer has their own reasoning for why they did things. And every other person (usually) has their own head-scratching moment of “why’d they do that?”. So here’s my head-scratching commentary.

For a cargo ship, it seems pretty heavily armed, with 20 turrets and a point-defense system. Since the ship description calls this ship out to be basically owned by the larger lines, that would mean its routes are going to be those that require a LOT of cargo space – which means between busy and habitable worlds. Busy shipping lanes are rarely the target of space pirates because navies tend to put their ships in those areas. The ship is also armored. The naval variant could possibly explain the weapons and armor (though from a regular wet navy they are significantly armed/protected) – but from a pure merchant standpoint it’s hard to justify such extra expenses. The addition of an armory and brig on a merchant ship also seems a bit excessive. Brigs are expenses that merchants don’t want to deal with because that space eats into your profit – and an armory falls under the same thought process. Those two items would be better suited for naval vessels than pure merchants.

I’d liked to have seen more details around the ships accommodations and tying together the well-laid out deckplans with the descriptions. While the distinct areas are clearly marked on the deckplan, the area numbers don’t tie specifically back to the description (and these two sets of information are about 10 pages apart). The decks are clearly split up, though the organization of these are slightly off. Normally you’d either start with the lowest decks and work your way up (which itself is unusual, though logical) OR you’d start with deck 1 and work your way down to deck 7. For some reason the layout starts with deck 4, goes to deck 7, then starts back with decks 1-3 laid out on the final page. Deck 4 is the “top” of the main cargo area, so perhaps they wanted to start there, or else they were looking to start with the main cargo area and then move their way through this section, then go back to the other ones? Either way it seems a little odd to me (hence the head scratching).

The overall layout of the ship’s cargo holds, in general, makes sense. A careful reading and viewing of the ship / deck layout helps you understand the main hold is three decks high (with no actual decks), and the secondary are two high. The deck plan itself states “3 decks (9m)”. At first I thought it was three separate decks looking at the text, but after comparing the three sets of data I realized that was an incorrect assumption. But it may be one that others could make. Maybe a little more clarity around the description or the label?

Speaking of cargo holds, there is no mention of any cargo handling equipment inside the hold, such as overhead tracks/crane to move cargo around or to assist in the unloading. According to the cut-away diagram accompanying the text description of the ship there is supposed to be a two-deck tall bow cargo hold, but when I look at the deck plans I cannot find it – at least as I would expect it to be placed from the illustration. The deckplans do show a much smaller cargo section at the bow of the ship, but the cutaway scaling leads me to believe it would be, well, larger than the deckplans make it out to be. As an aside, I can’t seem to find the stated cargo capabilities of each of the separate holds. That would be nice to know.

The general layout of the ship seems well thought-out, with a few exceptions. All of the major holds show the ability to open up to be loaded/unloaded. The description states that the ship isn’t meant to land, so all cargo transfer will be done in a vacuum. Only the larger forward hold shows the capability to use an airlock (the other two do not) – but the airlocks as shown are virtually useless since their width is only 1DT wide. I cannot imagine what kind of cargo would be moved through a lock that tiny (though they are quite long). Again, I suppose certain gyrations would be possible, but not really practical. And since this ship is space-going only, it would require all cargo to be packed in vacuum-rated containers, or else smaller containers (such as you see via trucks on the road today) are packed in larger ones. Perhaps the authors assumed there would be a two-tiered system whereby cargo transported between planets are sealed in vacuum-rated containers and containers for planetary delivery are similar to the thin-skinned aluminum/canvas ones we see on the road today? Once again it is possible, but no real mention of the activity of loading/unloading or anything else is mentioned in the text. I would have liked to have seen more descriptions of such things – and even, perhaps, descriptions and illustrations of cargo tugs that are used for the ship. That would have been a fine addition in my opinion. There is one illustration of the ship approaching a large hub-and-spoke station, so maybe a few paragraphs about how the ship would normally dock with one to transfer cargoes?

Generally I’m very satisfied with my purchase – I’ve yet to have buyers remorse from anything from Independence Games. There are some areas that I think would benefit from more descriptions (and since it’s a PDF there isn’t really additional costs associated with adding more details/explanations). I think it’s a solid 4+ stars. I was vacilating between giving it a 4 or 5 star rating and eventually settled on 5. I don't want to dissuade anyone from purchasing, nor do I want to make it look like the authors didn't do a bang-up job to begin with. I think most buyers appreciate the little things that make a great supplement shine even more.

I’m looking forward to purchasing future supplements from this team of designers and artists.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trade Empire-class Commercial Transport
Publisher: Independence Games
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2022 09:29:18

“I spent twelve years in the Royal Navy before mustering out and joining British Interstellar Company and do not regret that decision at all. Same discipline, same loyalty to ship and crew, but with far more pay.” - Second Officer BIC MV New Windsor Liam Soltern, 2349 (standard)"

Trade Empire-class Commercial Freighter By Michael Johnson From Independence Games is one of the newest Commerical Freighter books for the Earth Sector rpg. And the Trade Empire-class Commercial Freighter looks like a real winner of a ship that clocks in at forty pages. This is a big time hauler on the space lanes moving cargo between systems & sectors. The Trade Empire-class star ships are the types of starships that legends are built on. These are commercial ships that provide all of the cargo that worlds are going to need and they act like the paddle boats of the Mississpi of 1860's supplying the Old West. Trade Empire-class starships are the back bone of star systems & worlds on the frontier. They move cargo from point A to B. within the Earth sector & her colony worlds. They are also the prey of the outlaws & pirates of the Earth sector. And they are the investiment backbone of the corporations & banks of Earth. The Trade Empire-class book is well done with Michael Johnson's usual flare for starship writing, capturing the grandeur, and labor of these starships. Ian Stead & Michael Johnson's artwork & design is on point. These are huge massive starships as the stats reveal; "Type: Corporate Transport Vessel Class: Trade Empire Country: None (Commercial) Service Date: 2335 to date Displacement: 4500 tonnes Mass Tonnage: 22,500 tonnes Length: 153.5m Beam: 44m Thrust: 3G Complement: 79 (15 Officers, 64 Spacers) Craft Carried: 2x Ship’s Boats Cargo Carried: 2670 tonnes Armament: Primary: - Secondary: - Light: 20x dual beam laser turrets Defenses: Point Defense Node Array (45 nodes) Armor: Crystaliron"

This book contains everything you need to drop a Trade Empire-class Commercial Freighter into your on going campaign including her class variants. You get full plans, cut away diagrams, fully indeph stats, and more all to bring to life your own Trade Empire-class Commercial Freighter into your game campaign. The Trade Empire-class Commercial Freighter could also work just as well for a Cepheus Engine rpg campaign where you need this type of a commerical frieghter. And its a really well thought out design & class easily able to run a complete campaign aboard one of these star ships.

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[5 of 5 Stars!]
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