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The Truth Is Out There $0.99
Publisher: Four Fools Press
by Jennifer W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/20/2018 22:28:25

Reporter Matt Olsen's whole job is to write eye-grabbing stories that will satisfy readers looking for a ripping good story. All to sell as many copies as possible of that rag, The Observer. Behind the scenes, he believes the truth is out there, yet he is skeptical, and constantly searching for answers.

"Beware the Hantu, mortal." The voice from the alley a drench of ice water in the sticky-hot Singapore night.

Spine-chilling tales of the Hantu Jarang Gigi, ghostly pale ape-men. Lurid description, frenetic action and mystery abound in this gripping tale of Matt's venture into the shadowed depths of the steaming Malaysian jungle.

Hardly believing his own actions, Matt dives into the jungle in pursuit of his lost bag, brim-full with his own hand-written notebooks full of stories and secrets. Beyond that, he can only admit to himself that he couldn't leave the trail unfollowed, or the mystery unsolved. Only his iron-strong determination can save him from a fate worse than simply death.

I've already read this tale twice and enjoyed it immensely. It's fast-paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole ride. As this is the first in a series, I'll be seeking more of Tenet's Tales.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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The Truth Is Out There
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