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Ghost Planets • A World of Adventure for Fate Core Pay What You Want
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Bob [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/29/2024 04:11:43

This was awesome! Check out my full post in discussions - Recently, I soloed my way through Ghost Planets (59 pages at DriveThruRPG, free/pay what you want). This adventure was designed for Fate Core, but I used Uncharted Worlds (Powered By The Apocalypse system, 178 pages, same place). I added a yes/maybe/no oracle to Extreme Future RPG second edition to make my solo engine. I picked out six characters for this adventure. Here are the highlights. The PCs have already received their mission to study the ancient sites on this planet for sixty days. This includes many research projects and bringing back artifacts from the advanced alien race that vanished with no explanation. On the first day they had several problems to deal with. The NPC Cielo was one of these. She said that she was here with her ship to study the ancient culture (a lie, she is here to steal artifacts). The other problem was with cubots. They look like an alien relic in the shape of a cube. However, when the PCs had trouble accessing some alien doors, they activated. Some came in from outside. Cielo got a call from her ship (they had activated from inside there too). The battle started and seven of the bots were killed. Barb the technomancer was able to turn one of them into a pet. Once again, the PCs tried to open those stubborn doors. Once again, more bots attacked. After the bots were killed, the PCs figured out how to communicate with the devices and the pet using their wristcomps and microwave signals. The PCs spent the night in the dome building and Cielo spent the night in her ship. Well, she was killed by the bots in her ship and her body spent the night in her ship. An hour after midnight, a large device in the dome building activated (loud noises and bright lights). This lasted for five minutes (and happens every night at this same time). On the second day, the PCs started their first research project. At noon, they went over to Cielo’s ship to check on her. Inside, a battle started with the bots. Once again, they had to use med packs to heal each other. On the third day the PCs triggered another signal while they were experimenting. The microwave signal woke up the Dreadnought that was “sleeping” in the mountains. So, as you can see, there was a lot going on with this adventure. On the seventh day the PCs were able to open up a tunnel to another planet using the alien technology. On the ninth day, bounty hunters showed up. This fun adventure will need to be continued at another time. Give this a try!

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Ghost Planets • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
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