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Furthest - Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh $19.95 $14.96
Publisher: Chaosium
by Vivien P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/25/2023 14:08:10

Thoroughly researched, splendidly illustrated, always designed for playability (look at the sewer map for instance! And the indices, both general and thematic), this is in my mind the very embodiment of the fan-driven Glorantha I like. Actually, the content goes well beyond Furthest’s walls and offers everything we need for a campaign in Tarsh (gazetteer, maps, cults, bestiary, movers-and-(obviously)shakers, new rune spells, etc.), highlighting the kingdom’s symbiosis between its Orlanthi past and the Lunar way. Here you understand why many people in Sartar welcomed the Empire! The book builds on one of the very best productions of the golden age of Gloranthan fanzines, Tarsh in Flames (The Unspoken Word, vol. 2), bringing it up to speed with the current post-Dragonrise context (even in small details like its impact on Furthest’s markets). One can only hope that the third issue of The Unspoken Word, In Wintertop's Shadow could benefit from the same glorious update. Furthest: Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh is a must-buy, must-read, and even more a must-play!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Furthest - Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh
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