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Sorrow in Tsavo $3.99
Publisher: Chaosium
by Christopher B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/06/2022 05:59:28

This scenario is amazing. For the era it covers many aspects often not covered in other Victorian games.

The use of a colonial setting could lead to a dark place when running the game and the risk of getting bogged down in old colonial attitudes. This scenario uses these to mask some of the events and leads investigators to interact across societal boundaries to get all of the necessary information to successfully navigate the events.

This is also a viscerally bloody adventure if played to its fullest and the party may struggle to survive despite their access to many of the advantages of its era. The players will need to take note of their actions to ensure their survival.

Even after playing this scenario a couple of days ago i am drawn back to the memories of the game and reliving the doom that befell my character... something i usually shrug away as an experienced gamer.

I loved it...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Sorrow in Tsavo
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