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Art of Wuxia Core Rules $19.99 $9.99
Publisher: DwD Studios
by 38720 M. J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/10/2020 02:19:56

That's a great wuxia game! And I do not say that lightly...I have more than a few of those. Due to being light, it's almost infinitely customizable. And the system is light enough that the players and the Referee can focus on what's actually going on in the game instead of on managing their own characters/NPCs. And creating NPCs on the fly is a breeze! As an aside: that, I believe, is the greatest failing of some other games aiming at the same genre, even games that I otherwise like a lot...

In the last month, I think my group is averaging over 2 sessions of Age of Wuxia per week. That should be enough of a recommendation, I believe!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Art of Wuxia Core Rules
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