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USR (Unbelievably Simple Role-playing) Pay What You Want
Publisher: Trollish Delver Games
by Ruben T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/02/2014 16:33:42

It says "Rules-lite gameplay that encourages roleplay" and "Role-play centric advancement". I find these two to be untrue and downright misleading, because these two "features" are essentially non-features. It's like saying not having a car in your house qualifies it as a "green" house. There isn't much rule to this, and calling it rules-lite would be an insult to all rules-lite systems out there. Picking up a die and making up your own rules on the spot, write them down on a notepad, and boom, you have a USR.

This product strikes me as incredibly lazy and poorly thought-out.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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USR (Unbelievably Simple Role-playing)
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