Sky-Tyrant of MARS is an adventure double entendre for Savage Worlds MARS setting by Adamant Entertainment. The cover evokes Frazetta and the content wonderfully fulfills it's pulp Planetary Romance mission. The Adventure is well written, very nicely illustrated, and thorough.
I give Adamant high marks including pregens, creatures (with illustrations), and characters in their very useful 6 page appendix.
Note: I'm a sucker for airships, chariot races on the ground or air, and lots of combat! The variety of encounters is extensive and fun. PCs jump directly into a chariot race. It might be time to use the new Savage Worlds Deluxe chase rules.
Note: Part of this review was excerpted from a review on Adamant's MARS setting and three of it's adventures found on Tales From the Savage Troll - rptroll dot blogspot dot com