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Episode 55: Warriors: Hoplites
Publisher: Idle Red Hands
by Aaron A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2012 01:12:59

The banter, jokes and multi-leveled witty conversation that comes with such easy and fluidity is a real joy and the main reason I listen to this podcast. There are many RPG themed podcasts available to listen to and all too many have a thick tunic of timidity and social awkwardness in discussing topics beyond that which they are comfortable. This is not so with Idle Red Hands! The opinions are honest, founded and informative on more topics than just some tiny niche in the RPG universe. If you enjoy snarky sarcasm, and perhaps even a few ballet jokes, then this podcast is for you!

Role Playing Obamas Unite!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Episode 55: Warriors: Hoplites
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