CERBERUS ILLUSTRATION does what they do best in this set... Offer high quality figures in droves, for a decent price.
There is a shortage of front/back sided heroes out there. This set was warmly welcomed. Most hero sets offer a great image on the front, and a "silhouette" on the back, and come in "tent" form. These are actual figures, and enhance game play!
I was a little disappointed, however, with the fact that the figures in the front cover weren't anywhere in the set. It seems to me that including figures in the cover artwork should be the "best" figures in the set, and to feature these kind of let me down.
There were several images (about a dozen) that are offered in many color options (and in the case of the females, there are some that have wings, and some without). There are also "generic" figures that can be thugs, hirelings and gang memebers... they are also recolored to be police and guards. This is a very good use of these figures.
I personally would have rather seen less of the dogs (there are roughly 20 in the set), and would have liked to seen another "hero" in various colors worked into the set. A dozen police officers are fine. A dozen guards are fine. A dozen thugs are fine. A couple dozen guard dogs... a bit much.