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Episode 54: Campaign Confessions: Eclipse Phase
Publisher: Idle Red Hands
by Ryan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2012 00:04:24

I was interested to hear about this as I had been invited to play in it. Sadly schedules and communication conspired against me... Anyway I was fascinated by your description of the skill system, I'm a big fan of RuneQuest/CoCthulhu which use a d% system. The idea of how close the roll is to the skill indicating the level of success provides a much more graduated scale than the system RQ uses.

As for the post-human/trans-human setting I'm keen to try it out after reading some Alistair Reynolds stories in particular Diamond Dogs (which I thoroughly recommend).

Anyway keep up the good work. I love listening to your discussions.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Episode 54: Campaign Confessions: Eclipse Phase
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Episode 53: D&D and THE SECRET FIRE
Publisher: Idle Red Hands
by Ryan T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2012 23:54:02

I've listened to all their podcasts and this really isn't indicative of their usual tone. This far and away the most negative episode I've heard from these guys. That being said the thing that I noted throughout was that they took umbrage not so much with the game itself but with the style in which it was written. If the author really is as self-aggrandizing as IRH claim and was claiming/implying credit for ideas seen elsewhere in the hobby, then he deserved every shot they fired. I do agree with the other review that comparison with a rule set that they liked would have been a far better way to make this a more balanced broadcast. In the end it's at least a good guide as to what NOT to do when writing rules and also points to the value of a good editor. Worth a listen but start with some their other offerings before listening to this one, UNLESS you're considering buying THE SECRET FIRE in which case this is a MUST!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Episode 53: D&D and THE SECRET FIRE
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