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Laser Ops $4.88
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Laser Ops
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Laser Ops
Publisher: Twylite Games
by Ricardo N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2013 19:57:36

I have read concise rule sets but this one takes it too far. The main text reads like a quick reference chart and the actual reference charts are cryptic.

There are few examples on the book and just three pictures, to try to elucidate the concept of "postures" in the game. The fact that the terms "stand" and "unit" are mixed in the text does not help in the least, either.

The rules seem to have an interesting activation or command system where each unit (or is it a stand?) may have its performance affected and even trigger some random events but I cannot even playtest them while I do not fully understand the game rules.

In my opinion, this product feels like it was written by someone very familiar with micro-scale wargaming -- so much that the author takes too many concepts and definitions for granted, or assumes some gaming conventions implicitly.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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