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Masterwork Maps: Temples and Shrines
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Masterwork Maps: Temples and Shrines
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Masterwork Maps: Temples and Shrines
Publisher: Darkfuries Publishing
by Singh K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2012 19:10:00

Darkfuries hits a huge home-run with this one. Yes, it's $10, but YES, you get your money's worth! Richly drawn maps, 34 of them, from ornate and extensive to simple and clean. With descriptions of each room, and prominent NPCs, as well as the Dieties.

The only downside to this is that I'd really love to have a player's version of each map, a bare-bones map that has no detail, just walls and doors, no secret places shown. That would be nice, that would take a great product and move it to the next level.

But this is a great product. If you want a slew of temples, this will not disappoint.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Masterwork Maps: Temples and Shrines
Publisher: Darkfuries Publishing
by Alexander L. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/17/2012 17:51:07

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This 98 page supplement by Darkfuries Publishing was designed as a D20 product for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game for both the 3.0 and 3.5 versions that have been released by Wizards of the Coast. Temples and Shrines can be used in any fantasy gaming system that has a wide array of deities and other powers that are worshipped by the inhabitants of that specific rules set.

There are thirty-four unique temples and shrines contained within this supplement for the gamemaster to utilize in his specific campaign world. Each of the temples/shrines described within are generic in nature therefore making it easier to place in a DM’s world. Each of the temples/shrines is covered in great detail to include fully illustrated floor plans, descriptions, and worshippers that reside there. Each of these structures is devoted to a deity with its specific domains, influence, and areas of interest. All alignments from the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook are covered in this supplement so there is no lack of any temple/shrine dedicated to a deity. The gamemaster can take these structures and utilize other deities that may mirror the ones assigned to those within this supplement. The buildings are supported by a well designed map key that will highlight all contents contained within them to include, stairs, alters, bookcases, beds, coffins, crates, and whatnot. The list of all structures is on page two and the generic deities assigned to them on both pages 2 and page 3. Also included within this supplement, are descriptions noting the differences among various religious structures such as shrines, temples, chapels, churches, and cathedrals. The majority of the maps contained are numbered with descriptive notes to reflect rooms of special importance to the inhabitants and maybe those of those players who are exploring the structure. As each of the structures are described, the gamemaster will find a chart assigned to that specific building that will cover its interior contents to include the feature, description, hardness, and its hit points like doors, roof, ceiling, windows, wall exterior, wall interior, floor, etc…

A gamemaster who is in need of a fully fleshed temple or shrine can simply peruse through the list and pick one that resembles the closest to what he desires to represent the building in his game. As mentioned earlier, the structures are all dedicated to a deity of a specific alignment. With that said, the domains of this deity and its worshippers are also identified with that particular building. For each temple/shrine in this supplement, there is a broad description of it to include the number of worshippers and their class level that live within the structure. All of the structures contained within also have a number of major NPC(s) who are literally the religious leaders of that specific deity and will be the ones player characters might encounter to conduct business if need be. The stat blocks for all NPC’s that can be encountered are in both the 3.0 and 3.5 D&D rules set.

This is a well designed supplement that provides a great amount of resource material for a gamemaster trying to flesh out his campaign setting by providing thirty-four unique religious sites such as temples, shrines, cathedrals, chapels, and churches. The maps are solid, easy to read, and easy to utilize in any campaign setting. It contains a very diverse list of thirty-four generic deities of every alignment and includes domains of each, their worshippers, plus their standard, symbols, favored weapons, associated animals, associated colors, holy days, and sacrifices (if any). The artwork contained is well done and kudos to the interior artists Shafali Anand and Segio Villa Isaza. The rules setting for this supplement is 3.0/3.5 therefore making it very easily compatible with other major fantasy rpgs such as Paizo’s PATHFINDER. An experienced DM can easily use this supplement for earlier edition of D&D and other generic fantasy game systems. The PDF is $10.00 at DrivethruRPG, which is an outstanding price for a product of its unlimited enhancement value in a fantasy game setting.

Gamemasters who own this supplement will probably prefer a PDF of this because it will be easier to print the maps of the various structures contained within. The location of the some of the structures and the less than flexible binding will make it extremely difficult to copy them on a copy machine without damaging the spine in some ways.

This is an excellent item for a gamemaster who needs to fill his own campaign world with structures dedicated to any deity of his choosing from the supplement or use his own from his campaign world. The supplement is very well written and very easy to utilize. The maps of the structures and the map key are all printed in black and white which makes for easy visual representation if used in such a way. The supplement is easy to read, well formatted, and presented in such a way that there is no difficulty finding any needed reference within.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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