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Pathways #12 (PFRPG) Pay What You Want
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Pathways #12 (PFRPG)
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Pathways #12 (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Alexander L. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/17/2012 17:52:33

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INTRODUCTION: This 48 page “FREE-zine” by Rite Publishing is primarily designed for gamemasters who utilize Paizo’s Pathfinder roleplaying game. With some minor modifications, the material contained within this “free-zine” can be used in any rpg utilizing the D20 rules setting.

CONTENTS: The articles of this very useful “free-zine” are as follows:

An article titled “Sublime Creature Template”. This particular article covers a new template that a gamemaster can use to introduce new living creatures which naturally exude a strong aura of positive energy, phenomenal beauty, and its extraordinary health. Accompanying this template is an example of such a creature with this template. The example is fully fleshed out with great artwork to represent it. The template creature has a full story dedicated to it with new feats, new treasure, new spells, an ecology of the example given, and possible adventure seeds for multiple levels of experienced groups.

An article titled “Malevolent Manifestations”. This article covers destroying haunts. In most cases where player characters usually find a means of easily defeating haunts, there are some haunts that prove difficult to destroy due to lack of information or players missing the necessary clues to do so. The reader of this article will be given advice on how to overcome these difficulties. The article is supplemental to other products in the “Haunt” series of gaming aids.

An article titled “Thieves, Cutpurses & Pickpockets”. This is a very interesting article that covers interesting types of roguish-like NPC’s that player characters can encounter as they explore a city. The gamemaster will use the information provided in this article to make such encounters very memorable. Two different types of NPCs are provided; the urchin and the cutpurse for a gamemaster’s use. The skill Pick Pockets is covered in detail as well.

A very detailed article titled “Sacred Sepulchers: Priests of Death, Murder, and the Undead” details how player characters deal with the subject of something all are bound to do later in their lives long after retirement and that is death. Most of the article revolves around the concept of death and detailed in tomes/books, new spells, new skills, and different types of channeling energy for divine characters. The reviewer of this article found it to be very detailed and extremely useful for future Pathfinder games.

A short adventure set in the Kaidan campaign setting is provided. It involves a criminal organization, the Yakuza and players investigating a crime which eventually turns into a double cross with the character players in the mix. For those that do not know the Kaidan campaign setting, the reviewer compares it to a Ravenloft/Kara-Tur fantasy gaming sutem full of horror and fantasy elements entwined.

There is an interesting interview with Owen K.C. Stephens who is a game designer and has a vast amount of experience with many a game such as D20 Dungeons and Dragons, D20 Star Wars, and Pathfinder. Mr. Stephens provides a lot of advice to those who are in the business of freelance game design and writing and also covers his gaming experience. It is a very fun article to read.

The last article covers the Top-10 Pathfinder RPG compatible products for 2011.

OVERALL REVIEW: This is a fine “Free-zine” that provides a lot of interesting supplemental material for a gamemaster to use in a Pathfinder roleplaying game. The material presented can be modified to be utilized in other gaming systems with some modification.

POSITIVE NOTES: The artwork contained with this “Free-zine” is excellent. The articles are written very well and presented in a very professional manner. The advertisements on future products contained within are very informative and do not clutter the magazine. The absolute best part it is FREE. Pathways is indeed a fine supplement to read.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathways #12 (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Thilo G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2012 05:56:31

This installment of Rite Publishing's free e-zine Pathways is 48 pages long, 1 page front cover, 14 pages of advertisements and 1 page SRD, leaving a whopping 32 pages of content, so let's check it out!

After the neat editorial by David Paul, we delve right into the action with the cover-creature and the sublime creature template (CR +2) by Jonathan McAnulty: Sublime creatures are immortal, positive-energy-induced creatures and the sample critter is AWESOME: Kallia, the Sybil of Eldorus, the medusa from the front cover, makes for a truly deadly (CR 20) foe - the sublime celestial greater medusa oracle 10 comes again with a great fluff text, an excerpt from a ballad and a tragic background story, a new magic diadem, new magic daggers and 3 monstrous feats. Kallia ranks among my very favorite creatures presented in Pathways. Expertly-written with a stellar full color artwork. Two thumbs up!

T.H. Gulliver, master of the #30-haunts-series delivers a cool article on the destruction of haunts and suggestions on how to make the experience sufficiently rewarding. A neat read that makes me hope for a horror-mega-adventure by T. H. Gulliver soon!

Creighton Broadhurst, mastermind of Raging Swan Press, presents us three sample cutpurses and thieves (CR 1/4 Urchins, CR 1/3 Cutpurse and CR 1 Skilled Cutpurse) and a neat general encounter to have the non-violent guys try to steal from the PCs, including terrain, crowd etc. and even a list of cool distractions. Nice!

The next article is once again by Jonathan McAnulty and is entitled "Sacred Sepulchers" - continuing the longest-ranging of support for ANY class released by a 3pp so far - the divine channeler gets channeling effects for the murder and undead subdomains and 3 sample sacred tomes. This particular article goes above and beyond, though, and offers a new skill use for diplomacy: Dealing with grief. Two new spells are included as well, one to temporarily induce a depression and one to temporarily remove the condition. As one with enough experience with the topic, I enjoyed the take on the topic, although I would love to see a more complex take on the topic of grief, sadness and depression, perhaps in an upcoming release.

We also get Moso's Bluff, a fast, grimy intrigue-sidetrek set in Kaidan 8or any Japanese-style-setting) and feeling like a neat little urban noir adventure. Ron Lundeen, author of several adventures and most recently, mastermind of Run Amok Games (The first Run Amok-adventure, "Six Griffons Haunt" scored 5 stars...) presents us with a neat scenario based in the seedy Yakuza-infested underbelly between bakuto-parlors and tattoo-studios and makes use of the best Way of the Yakuza has to offer. This scenario alone lets me hope for an adventure anthology in Kaidan and look forward to Ron's next offerings! As a DM, you have to check this one out, it's an awesome sidetrek! Have I mentioned Tengu-archers and the blind bard?

Owen K.C. Stephens, master of crunch and one reason of the success of Super Genius Games, is next for a very interesting interview and an offering to aspiring authors.

Finally, in case you're too busy to check up on them, the esteemed Dark_Mistress and yours truly both present their personal top-10 of third party products for the Pathfinder RPG released in 2011. If you haven't checked them out, take a look - maybe something went under your radar.

Conclusion: Editing and formatting are very good, I didn't notice any significant glitches. Layout adheres to the 2-column standard and the awesome artwork by Colby Stevenson of the greater medusa is stunning. The pdf has no bookmarks. Content-wise, this issue is absolutely AWESOME and blows most issues out of the water. The creature, the template, the advice on haunts, Creighton's encounter, the divine channeler support and Ron's excellent adventure all conspire to make this issue of Pathways my favorite so far. And it's free. Have I mentioned that this is free? It's worth every mb on your hard-drive and you should download this now. Final verdict. 5 stars and Endzeitgeist seal of approval. Great work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathways #12 (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Louis P. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2012 12:07:39

As always, Pathways is one of the best e-zines on the market today for Pathfinder. Best of all IT'S FREE!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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