The Gallery of Dreams, a free web enhancement to the Mor Aldenn setting is exactly the type of freebie I love to see companies pass out. 7 pages (Front, Ogl, Ad leaving 4 ½ pages) following the dual column format with embedded artwork (that's right, artwork in a free product). The art is a B&W piece, and of very good style and quality.
Introducing an inter-dimensional locale that constantly varies where it's entrance point surfaces, this PDF details a “museum” of dreams. The manner in which this is described is quite elegant in design, and really speaks to what one can expect from the setting of Mor Aldenn. As well as an interesting locale, that any GM worth their dice could use as an interesting story driven method of information delivery to their playgroup, we are also given a fully developed NPC in the form of Temarath Grigspotter, the ghost curator of this museum. You can not help but instantly like this NPC, as he comes across as a kindly old grandfather, aware that his “condition” as a ghost might be unnerving to folks, so he tries his best to be cordial and friendly, and leaves folks alone until he feels they need his assistance with the dreams displayed under his care.
Not one to overlook grammatical hiccups (even in a free product), I will mention there were two such missteps that I noticed, and they were the usage of an is where an are would have been more appropriate, and a forgotten the.
Ending with a hook that offers up a potential boon for the group that reminds us, as GM's, sometimes its not all about the money, and groups deserve rewards that bring more to the table.
Having myself been recently introduced to Mor Aldenn, I can say, that this is a perfect example of what to expect, and if you haven't yet given Headless Hydra Games a serious look, you are doing yourself a disservice, as their products repeatedly show through with excellent design.
Going with the 5 star for this, and highly recommending, as this locale is an excellent addition to any setting, let alone as a taste of what's to come.