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Urban Progress [Modern/Near Dark Future Theme Music] $1.00
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Urban Progress [Modern/Near Dark Future Theme Music]
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Urban Progress [Modern/Near Dark Future Theme Music]
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Cheryl M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2012 21:54:18

This is definitely a personal favorite from Tree Dweller's growing body of compositions. Cool, funky, hip in an unhurried sort of way. This is something I could have on the stereo of my car while driving to and from work. Would definitely be a great composition for gaming. Shows a definite growth in the creator's style as well. Hope to hear more like this from TD in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Urban Progress [Modern/Near Dark Future Theme Music]
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/23/2012 13:43:42

This is a smooth, nonintrusive track that could play very well under a variety of role-playing scenes in any setting from about the 1970s onward, into the distant future. I’d recommend using it for relatively calm scenes when the PCs are in non-threatening situations. It would be good backing for montage moments, travel scenes, or extended periods of investigation in libraries, government offices, and so on—scenes that advance the plot but don’t involve combat, hazards, or other obvious dangers. The ID tags need some cleanup (Fishwife Games has been doing a better job with these in more recent releases), and the track doesn’t loop as well as I’d like, but otherwise it’s a very fine piece of RPG background music.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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