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Stinky Goblin Stock Art: Potions
Publisher: Aegis Studios
by D. M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2022 01:11:01

The art is good but the 12 images are in a single file (pdf/ tiff). This means that users must seperate the images, e.g. by screen print or cropping to use a single image. Not sure why the creator chose this format but it's not convenient for buyers. Hoping the artist can fix this issue because the art is good and the product could be 5 stars.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Stinky Goblin Stock Art: Potions
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Mythic Ireland - T&T Campaign
Publisher: Flying Buffalo
by D. M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2021 13:40:11

Last night I finished reading Mythic Ireland by John Briquelet. It is a fantastic collection of material on the ancient Irish that can be used in any campaign. It is written with statistics for Deluxe Tunnels and Trolls. However, since most of it is text and not stat-blocks, it is easily converted to any gaming system.

It includes a thorough section on how to play ancient Irish professions (such as the druids, fili/ bards, witches, warriors, etc.), material on the Irish code of honor and how to use it in a RPG campaign, new magic (such as the Cloak of the Dagda, and the Riastradh, which allows a caster to expefrience Cú Chulainn's Hulk-like "warp spasm", etc.), an overview of Irish king and clan society, an list of commonly used items for purchase (ranging from the traditional backpack to a Bodhran/ drum and gold torc), the role of geasa/ taboos, Irish gods/ religion/ feasts, new creatures in Mythic Ireland (e.g. the fae of the Courts of Light/ Darkness, Cu Sidhe/ otherworld hounds, etc.), maps and descriptions of ancient Ireland, material for a Gamemaster-led adventure for 4-6 player characters (Finneach’s Black Bull), and more. And I haven't even mentioned the beautiful color artwork, not least of which is the cover.

In the spirit of constructive feedback, the book could be made even better if it were slightly reorganized; some of the sections seem spread throughout the book (e.g. "background" material could be clustered in one section and "gameplay" material in another, or at least highlight these as different in the book). Also, it would have been great to have a PDF version that did not have the page coloring as this requires a lot of printer ink. And finally, when will a hardcopy/ softcopy be available?!? :) I'd love to have this on my shelf. These are minor comments and do affect my 5/5 rating.

It is a fantastic collection of material that will provide countless hours of unique RPG gameplay. Well worth the price and your time. 5/5

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Ireland - T&T Campaign
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Publisher's Choice - Black & White: Commoner Portraits
Publisher: Publisher's Choice Stock Art
by D. M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2021 23:50:40

Love these images. They are versatile and beautifully done.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher's Choice - Black & White: Commoner Portraits
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Banquet in Stringwater!
Publisher: Tavernmaster Games
by D. M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/07/2021 20:47:57

I had the pleasure today to play Banquet in Stringwater for the first time. What a treat. This adventure by Jason Mills of Tavernmaster Games is 127 pages of text (644 paragraphs). It is nicely illustrated, includes many player choices and the fun is dialed up to 11. Suitable for any character level and type (though magic use is limited). If I had to identify one complaint, it would be that the AP rewards at the end are a bit generous. But that's a nice problem to have. I look forward to playing this rolicky-good-time adventure again.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Banquet in Stringwater!
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Temple of the Fool God
Publisher: Slloyd14
by Desmond M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/10/2020 11:51:23

Another creative Tunnels and Trolls solo adventure for low level characters from Stuart Lloyd. As others have said this one has a lot of good humour. It also emphasizes Saving Roll checks over combat, and it's written to incorporate talent/ skill bonuses. I've got a few quibbles with this one andwhile I enjoyed it, I had more fun with some of his other adventures, e.g. Trailblazers.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Temple of the Fool God
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Ocean's Edge - Part 1
Publisher: Khaghbboommm
by Desmond M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2020 11:24:31

Loads of fun and challenges for a 1st level Tunnels and Trolls character that emphasize saving rolls. This is one of those solo adventures that I think about long after I've completed a mission. What if I had gone with the mermaid? Should I have kept the jeweled pin of the other captain? What might have happened if I joined the Pirate Ship instead of the Merchant Ship...?

My only problem with this adventure written by Mark Thornton is that there does not seem to be a Part 2 ! I've earned my naval promotion darn it, where's the next Ocean's Edge adventure Mark ?!?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ocean's Edge - Part 1
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Publisher: Slloyd14
by Desmond M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2020 21:35:03

I've played the Trailblazers T&T solo by Stuart LLoyd a few times now with a Level 1 character. Each time I've had a great time and perhaps equally importantly I've been encouarged to reflect on how differently T&T can be played. As others have noted there is a good section on skills and combat maneauvers in the introduction (not to mention a description of spells and interesting some magical items for sale). The writing style is clear and keeps the reader engaged (and raises ideas for how Trollworld might be settled/ populated). I'm going to give it another go as soon as I finish typing. Worth far more than the small recomended amount and well worth your time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Fractured Fairy Tales
Publisher: David A. Ullery
by Desmond M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2019 00:39:40

Lots of fun, well worth the price and definitely worth your time !

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fractured Fairy Tales
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