Last night I finished reading Mythic Ireland by John Briquelet. It is a fantastic collection of material on the ancient Irish that can be used in any campaign. It is written with statistics for Deluxe Tunnels and Trolls. However, since most of it is text and not stat-blocks, it is easily converted to any gaming system.
It includes a thorough section on how to play ancient Irish professions (such as the druids, fili/ bards, witches, warriors, etc.), material on the Irish code of honor and how to use it in a RPG campaign, new magic (such as the Cloak of the Dagda, and the Riastradh, which allows a caster to expefrience Cú Chulainn's Hulk-like "warp spasm", etc.), an overview of Irish king and clan society, an list of commonly used items for purchase (ranging from the traditional backpack to a Bodhran/ drum and gold torc), the role of geasa/ taboos, Irish gods/ religion/ feasts, new creatures in Mythic Ireland (e.g. the fae of the Courts of Light/ Darkness, Cu Sidhe/ otherworld hounds, etc.), maps and descriptions of ancient Ireland, material for a Gamemaster-led adventure for 4-6 player characters (Finneach’s Black Bull), and more. And I haven't even mentioned the beautiful color artwork, not least of which is the cover.
In the spirit of constructive feedback, the book could be made even better if it were slightly reorganized; some of the sections seem spread throughout the book (e.g. "background" material could be clustered in one section and "gameplay" material in another, or at least highlight these as different in the book). Also, it would have been great to have a PDF version that did not have the page coloring as this requires a lot of printer ink. And finally, when will a hardcopy/ softcopy be available?!? :) I'd love to have this on my shelf. These are minor comments and do affect my 5/5 rating.
It is a fantastic collection of material that will provide countless hours of unique RPG gameplay. Well worth the price and your time. 5/5