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ERG018: Dragonoid Package#2 - Full rights

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ERG018: Dragonoid Package#2 - Full rights
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ERG018: Dragonoid Package#2 - Full rights
Publisher: Eastern Raider Games
by Joe W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/22/2015 09:05:03

The preview wasn't working, but based on the art in another of the ERG art packs, I picked this up. It has 10 pieces, all around 1300x1300 pixels. 5 are the exact same dragon, but with different coloring. The dragon is kind of cartoony in a way. "Dragon Charmer" also lacks some detail, almost as if we're zoomed in too far. "Dragon Egg" is interesting and good if it fits your needs. "Mounted Knight" is also lacking detail/large brush strokes that doesn't fit a style I like, "Purse" is good for what it is, but a purse on a table with some coins isn't very interesting unless there is some special context, and "Thief Group" is likely usable/interesting if it fits your needs.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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