I was curious about this product as we are currently playing an epic sword and sorcery campaign, but while the simple changes that this pdf proposes may work for some, it wouldn't work for me.
The pdf basically proposes that each player takes two classes at each level and use the best BAB, saves, hp etc. Furthermore, the PCs get all the class skills and class abilities. It also allows the player to take two wizard levels instead of, say, a barbarian and bard level. So now the spells per day and spells known stack.
This may certainly work for some, but absolutely not for me. I was hoping for something a bit more simple and elegant. Also, the rules for the GM seems like a lot of work to implement, a couple of simple templates would have been much better and easier to read.
Lastly, the layout is messy and was clearly not first on the publishers mind. I don't mind a simple layout, but a simple white layout had been much better and pleasing to the eye.
However, at $1, I can easily forgive the layout. This is not very useful for me, but may be for some.