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The Edgy Designer - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Weird Age Games
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/22/2014 13:06:43

Absolutely worth the dollar for the laughs. If you've been in the hobby for any amount of time you've seen people like this; and if like me you roll your eyes right up into orbit whenever they appear, this is a thing of beauty.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Edgy Designer - A Dungeon World Playbook
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Mounted Combat
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/13/2014 16:05:07

Mounted Combat is the latest in a line of supplements for Dungeon World made by Funhaver Industries that add in some traditional elements of fantasy RPGs. Like their other Dungeon World books, Mounted Combat succeeds in introducing beloved and storied mechanics seamlessly into Dungeon World, adhering to the game's mentality of simple rules that drive and produce fiction. But this one kicks it up a notch. This is a fairly meaty book at over 60 pages, and Funhaver have clearly pulled out all the stops in its production. It contains several pieces of rather charming art, has a clean and functional layout, and is packed with content. Mounted Combat gets to the meat of its namesake rules quite quickly, and much of the book is devoted to a plethora of vehicles and creatures that you can ride, from elephants and giant spiders and bees, to the simple majesty of the Alpaca, as well as sailing ships, and of course, a spelljammer-by-any-other-name. None of the mount descriptions are any longer than a page and several are shorter, and all of them are easy to read and copy over to an index card (though you may need a big card for the sailing ships). Because they act as items, there's a framework already in place to understand their place, and subsequently the additional rules should come easily to the reader. They function in terms of moves and stats and tags the same as any other piece of Dungeon World game mechanics would. At the end of the book there is a even section for making your own mounts, as well as adding Mounts to the starting equipment of Dungeon World classes: including how to add Mounts to the new classes released by Funhaver and other developers! Overall you can't go wrong with Mounted Combat. It feels at home in Dungeon World, almost like something that should've been there in the original book, and I'm sure it will provide a ton of adventuring fodder and even a few laughs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mounted Combat
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The Dwarf - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/15/2013 19:49:08

I love this Dwarf playbook, especially in relation to the others. As a set you can see brilliantly how each of them works. They have moves that define the races very well within the broad archetypes of fantasy while not feeling too specialized or limiting. The Dwarf throws their weight around, loves gold, and loves drink, but has a few moves that satiate that contemplative connection to tradition that typically defines Dwarven spirituality in fantasy. This Dwarf can leverage community, tradition and racial connections with some of their moves, and have a few nods to dwarven crafting and of course, to beer and battle. There are a lot of dwarf characters you can draw from this playbook. Like the others, it has a lot of variety so as to not feel out of place even if you aren't meeting a lot of dwarves or smashing through a lot of stone dungeons, and enough move selections that you can have two or three very different dwarves in the same party once you get some advanced moves. Another very fine addition to your playbook collection, and works great along with the Elf and Halfling.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dwarf - A Dungeon World Playbook
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The Halfling - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/15/2013 17:58:09

Another very interesting additional race-as-class for Dungeon World. This Playbook captures the whimsical and playful nature of halflings, with tolkien-esque touches like moves about camping and cooking, along with traditional staples like fighting well against bigger enemies and being stealthy. There is a good balance of moves about fighting and moves about living and adventuring, and I like that the combat-related moves greatly involve the character's quickness and spirit. There's a move about cooking a large and delicious meal, which should be a sure sell to halfling fans right there.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Halfling - A Dungeon World Playbook
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The Elf - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/15/2013 15:46:17

I'm not strictly a fan of the idea of races as their own classes, but the Elf is a very solid way of handling the concept. This two-page playbook contains various moves which really evoke the feeling of a mysteriously magical, naturally attuned race. The Elder Arts move natural to all Elves contains a bevy of flavor and a variety of useful tricks, while the advanced moves allow you to tailor your elf further towards mysterious powers or into the more prevalent archetype of a skilled archer or nimble, resourceful wilderness adventurer. I love the variety of moves and the ways they're used: such as revealing elder power to unsuspecting mortals, moving unhindered through terrain, or commanding spirits to help you in brief and subtle ways. You get a feeling that the Elf has power but respects it and uses it in a subtle fashion – you won't have overwhelming magical ability, but you can use what you have in many ways. While many moves work best in the wilderness, there's enough variety that you can play an elf anywhere and not feel like you've missed out or that you're out of place. It is a remarkable playbook and deserves a spot in your Dungeon World collection.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Elf - A Dungeon World Playbook
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Galactic Council
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/10/2013 12:49:39

Galactic Council is a very simple and interesting party tabletop game about ships, fleets and invading enemies. Every player has their own deck of standard playing cards that they use to generate a fleet, and engage threats to the galaxy. The most interesting aspect is that it's a competitive game – players are vying against one another to be the hero who saves the galaxy, rather than actively cooperating to save it. There are a limited number of rounds of play that insure the game stays fresh and can fit into a tight schedule, and each round is packed with interesting decisions. The game strongly resembles Wizard's Council, another Funhaver product, but it has enough unique rules of its own to stand out. If you want an inexpensive, quick Sci-Fi game to play with friends, Galactic Council may be right up your alley.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Galactic Council
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100 Fantastical Ship Names
Publisher: Lee's Lists
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/10/2013 12:44:25

A host of humorous handles for your nautical naming needs. It's as the title says, 100 ship names. Some of them are interesting puns on ships and what ships do; others are fairly normal and serious names; and the best are Gnome jokes. Perfect for pulling a random off-the-cuff name for whatever ship is trying to reign in the unruly pirates your players are sure to be in a sea game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Fantastical Ship Names
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Wizard Council
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/03/2013 11:53:29

Wizard's Council is a very creative and compact 5-page card-based RPG. Every player uses their own deck of standard playing cards that they use to influence the game. Players have the ability to modify the game itself to suit their purposes and annoy other players, a mechanic that fits in perfectly with the flavor of wizard councils vying for control of a city through lawmaking trickery. The game is played in a discrete number of rounds that have different phases of play, and it seems you could complete a satisfying game in very short order. For such a small package it contains a lot of depth. It is a very unique game and if you've got a creative bunch playing it, every game will be totally different -- even down to the rules!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wizard Council
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TabletopDay [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Roll20
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/30/2013 14:45:48

A great value for the price (free), it has a few interesting full game books in there for you to try out at no risk, and a lot of quick starts that you could just get anywhere else for free, but are spared the trouble of having to do so. You should definitely give this a download.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
TabletopDay [BUNDLE]
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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
Publisher: GrimOgre Laboratory
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/05/2013 19:52:02

Michtim is a family-friendly storytelling game that is sure to please any open-minded gamer. The game revolvers around the Michtim, hamster-like creatures that exist hidden from modern-day people, with their own society and customs. They can come into conflict with humans (in secret, as the humans rarely notice) over land and human's encroachment and expansion. Michtim uses a simple dice mechanic where emotions such as Anger represent specific actions in the game. The more of certain emotions you have, the better you'll do at certain actions – but get too emotional and you may start performing those actions at times where they might not be appropriate or advantageous. The document has a lot of content and very slick visual design, with a colorful layout and good formatting. It is an interesting and unique game with a lot of care put into accessibility and aesthetics as well as simple, entertaining gameplay.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
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100 Dungeons
Publisher: Lee's Lists
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/05/2013 19:22:12

When it comes to fantasy, I feel like the mindset of the dungeon adventure should really expand and take an imaginative leap beyond the desolate underground. This list completely delivers on its promise and on that imaginative flavor. The product contains 100 Dungeons across 9 pages. Each Dungeon has a description of a few sentences to a small paragraph. They vary in length but the author is skilled in conveying a lot of content in a small amount of words. Rather than being all holes in the ground these Dungeons are very distinct, with different premises and stories and different terrain, from a city of mirrors to a castle in the sky to a game of strategy that has taken on a life of its own. This product is a great value for its cost and sure to give your dungeons a creative shot in the arm if you incorporate and expand upon the material.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Dungeons
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B1 In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/13/2013 13:51:09

B1 was free for a time at the opening of WOTC's PDF store, and I downloaded mostly to see what their PDF offerings for older editions would be like technically. They don't disappoint for the most part. While the text and artwork looks a tiny bit fuzzy, it's perfectly viewable and readable. The PDF has tiered bookmarks everywhere you would want them allowing you to quickly navigate the text. As far as the content is concerned, well, it's B1 In Search of the Unknown. It's unaltered and you get what you're paying for – really, really vintage D&D.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
B1 In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
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List Compilation
Publisher: Lee's Lists
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/03/2013 15:27:00

You are essentially buying over a couple hundred products that each cost about a dollar, in one package for 30 dollars. There is a metric ton of stuff here, from name generators, to riddles, to towns, character inspiration, and so on. It's a pretty great value and includes an uncountable number of great lists. If you really want to have a random generator or list for every situation that could come up in your game, this is the closest you will come.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
List Compilation
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100 Truly Random Numbers
Publisher: Lee's Lists
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/06/2012 13:45:00

Never before has a random list of numbers been so verisimilitudinous and so powerfully attached to the fantasy milieu. This is product should be on every Dungeon Master screen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Truly Random Numbers
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The Warlock - A Dungeon World compatible class
Publisher: Fünhaver Industries
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/04/2012 18:32:52

Dungeon World's unified style allows for a lot of creativity, and much like the many custom playbooks for Apocalypse World, Dungeon World's begun getting some great custom content. Funhaver Industries quickly rises above the pack, with a flavorful and interesting addition of the Warlock. The layout is crisp and you can easily print out the PDF to use as a character sheet. Like any Dungeon World character you can be up and running in a few minutes. The Warlock has a connection to magic, but does not cast spells. Rather it has a contract with a powerful being that gives it a minion and certain abilities. It has a bit of cross-class feel, able to take bits of thief, while using the magical influence of its patron – and paying the price for failure. It's a great mesh of mechanics and flavor and a welcome addition to Dungeon World

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Warlock - A Dungeon World compatible class
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