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Money and Guns [Modern Crime Background Music] $1.00
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Money and Guns [Modern Crime Background Music]
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Money and Guns [Modern Crime Background Music]
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/12/2012 17:53:03

The jazzy saxophone riff that dominates this track is enjoyable enough, and pretty catchy, although quite simple and repetitive, almost minimalist. The crowd noise sound effects at the beginning and end of the track make the piece loop seamlessly, a major “pro” for background music. The crowd noise suggests to me a busy bar or diner, perhaps with live music sponsored by the establishment, or perhaps with the music provided by an independent musician playing outside for tips. I couldn’t really pick out the money or the guns (although the cops-and-jazz combo is a recognizable cliché of modern detective fiction). You could probably use this piece in a period game (think Call of Cthulhu) as well as a more modern setting, or even in an alien cantina. The ID3 tags need to be cleaned up; I think this is one of Fishwife Games’s earlier releases, and they’re doing better with the ID3 tags in more recent pieces.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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