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Mangoes for Uranus [Background Music] $0.75
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Mangoes for Uranus [Background Music]
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Mangoes for Uranus [Background Music]
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/25/2012 00:32:56

This track has enough variety to avoid tedium, but not so much that the changes are distracting. For the most part, it’s fairly minimalist in instrumentation, and—no doubt I’m influenced by the title here—puts me in mind of an alien world where advanced technology and tribal societal structures work hand in hand. The track doesn’t seem to be designed for looping, but it does begin and end gracefully enough that looping it won’t be disruptive. The ID3 tags need to be cleaned up; only the title field is populated, and it shouldn’t have all those underscores in it. Otherwise, this piece is a good addition to your musical library for scoring sci-fi role-playing scenes, especially when the PCs are out of their element.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mangoes for Uranus [Background Music]
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Stardust P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/21/2012 21:42:54

This music would go great for a Sci-fi/Cyberpunk-esque space station scene where a Cast of Characters is docked at a space station and kinda wasting time until its time to leave. I liked it a lot and plan to use it in an upcoming Dark Aeons playtesting game :)

Bree Orlock, Managing Editor, Stardust Publications

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mangoes for Uranus [Background Music]
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Amanda H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/21/2012 19:47:37

This exotic romp makes you feel a bit off balance. Very surreal and darkly compelling. Great tension builder.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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