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Fantastic Maps - Illfrost: Temple Approach $1.99
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Fantastic Maps - Illfrost: Temple Approach
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Fantastic Maps - Illfrost: Temple Approach
Publisher: Illusionary Press
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/13/2012 21:50:16

This large (40" x 26", if I counted correctly) map depicts a small inlet on a frozen coast, with stairs leading up to an ancient temple. (For the temple itself, get Fantastic Maps — Illfrost: Ancient Temple.) This exterior map would make a great stage for an initial incursion into the temple (if the temple is defended) or for an attempted escape from the temple (if that escape is hindered by enemies). You don’t need the Illfrost setting to use the map; you just need an ancient temple in a snowbound or tundra-type setting.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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