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Fantastic Maps: Square Rigger $2.95
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Fantastic Maps: Square Rigger
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Fantastic Maps: Square Rigger
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Herley F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/02/2015 15:02:03

was an awesome medium scale ship . good detail ....good interior ...... would of been nice to have two versions of it. a run down pirate ship and maybe a ghost version

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantastic Maps: Square Rigger
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Ryan L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/10/2014 10:00:31

The artwork of the map itself is very nice, and it is a very functional ship. The problem is that the layout of the pages and the positioning of the ship is very inefficient for printing. The majority of the pages are nothing but open water, and the ship itself is broken down in to many small sections that need to be pieced together. This requires about double the number of pages than other ship maps I have, and you will be printing a LOT of empty blue ocean. There is a B&W version included to avoid so much blue ink, but removing the color of the ship also removes much of the personality. Look at the previews, but unless this ship is EXACTLY the layout you need, I would look elsewhere for a map that is easier to work with.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fantastic Maps: Square Rigger
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/12/2012 17:52:02

This nice addition to the Fantastic Maps line features, as you surely know, a nice large sailing ship. When fully assembled, the map measures 40" square, although the ship itself only requires 18" or so at its widest point. The extra space to port and starboard gives you plenty of room to bring in ships from other products, perhaps mounted on posterboard, cardboard, or foam board, to stage naval combat at the 1" miniatures scale. Quite a few such ships can be had nowadays in the printable map market. Jonathan Roberts’s great innovation in this product is to include very light, nearly transparent renderings of the sails, which many similar products simply omit. The pages bleed all the way to the edge, but they’re tiled. Most modern inkjet printers will handle them fine, but you may run into problems if your printer leaves more than a 1/4" margin on each side.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantastic Maps: Square Rigger
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Thilo G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2012 06:29:35

This installment of Jonathan Robert's Fantastic Maps line comes as a 63-page pdf, one page front cover, 1 page how-to-use, leaving 61 pages of content, so let's check it out!

The pdf kicks off with a one-page version of the map witha grid, to give you an overview. The ship comes with 8 ballistas as well as mostly semi-translucent masts, making placing PCs on the ship rather easy. After that, we get a blown-up version of the map for use with miniatures, both in color and in greyscale. Each of the blown-up version takes up 30 pages.

The pdf does go above and beyond, though, and provides us maps of the 3 lower decks as high-res jpegs. They come in grescale and full color with grids, full color without grids (thanks!) and in full color without objects. The installment goes even further, though: We also get versions with grid (color + greyscale) for the upper decks while the ship is moored and while it's underway and of course, versions without the items and without grid. Woaow, that's much content, even for Fantastic Maps! We also get a grid-less sea-jpeg.

Even better, we get mappack files for the maps and 6 additional pdfs: 34 pages inside deck, 40 pages moored version and 52 pages underway - in both letterpack and A4-versions. Beyond even that, we get .pngs for ALL THE ITEMS and versions of the ship and even the sails!

Conclusion: Of all the Fantastic Maps-files I've seen, this one goes furthest in content, versatility and ability to be used - the modularity is stellar, the map beautiful and best of all, we get to choose whether to take grids, objects etc. or leave them. This pdf is simply stellar and my favorite installment of the line until now, thus my final verdict will be 5 stars and the Endzeitgeist seal of approval - excellent map with a lot of customizing options.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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