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Witchblade #150 $1.99
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Witchblade #150
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Witchblade #150
Publisher: Top Cow
by John G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/30/2012 06:46:48

After more than 80 issues, the Ron Marz run on Witchblade comes to a close. The story in 150 puts a nice close to the collection without being a "jumping off" point. Far from it, actually.

Sara once again confronts the essence of the Witchblade, urged to make a choice between embracing the artifact or rejecting it outright. Life changes are swirling, and Sara returns to the scene of the first Witchblade story arc. In the end, we get closure with a strong leaning toward where she is about to go in her life.

Beautiful art, again, by Sejic. This creative team has been making some of the best books in comics. (Luckily, they will continue on in the Artifacts ongoing series!)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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