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BattleTech: Total Warfare
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2024 22:30:51

Great combined arms rules for the OG Mech battle game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
BattleTech: Total Warfare
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GURPS Prime Directive 4e Revised, Volume 1 and Volume 2
Publisher: Amarillo Design Bureau
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2024 22:23:19

Great update of the Star Fleet Universe RPG. This edition fixes the omissions and errors in previous volumes to allow any kind of game in the setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Prime Directive 4e Revised, Volume 1 and Volume 2
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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
Publisher: Modiphius
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2024 22:16:56

A great adaptation of the videogame to tabletop. The main criticism I habe is it focuses too much on Fallout 4's Commonwealth at the expense of covering the setting of earlier games.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook PDF
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Mekton Zeta
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2024 22:12:04

Great generic rules set.for sci-fi mecha anime style gaming

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mekton Zeta
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Jovian Chronicles (Mekton)
Publisher: Dream Pod 9
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2024 22:10:37

Nice conversion of the setting to the Melton rules.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Jovian Chronicles (Mekton)
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GURPS Powers
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
by Richard B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2020 22:16:43

Some people have called this the "Third basic set book for Gurps fourth edition." And, in many ways they're right. Powers greatly expands on how to utilize the options in the basic set to emulate many abilities in fiction. It also adds a few new advantages like the ability to control or create (or destroy) matter. There are also hundreds of example abilities ranging from turning someone into a frog to having a built-in weapon. Most importantly it covers what makes an ability a power. This is about what differentiates a bird’s ability to fly from a superhero's. If you want to play Gurps in any genre that uses extranormal abilities be it super powers, magic (if you aren't using the default magic rules), chi abilities, divine gifts or any other type of power you need this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Powers
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GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
by Richard B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2020 22:02:14
I bought the print cYesopy of this on preorder when it was first published and it's my favorite rules system. I got the digital copy now for the ease and speed of reference. The print copy is wonderfully indexed but let's face it finding something in a digital copy always goes faster. For anyone worried about the price these rules (minus some errata in this edition) have been the same ones since 2004. Gurps third edition was the rules set for twenty years or so before they decided it had enough issues it needed a revamp. No one is really complaining about issues with this edition, so I think it's likely to outlast its predecessor. Comparable games that sell for less have already asked you to go through two or three editions since this was first published and will probably ask you to go through one or two more before Gurps gets a fifth edition. As to the rules themselves, Gurps has the best personality mechanic of any RPG I know. The in-play game mechanics are quick and easy and designed to allow you to add as much detail as you like. Gurps is sometimes referred to as a toolkit for making the game you want to play. Options exist to be incredibly detailed or just keep it simple and range from extremely realistic to epic heroism to slapstick. You generally don't just play Gurps, you use it to play in whatever setting you want. If there’s a book or movie setting, you'd love to play in but there's no game for it (or you don't like the interpretation in game that exists) you can play it in Gurps. If you've got a setting idea, you'd love to use but aren't sure how to make it work homebrewing mechanics from another game Gurps can do it the way you want. They come out with new supplements every couple of months (usually short) that can help you customize the rules for specific genre. Speaking of supplements most of the supplements for previous editions of Gurps work just fine with fourth edition with minimal adjustment. By the way there's a free update booklet to tell you how to make most of those adjustments. A few fourth edition supplements are updates of third edition books that assume you already have the third edition book. Reign of Steel: Will to live and Transhuman Space: Changing Times are two examples. If Gurps has any problems, it's that it frontloads the rules. In many class/level-based games (D&D, Pathfinder, or anything else D20) you can pick race, class and starting attributes and learn the rules as you go. Gurps is a point-based system with hundreds of options. You want to put a western gunfighter in a fantasy game the rules let you do that, but the number of options can be daunting to new players. Fortunately, Gurps has anticipated this issue and provides templates to give new players somewhere to start. Many of the supplements are books of templates to use for different genre. If the math involved in creating a character is what daunts you, I suggest you go to to grab Gurps Character Assistant one of the few Gurps items they haven't brought to DriveThru RPG. Actually, check here first they might have brought it over since I wrote this review. Either way GCA handles all the math for you and has files for many Gurps supplements with more user made ones available at the GCA Repository website (including a few I made). Yes I did copy and paste my review from the Characters book. The two go together to make my favorite RPG.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns
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GURPS Basic Set: Characters
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
by Richard B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2020 21:58:03
I bought the print copy of this on preorder when it was first published and it's my favorite rules system. I got the digital copy now for the ease and speed of reference. The print copy is wonderfully indexed but let's face it finding something in a digital copy always goes faster. For anyone worried about the price these rules (minus some errata in this edition) have been the same ones since 2004. Gurps third edition was the rules set for twenty years or so before they decided it had enough issues it needed a revamp. No one is really complaining about issues with this edition, so I think it's likely to outlast its predecessor. Comparable games that sell for less have already asked you to go through two or three editions since this was first published and will probably ask you to go through one or two more before Gurps gets a fifth edition. As to the rules themselves, Gurps has the best personality mechanic of any RPG I know. The in-play game mechanics are quick and easy and designed to allow you to add as much detail as you like. Gurps is sometimes referred to as a toolkit for making the game you want to play. Options exist to be incredibly detailed or just keep it simple and range from extremely realistic to epic heroism to slapstick. You generally don't just play Gurps, you use it to play in whatever setting you want. If there's a book or movie setting, you'd love to play in but there's no game for it (or you don't like the interpretation in game that exists) you can play it in Gurps. If you've got a setting idea, you'd love to use but aren't sure how to make it work homebrewing mechanics from another game Gurps can do it the way you want. They come out with new supplements every couple of months (usually short) that can help you customize the rules for specific genre. Speaking of supplements most of the supplements for previous editions of Gurps work just fine with fourth edition with minimal adjustment. By the way there's a free update booklet to tell you how to make most of those adjustments. A few fourth edition supplements are updates of third edition books that assume you already have the third edition book. Reign of Steel: Will to live and Transhuman Space: Changing Times are two examples. If Gurps has any problems, it's that it frontloads the rules. In many class/level-based games (D&D, Pathfinder, or anything else D20) you can pick race, class and starting attributes and learn the rules as you go. Gurps is a point-based system with hundreds of options. You want to put a western gunfighter in a fantasy game the rules let you do that, but the number of options can be daunting to new players. Fortunately, Gurps has anticipated this issue and provides templates to give new players somewhere to start. Many of the supplements are books of templates to use for different genre. If the math involved in creating a character is what daunts you, I suggest you go to to grab Gurps Character Assistant one of the few Gurps items they haven't brought to DriveThru RPG. Actually, check here first they might have brought it over since I wrote this review. Either way GCA handles all the math for you and has files for many Gurps supplements with more user made ones available at the GCA Repository website (including a few I made).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Basic Set: Characters
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GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
by Richard B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/13/2018 00:02:31

Although the title seems counterintuitive this is perhaps the most usefull of the Power-Ups Line. Often when translating an ability from fiction or defining something you came up with on your own making it unique is as much what you take away from the stock advantages as what you add. This book compiles and expands on the existing limitations in GURPS in marvelous ways alowing far more customization of abilities. If you use Gurps it's well worth buying.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations
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GURPS Lite (Fourth Edition)
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games
by Richard B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/28/2018 00:24:27

A great free introduction to a great game system.

GURPS has gained a reputation as an overly complicated RPG. This 32 page PDF shows how simple it realy is to play. The game is complicated, I won't lie. However, GURPS is no more complicated than Dungeons and Dragons or Shadowrun. GURPS has gained it's reputation because it loads the complexity into starting the game. While D&D allows you to just pick a race and class and learn more as you go GURPS requires an understanding of the system to create a character. GURPS Lite helps this process by reducing the list of abilities you have to chose from to some common ones usefull in most genre. The full rules offer other means of simplifying the character creation process for new players such as using templates. Once play starts the game becomes fairly simple with rules to adapt to many play styles, levels of realism and different genre.

If you're tired of having to learn new rules every time you want to play in a different setting or want to have adventures that jump from one genre to another GURPS is probably the best system available. It's also great for adapting your favorite book, TV show or movie into a game setting or just adventuring in a setting you cook up yourself.

Best of all GURPS Lite is free so if you decide you don't like it all you lose is the time it took you to read 32 pages.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Lite (Fourth Edition)
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