Highly recommended, even if you do not intend to use these as player characters it has a well researched deep dive into the Baali clan. Written for V20 but very useful for V5 in terms of lore and ideas for investments, powers, disciplines (even amalgams) that any storyteller could use to plug into a chronicle.
Im a big fan of SJ, super happy that its beenn officially released for 5e. This book adds a much needed layer of clarity and depth that the Astral Adventurer's guide lacks. Namely it has expanded ship combat rules, ship repair rules (actually fixes it) and best of all, specific roles for crew actions that make Wildspace combat really fun. This supplemant also gives you a separate file for crew roles that you can easily print and hand to players. Overall, this is probably the best fan produced expansion for SJ 5e yet. Highly recommend it if you want a more detailed and better balanced ship combat rules system while keeping the 5e design philosophy of keepinng rules simple.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review, Jose! I'm really glad you're finding it helpful. |
This is a book Ive been waiting for. It greatly expands on the Circulatory System loresheet from the V5 corebook. It is clearly and concisely written to make the CS an integral part of a mature V5 game. Ive always wondered why blood trade and the acquisition of human vessels was a story element lacking in V5? Well this book answers that question. Included are sample CS types, SPCs that are easy to drop in to an existing game (or to modify to suit your chronicle needs). Also includes excellent loresheets that really tailore the CS to any chronicle. This could be (as of today) my favorite ST vault V5 creation. The writers really did their homework and the book is written (and artistically laid out) within the design and aethetic paramters of the the V5 WOD system. I highly recommend this book.
Just picked this up being its written by one of the authors of the Renegade Sabbat book. Though Im still firmly on the camp that the Sabbat are preferred as antagonists in my chronicles, I like that this book portrays them with rules to make them playable; the section on adapting paths to morality and humanity is a real highlight of the book. Absolutely like the disciplines section and how it highlights the mind-set of the Sabbat. Overall beautiful layout, art is top notch and really great ideas for me as a storyteller to tell stories featuring the Sabbat, though the ideas I am formulating as more as one-shots or short-running campaigns.
I really cant say much more than what other reviewers have already said here. Definitely highly recommended for die-hard fans of VtM who want to introduce them as playable in V5.
Creator Reply: |
That's great!
I'm glad it has something for every type of game.
Thanks for the review! |
While not essential to the design philosophy of V5, as a ST it is nice to have a rough guide for advanced discipline powers of elders and Methuselah's with blood potencies higher than 6. I will have to test these in my games to see how they measure but from a cursory read these seem aligned to the high level discipline powers in the V20 corebook but adapted to V5 rules set.
My third purchase from Kelly Black. Really well thought out & fully realized setting for V5 that has top notch artwork (as much of Black's art which is very evocative of V5's art aesthetic). Rather than giving you dozens of pages on SPCs that you may never use this book gives you Coteries that are more easily inserted into a chronicle. SPCs for these are given 1 page which is easier to use for a storyteller. A big plus is a new concept (well, not new but new for a V5 setting book) are Set Pieces, which takes iconic places in SF that can be easily inserted into a game and that lend flavor. Really well written without being over-detailed, leaving the storyteller to tailor and use as needed.
Im a fan of Kelly Black, hopefully my review is not too subjective. I really, really like the layout of this pdf; really captures the essence of the characters described. I think that, overall, the stat blocks are balanced per the metaplot of VtM; not that Id use these in most my stories but good to guide the storyteller in conceptualizing the character, (storyteller player character or SPC). Kelly Black's art is really the reason to pick this up.
An interesting, somewhat refreshing take on Werewolves from the POV of Kindred; beautiful layout and art that is evocative of the subject matter. I like how it harkesns to VtM 1e in keeping Lupines as mysterious, monstrous and cursed. Fits into the themes of V5 nicely. Good effort.
If you are a V5 Storyteller this is a really handy set of docs that outlines the core rules of the book, (the V5 core book is not the best for presenting rules information concisely). Also this can easily be printed and made into a great ST screen.
Another solid addition to the V5 game line. In particular really like that these Storyteller Player characters are focused on vampire religions and cults; the addition of new loresheets is always a seller for me as this book introduces some new bloodlines. Honestly, I think Matthew Dawkins and his writing team are really defining V5 in a creatively thematic direction. Beautifully illustrated and needs must be printed and added to my ever expanding 5th edition shelf.
CotBG is excellent and probably the most essential addition to the V5 game line. It collects all of the clans of death, now condensed into bloodlines under a single 'family' clan, the Hecata. This book is big, it has the Harbringers, the Samedi, the Nagarajah and yes, my favorite clan of Revised edtion, the Giovanni. Included are rules for their unique discipline of Necromancy which now falls under the purview of Oblivion, tapping into the powers of the Underworld to fuel their necromancy; thematically one of the best representations of this power in any edition of VtM, (yes, it should taint your soul). Additionally you get Loresheets to represent all of the death clan bloodlines in the event you want to play a more unique vampire. You get a great story that focuses on these clans, though you dont have to be Hecata to play in it. Onyx Path delivers yet another steller book to expand the core rules of V5 and I hope to see more.
This, like Chicago Folios, is a book for the storyteller; it has probably some of the best scenarios for V5. It is a big book, comprising 250 pages; divided into sections similar to Chicago by Night and Chicago Folios; however, what makes this book of particular interest to me as ST is rules that are included in side bars for things such as Lupines, Lupine kinfolk and sections on Antagonists and Loresheets. The second half of the book has Kindred biographies of SPCs that can be easily dropped into your game. Best of all, you get a pretty indepth overview of Kindred domains such as Indianapolis and Milwaukee. Also, you get whole new Blood Sorcery rituals that can be introduced and that like the Loresheets are linked to these two domains. Overall, the quality of the POD is much better and improved from previous POD books Ive bought here, the page quality is decidedly better, not the previous chalky paper, this is a glossy paper similar to the traditionally printed books of V5 by Modiphius; Im so impressed with the quality that I purchased a second copy, (premium color, its more expensive but the quality and vibrancy of the color is excellent).
This is a beatifully and well written supplement to Vampire the Masquerade's 5th edition by night series. Ive been comparing this to Chicago by Night 1e and Im telling you that the writers went in a direction that brings the setting to our modern nights; a new prince, a new primogen, old threats and new obstacles (Lasombra) make it a perfect combination for storytellers wanting a vast city as their stage. The Loresheets are uniquely 'Chicagoan' and full spreads on all the Kindred SPC's you could need. What I particularly love is that the book is written with the idea that your coterie will make an impact on this city and that is how a 'by Night' book should be writter; that and the fact that its obvious that the writers actually have been to Chicago or live there. Bravo!
This book was highly recommended by a few gaming colleagues as the perfect jumping off point for catching up on the metaplot of VtM 5th edition, (or as its referred to V5). Having picked up the V5 corebook, which delves into the metaplot of vampires in the world of darkness in cursory fashion, this book is the perfect companion. V5 is absolutely brilliant in its mechanics and really updates VtM to the current state of affairs in our troubled world. While the V5 corebook updates the metaplot, Beckett's diary bridges the story of VtM 4th edition, (also referred to as V20) to its 5th edition. Incredibly well written by Matthew Dawkins who is one of the contributors to V5, this book is hard to put down, (well its actually easy to put down becasuse this book is huge, its a literal encyclopedia of Kindred history). I am really looking forward to what WW/Paradox does with V5 but so far I have been more inspired than ever to return to VtM.
I picked up the previous version; this book is excellent! Its become indispensible at my gaming table, comprehensive and fully extant, even alchemical substances, poisons, etc.; the best part, when it gets updated I get the update for free! Now, it does contain some optional rules for those of us who like our combat a bit more realistic, yet it keeps the simplicity of the 5e design philosophy. Some parts of it harken back to 1e, for example the complete list of polearms, and includes additional exotic weapons from settings like Eberron. As a veteran DM of 28 years, I full endorse this product. Now I need this to be available on POD.