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Far West
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/02/2023 22:45:19

After all these years, I still find the idea and setting for Far West to be compelling. Might I use the world building aspects of the game at some point? Yes. Will I use the rules as written. No. They seem like a lot of work to me. Perhaps it is just my disappointment that this game morphed from a d20 system to the d6 one, but I truly found many of the rules confusing.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Far West
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Far West: Amble's Map
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Andy G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2011 12:17:22

I have no complaints about this map for the upcoming Far West game. It is full of unmarked spaces in which to carve out one's own stories, and although the environment is mostly desert (as would be expected for the genre), there is still a variety of environment types such as lakes, mountains, forests and rivers. The artwork fits the Far East meets western mashup well, and the story that the map was created by a character in the game gives it a further sense of realism and allows for changes to be made later if needed; after all, he may be inaccurate or have purposefully fudged some details on the map.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Far West:  Amble's Map
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