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Far West: Amble's Map $1.99
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Far West:  Amble\'s Map
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Far West: Amble's Map
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/12/2020 18:10:55

It's not a bad map. It really isn't. But it's also not a good map. And it's also a frustrating and disappointing map.

This map was designed to support the Far West role-playing game that was kickstarted in 2011. As of this writing (in September of 2020), that RPG still has not been released (and Kickstarter backers haven't received an update in more than a year).

This map is difficult to read - the yellow background and the "fold lines" add character, but drastically decrease readability. It's also not even a little bit printer-friendly (and no printer-friendly option is available).

I won't say the setting is impossibly large, because the map's area looks to be about the same size as the continent of Asia is in the real world. Only without oceans creating boundaries. If I'm reading the scale correctly, "Thousand Mesas" alone is larger than the US, much less the "Wild West" that is half of the genre this game is going to theoretically attempt to replicate the feel of once it (eventually) exists.

And yes - the map says "Back East - to the Empire" along the Eastern edge of the map. Which implies that this is a small part of a much larger setting. So maybe it is impossibly huge.

There area few plot hooks scattered here-and-there "Yaebron wood may be purchase here," it says at one point near the far North edge of the map. "Said to be a Mountain Clan stronghold," says another spot just South. A lot of the names are also somewhat evocative - "Eldaire" is marked as "City of Blades," for example. But without context, a lot of the names are just so much gibberish. And many many towns don't even have names, just anecdotes. "Marvelous saloon here," for example. Or "Very recently founded" (which I find interesting, as there is a rail line to that last one).

The fact that this was designed for a specific genre-spanning game means it's not going to be useful as a "generic" map for any other game. Unless you're running a hybrid Wuxia-Western game, in which case you probably have enough imagination that you don't need to use someone else's map. Or can find another usable map online for free.

All in all? Save your money. If you like the RPG (should it ever be published), then maybe you'll find this map worthwhile. But, without a game to support, this is just a weird little map that does no-one any good.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Far West: Amble's Map
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2012 15:06:15

I love maps.

Real maps, alternate history maps, fictional maps, game maps. I don't care; I love pouring over them for hours. This map is for a setting that I have barely introduced myself to but it is already proving useful and fascinating. Reading the Tales of the Far West collection of short stories and being able to follow the travels of the heroes, and villains, is a truly wonderful experience.

The map itself is also well put together, it comes with a full version to view on your monitor as well as a multi-page version suitable for printing. The details and cartographic artistry make it a beautiful and seemingly authentic example of the kind of map one would expect from the setting.

All in all, a wonderful little package for any cartographil fan out there.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Far West: Amble's Map
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Andy G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2011 12:17:22

I have no complaints about this map for the upcoming Far West game. It is full of unmarked spaces in which to carve out one's own stories, and although the environment is mostly desert (as would be expected for the genre), there is still a variety of environment types such as lakes, mountains, forests and rivers. The artwork fits the Far East meets western mashup well, and the story that the map was created by a character in the game gives it a further sense of realism and allows for changes to be made later if needed; after all, he may be inaccurate or have purposefully fudged some details on the map.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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