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102 Ways to Earn Money Writing 1,500 Words or Less

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102 Ways to Earn Money Writing 1,500 Words or Less
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102 Ways to Earn Money Writing 1,500 Words or Less
Publisher: F+W Media
by Flames R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/10/2013 12:11:19

This eBook is an overview of the types of markets you can tap into as a freelance writer. Filled with generalities, this compilation is really good for those who are new to professional freelance writing -- and who haven't chosen a specialty. While the book is formatted perfectly, there aren't a ton of resources for leads, and many of the suggested places either require a word-of-mouth connection or a copy of Writer's Market.

If you are an experienced freelancer or writer who has already figured out your specialty, I would give this eBook a pass. If, however, you're new and just figuring out your career path, this is a good way to figure out not only what you want to do, but what the market is like (generally-speaking) for that particular aspect of the field -- minus the financials.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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