Review of the Torn World product: Gullwash – A Torn World
By Lee A. Smith (MadCartographer)
Scale 1-5 with: 1=poor, 5=Great, 20 possible points.
Visual Appeal: 5
Once again, the standard look and feel keeps me attracted to the covers of these products. They just look sharp!
Readability: 4
Nice info on the town and easy to read through the text. This PDF is precise and very clearly written.
Art (Color and Black & White): 4
This map is well detailed and well laid out. I enjoyed the choice of colors used in this map. That gave it a different look than the others thus far.
Overall: 4
Overall, I say this product is a must get for anyone wanting to play in the World of Torn. Great map and very nice info on the town makes this a great buy. I give it a solid 4.