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Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack $2.99
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Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
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Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by Greg F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2021 02:25:32

The images come with no guide for sizing and it took me a lot of fiddling to get the walls to line up as a grid or scale correctly on my VTT maps. This was disappointing as I spent a lot of prep time trying to get the sizing right. This is something the author could correct and would save future customers a lot of time. What made this more than two stars was the inclusion of individual pieces to customize the interior. This helped a lot and was even able to use one of them to bridge the built in gap between the train cars when tiled. I had high hopes this product would have solved my problem for neading a quick train map for my players but spent a lot of time on it. It does look rather sharp as a finished result however.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/18/2012 09:34:58

Obviously, this map set is tailor-made for fantasy RPG campaigns in Eberron or very similar high-magic settings. The artist has done a great job of depicting both the inside and the outside of the engine and the caboose and everything that goes in between, including cabin cars, a dining car, and various types of cargo cars. The artwork is very nice, and it’s provided in both color and black-and-white, in both letter and A4, and in both PDF and JPG. It’s hard to ask for more. Well, okay, I could ask for better proofreading; some embarrassing errors (like “your party is have dinner with the captain” and the consistent misspelling of “incorporate”) slipped through the editorial process. If you’re using the letter-sized pages, you’ll need two pages to print the interior of one car, and four pages to print the exterior.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by Keith (. T. A. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/22/2011 21:31:54

This is an amazing map set suitable for a Victorian/Old West/SteamPunk settings. The product includes PDFs for printing, JPGs for importing into your favorite Virtual Tabletop, PNGs representing objects inside the train, and a MapTool campaign file that is a thing of beauty.

Simply load the campaign file into MapTool and move a token across the train. As it moves over an entrance to a car, it is teleported inside to a different map showing the inside of the car. All the maps include light sources and topology which is a great time saver for the GM.

This product does an equally good job of showing off the artist's talent and MapTool's capabilities. I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by Michael T. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/14/2011 06:10:46

I'm running D20 Nocturnum and my group is fast-approaching a conflict with Kage, a shoggoth lord-like entity, and his bodyguards on a train. There's also a minion working on behalf of Nyarlathotep that's so large it takes five rounds to squeeze into the train.

Given the number of battles atop a train that take place in pulp literature, you'd figure there would be more train battle maps. Given that trains are a relatively modern invention, you might think there would be a map of a modern train out there somewhere. You'd be wrong. There isn't. What we do have, however, is this perfectly suitable substitute, a "lightning train" that's almost indistinguishable from a mundane locomotive.

The train cars are large out of deference to the design of the tabletop role-playing games; the cars are five squares wide and 14 squares long, not counting the boarding/connecting piece between cars. There's a variety of empty cars too. The dining cabins seem to exist exclusively of passenger space – there's not a lot of storage – but otherwise there's really no reason you couldn't use this map for any modern train. The sole exception is the engine, which looks a little strange on the inside and is a giant, funky, electrical contraption on the outside. The best part of the set is that it takes into account rooftop chases and battles, and every car has additional pages for printing the roof. The terrain beyond the roof is a blurry, a nice touch.

Unfortunately this train is a little large for my purposes. The big bad monster is huge and it's supposed to take five rounds to squeeze into a car (giving investigators a head start on destroying it). With a 25-foot wide berth, there's no reason for any huge monster to squeeze at all. This isn't the fault of these maps so much as the general design of Call of Cthulhu scenarios which don't usually worry about specific dimensions necessary for a miniature-driven D20 game.

Until I get a 15-foot wide modern train, this will do nicely.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by John M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2011 20:19:34

I bought this with my 12 year old son's steampunk interests in mind. Had some newb problems figuring out how to download it, but once I did I was more than happy with it. I love the fact that individual cars are offered in a variety of formats. As far as bang for the buck, well Bang! Great product from a great site at a price that's right! (Hey, can I get some kind of commision for that line? ;) )

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by Terry M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2011 06:51:59

The high standard of D20 Cartographer is met and surpassed I think in this set of maps. The detail is exquisite and versatility is very high for the small niche this set would fill. The extras included in the objects file are very useful to help design the map to the way you choose. The MapTool file is dead on, background jpegs are on the background, objects that can be manipulated are on the object layer and the VBL is excellent. Also, the inclusion of generic macro that allows the players to seamlessly move from map to map/cabin to roof to storage car makes this map a dream for DM's that are looking for ease of use and high quality images. The ability to not only use this as a chase scene across the roofs of the cars and having melee break out inside a actual car is what sets this map above the standards bar.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Maps: Lightning Train Map Pack
Publisher: D20 Cartographer
by Agnes O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2011 03:39:39

I have been looking for a train like this for a long time now, and not only for my Eberron campaign.

The map is usable not only for steampunk settings, you might as well use it for your western campaign, just ignore the lightning part :o) The map has both the interior and the roofs of the wagons, so a chase atop the train is possible as well. There are 1st class wagons, too, which is just what I need for an upcoming campaign.

Take this train and railroad yourself through a vast continent, it won't get old so fast.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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