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An excellent source to set up a Gaslight campaign. Here's an organization suited to investigate Mythos activity...
Well written and DENSELY PACKED with information.
The good folks at Sine Nomine are ingenius. So much content was provided with the Free edition... that you might ask... "Why would I pay for the full version? Why would I buy the print version?"
That's the brilliance... the free edition gives you so much meat... but it isn't the full feast provided by the full version.
The system is relatively simple... a flash back to the bygone eras of the boxed editions... but with a twist... same stats... the usual 6... generated by rolling 3d6. But now... throw in skills, backgrounds...
Character classes are Expert (aka Rogue), Warrior (Fighter), Psychic (or Mage) and Adventurer (think "Jack of all trades" you can be a Warrior/Expert or Warrior/Mage... you get the idea...)
Skills... lots of skills.
Foci (think "feats")
Best of all... the GM Section... build worlds... build empires... build factions...The GM section alone is a gold
mine of ideas, hints, tricks, etc to really make the game your own.
After getting the Free edition PDF... I knew I needed the print version... and it is worth it. The art... the additional components... space magic... yes... space magic. Battle mechs... starships... build alien races and societies...
And it is all compatible with Worlds without Number.
And with very little effort... you can bring modules from pre-3rd edition D&D...
The GM resources section is very system agnostic as well...
Like Chaosium's BRP? The resources transfer... with little effort.
Want to fight the cult of the Space Reptile God? This is the tool kit to make it happen...
Want "Space Elves?" You got it.
Want to build space monsters and creepy crawlies? You got it.
But do not ignore the elegent simplicity of the Sine Nomine system. It is deceptively simple.
All this being said... the quality of the PRINTED product is second to none.
When writer's block... I mean... GM block hits... this little tool can be a life saver.
Stuck for ideas? Well... try one of these.
4 Primary Goal lists (12 each)... then the secondary goal... (from the same 4 lists). Now throw in a constraint (12 of those) and villain/antagonist actions (12 of those).
Just based on a Stats 101 course... you get the inpression that it would take a long time to generate the same adventure...
Why only 4 stars? It's an aid. It will give awesome frameworks for adventure. It's useful for GM's that are pressed for time, all ready have great NPC's, a developed world and the skills to run... this is a very useful tool.
Is it the be all/end all? Well...
But the price is right... so you really can't go wrong acquiring this great little tool.
WOW!!! And they are GIVING THIS AWAY?!?!?
You can tell the confidence of the creative team where they throw a product like this out as a FREE edition...
Unbelievable. A lot of care, creativity and thought went into this. And beyond that, though a system is provided, the deeper rules and tables are so system agnostic, you could take the second half of the book... and build on your own campaign and game... using ANY system...
Definitely going to be on the lookout for the handcover edition to add to my collection.
Bought a hard copy of this YEARS ago. Loved it. Rather than give your NPC's the "generic" Russian, German, Polish, Japanese names, it gave me the ability to create authentic sounding names... even for my own characters. Beats "Jack the Samurai" or "Otto, the Nazi thug," or "Dmitri, the Russian spy..." Here's a treasure trove of actual names. And what a list!!!
I lost my original copy, and couldn't remember the title. No matter how I searched, for some reason, this one never came up.
Finally found it. Bought it.
This is great for any GM who has a mental block on names.
It's also great for players who want to give their characters that extra punch of an authentic name.
EASILY worth the price tag.
For decades, Fantasy RPG's were dominated by... the game that shall not be named. This presented a problem for those of us who first tasted a fantasy game that was a little more... gritty... as in ACTUALLY gritty... not based on the setting, or on the... aviance... no... a game where your MIGHTY WARRIOR can literally be killed with a single assassin's blow. Where your MIGHTY WIZARD still fears a dagger in the spleen, and your MOST EXCELLENT HIGH HOLINESS CLERIC might get his throat cut by an unscrupulous rival.
Well, here is Classic Fantasy, translated to Rune... right, can't say that... to FRP. Same crunchy bits, same devious foes... but now, you hold in your hands the translation from the... game that shall not be named... to a more RQ... BRP... or Mythras.
You will never be SO high a level, that the dagger in the dark is not a threat... your Warriors, Wizards, Paladins, etc... will have to rely on their skills, their wits, and ultimately, their own abilities.
Like RQ... you have your backgrounds: Barbarian, Civilized, Nomadic and Primitive. If you choose another race (other than human), you will choose your Racial background. Half Orcs and Half Elves can choose either their Demi Human parent's background, or their Human parent's background.
Then choose your class. Keep in mind that this is an RQ/BRP system... so though the usual complexity of the magic system isn't here, you still must put points into the requisite skills to cast spells (for Magic Users: Arcane Casting and Arcane Knowledge, for Clerics: Channel and Piety). You'll recognize the classic classes from the 1st edition of the.... the game that shall not be named. But here is the difference... YOU define your character's skills, etc... based on what you select. If you choose a fighter, are you a Melee fighter, or more of a ranged fighter... are you a Fighting Cleric, or more of a Medic type? You are provided a standard set of skills, then you take your skill points and build from there.
Now... Rank. Rank is like level, the only difference is: Rank is defined in words, skill points, etc... the equivalent of a 1-4th level character is called a Fresh character... then comes Low Level, Mid Level, High Level and Epic... each with a range of "levels" per the old system.
Magic. All the classic spells are here. Those who can use Magic or Clerical Magic use Magic points to cast.
So... this is a translation from BRP to Classic RPG's.
If you've ever wanted to translate your classic high level character to a BRP type... this is your guide. All in all, a tremendous effort that really brings the OTHER game, to a BRP style game.
Oh... and don't mess with dragons... in Classic... they are fearsome creatures that will SERIOUSLY eat you for lunch...
This is Heroic Fantasy without the classic "damage sponging."
The Alternate Reality to Cyberpunk. You need Cyberpunk 2020 to use this. If corrupt corporations, rival gangs, criminals, the collapse of society haven't provided enough of a challenge to your players... open up this new frontier.... and throw them to the Vampires. This isn't Vampire: The Masquerade made into a CP2020 compatible system. This is uniquely Cyberpunk. This is CyberVampire 2020.
"But I HATE Vampires, especially angsty, Anne Rice inspired, soy Vamps..."
Yes, there is that. No worries. These Vamps are just as corrupt, just as evil as any other denizen of the 2020 environment. This just helps define these true blood suckers. Imagine a corporate who has lived over 1000 years... These Vamps are predators. Powers and abilities beyond mortals... And they really aren't interested in preserving their humanity... unless it is in a larder for later consumption.
And yes, there are even rules for playing Vampire players.
"But doesn't that detract from the whole Cyberpunk outlook?"
That's up to you, choombah.
But this isn't just about Vampires... or Werewolves (got them too)... this is about expanding the Cyberpunk universe. Psy powers are here too. And you can always take these ideas and mold them to your fancy. Want to make them more like Vampire the Masquerade? Go for it. Tweek it as you need to. Just want to include horror in your game... why not. Have the players final beat back the big corporate bad guy... only to find out he's only a pawn... run by a larger, meaner, more connected individual...
Think the players will be looking over their shoulders after their last Arasaka raid? Wait until they encounter Count Vasilov... the man who has enabled Saboro Arasaka to live to be over 100. But the Count has his own ideas....
I recommend this supplement, not for the Vampires, but because it opens a whole new realm of possibilities... this is the start of your NEW Cyberpunk experience. And you'll need this one for the other great supplements this company produces. If your players are getting jaded... throw this into the mix... the world of 2020 just got a whole lot more dangerous.
I give it 4 stars... mostly because I'm not a big Vampire fan... but there is just too much good stuff to simply throw this aside and say, "Bah. More sparkly Vampire crap." Nope. Not sparkly at all... grim, gritty, and just as much at home on the streets of Night City, as they are in some urban club. Imagine the look on your favorite solo's face when he ventilates his latest target... only for him to not only not fall down... but look at him, with a gleam in his eye... and a gleam in his fangs... "I suppose, were I human, that would have hurt. Oh, it did... but not as much as I will hurt you." Good Cyberpunk crunchy stuff.
As others have pointed out, this is the Mythras/Runequest adaptation of the Luther Arkwright stories.
If you have a love for creating parallel worlds, if you love Dr. Who, or even if you just want to really mess with your players, here is your Holy Grail.
Players will be cast as Valhalla agents, crossing dimensions to thwart the Disruptors, and set things back on course.
But if you aren't a fan of Luther Arkwright... use this as a sourcebook for all things dimension and time hopping. It even has tables to help you design new worlds/parallels.
Definitely worth the price. AND it's a D100 system... so think Chaosium BRP, Runequest, Mythras... M-Space, Call of Cthulhu... the possibilities are... well, quite seriously, endless...
Design Mechanism does it again. Here are rules for PSIONICS. If you remember AD&D, you remember that Psionics were part nightmare, part party, part... well, you get the idea...
Now, we can have MIND FLAYERS... Errr... Sorry... MIND SLAYERS... in D100.
These are the star villains of any campaign... even when dealing with level taking monsters in the old school editions... Here are creatures that not only eat your brain... but steal your mind... or worse, control those who work for and with you.
Now you can take your old editions that detailed these aggressive, dimension hopping creatures... and bring them into your D100 world. Imagine it... Orcs, Hobgoblins, etc... and Dark Elves... just pawns of a far more villainous evil. Cthulian by nature... these are the stuff of real nightmares... they are coming to eat your brain... after they steal your mind and turn everyone against you.
I look forward to setting D100 players against them... and their plots for multiversal domination...
Excellent game. Everything you need in one book (with suggestions if you want to add).
The system is deceptively simple and it offers power levels of play...
Want ordinary folks in extraordinary circumstances? It's here.
Want extraordinary folks in for extraordinary circumstances? Here.
Want to play an Immortal, a Demi God or a "Super..."? Yep.
Get this... as source material alone, it is worth the price.
How do we go from moon landings and space probes to a Galaxy spanning Empire in only a few thousand years? How did this all start?
Outer Veil is a great prequel to the Traveller universe. It is the beginning of man's "conquest of the stars." There are colonies in space, there are space stations and there are Jump/Warp speed craft.
So many have detailed the setting, so instead of adding to that... here's my take.
Outer Veil seems to offer a logical step to early human colonization of space... the first 100 years or so. With the advent of Jump technology, humanity can now reach the nearest star systems in less than 100 years or more... and of course, with the ability to travel, comes the first desire to PROFIT... and it seems only natural that the corporations would be the first to exploit the technology to get their hands on the materials available from far away colonies. Which leads to competition... which leads to fights.
Bad news is... the investment is hard to make pay off... so eventually, economic upheaval ensues, then civil war.
This is just a taste of the world of 2159... well thought out... and unlike others who have made games similar to this, this one is done without the need to make up a political screed at the same time.
The background is presented without editorializing... it is written as if observed dispassionately, IE "Here's how everything went down..."
And it is all plausible...
This is Traveller... without the Empire... without Jump 6... and without aliens (kind of a shame, given the intense development of the alien cultures of the Traveller universe... but I digress...) There are alien ruins, abandoned colonies and a plethora of good Science Fiction tropes waiting to be explored.
If you liked Firefly/Serenity... this one is for you... here's the future... not everyone living in gleaming cities, but a future where you have the gleaming cities, and the frontier of old. Access to the technology does not mean everyone uses it. Farms on frontier worlds may be plowed with tractors... but they will not necessarily have the latest and greatest tech.
So, here come your characters... what do you want to do? Want to smuggle high tech cargos? Want to explore strange new worlds, and spelunk alien ruins? Want to be a Seccessionist? It's all here. And it is compatible with the Traveller universe.
Want to take your Merchant Prince character from Traveller and transplant him? Easy. A few tweaks and BOOM welcome to 2159.
There are some changes, and they are well summed up in the Outer Veil main book. Look no further than this main book to get started... everything is here.
Better... The authors have PROVIDED (thru drivethrurpg) a 10 part introduction scenario.
This is good, crunchy material. If Traveller isn't your game... no worries.... this material can very easily be converted to any system, thanks to the authors' attention to detail...
The Megacorporations, the "Federation," and the universe are detailed in such a way as to be easily transferable.
You KNOW you want it.
This is an OUTSTANDING product... easily worth the $14.99 cost.
Are you ready to "boldly go..."
Did you like Call of Cthulhu, Editions 1 thru 6? Did you buy the modules, and other products? Own Cthulhu Invictus, Achtung Cthulhu, World War Cthulhu, Atomic Age Cthulhu? Do you own Chaosium's Basic Role Playing Game? Did you like them all? Did you find that with a little tweaking here and there, you could run 1st Edition modules with 6th edition? Did you enjoy a system so universal that you could, quite literally, use Cthulhian horrors to "enhance" your Stormbringer, Hawkmoon, or any other Chaosium setting? Did you like having a system so incredibly universal, that it all fit, nearly seemlessly to other systems/worlds?
Well.... Get ready to THROW THEM ALL AWAY!!! It's a BRAND NEW SYSTEM!!! And it is NOT COMPATIBLE with the old stuff. So... you've got a library full of great products... now useless with the new system.
Along with the website changes (Like those?), looks like Chaosium is changing their system. This is NOT an improvement.
Hopefully, they will publish some form of FREE conversion guide.
But if you are a Call of Cthulhu veteran, who truly loved the product, system and world... give the new edition a miss.
This quick start guide is worth the money spent... Nothing.
7th Edition appears to be nothing more than a fleecing of fans of Call of Cthulhu.
In the immortal words of every Call of Cthulhu player.... RUN!!!!
Fascinating concept. If you have found the average cyberpunk/Shadowrun campaign aimless... try this one on for size. The Quick Start Guide really whets your appetite for more. It's a bit more of a campaign based idea... and not the standard: Punks vs. Corporations... Knight Errants in the future...
Plenty of tech, plenty of rock and roll. Now throw in a little magic and you are ready for the return of King Arthur.
Looking forward to getting a copy of the whole game.
Unspeakable Oath returns!!!! Huzzah!!!!
If you are a Cthulhu Cultist/GM this magazine consistently delivers high quality. Never a turkey. At least ONE brilliant idea per issue... usually many more.
Scenarios... always exciting, thought provoking, and true to CoC.
If you love CoC, and often find yourself at a loss... try this magazine out.
You will not be disappointed.
Cthulhu Wild West... without the spaghetti. Yes, it's gritty. Yes, it's deadly. Yes, it is a fine intro to CoC in the old west.... not the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western Old West... but the Old West... grim, gritty... violent sometimes.... This is one crunchy morsel... expect high lethality.... you may have to pull some strings as GM to not invoke total party annihilation... Excellent product. If this is what we can expect from this company, I suspect their products will be worth actually paying for.