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Outer Veil
Publisher: Spica Publishing
by John S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/18/2011 17:56:13

Looking for a home for your Ripleys and Deckards? You're in luck because the Outer Veil has plenty of space available. Set in the mid 22nd century at the beginning of the interstellar age the Outer Veil literally offers a sector wide gaming challenge. Corporate intrigue, exploration as well as life on a new world are only some of the adventures possible with this setting. Humanity may dominate the stars but we are not the first out there. Ancient ruins of two interstellar races abound leaving the question are there more? Setting specific rules, careers, spacecraft and equipment provide the finishing touches to the strong background. Bottom line if you are looking for a new Traveller setting with a what's out there feel the Outer Veil provides it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Outer Veil
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Quick Worlds 11: Chance
Publisher: Independence Games
by John S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/19/2011 17:05:04

No risk here, Chance offers a GM a good base to build adventures around. Gambling and the associated vices around it have an interesting home on Chance. Background mixed with adventure hooks should give a GM plenty to cook up. The only negative, for me, is that the supplement could have used a couple of games of chance as flavor as well as some notable npcs. Place your bets.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Quick Worlds 11: Chance
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Allies, Contacts, Enemies & Rivals
Publisher: Spica Publishing
by John S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2011 18:58:55

Simply put, variety balanced with connecting themes. Starting with allies a GM can give a group help, hindrance and possibilities with minor effort. Character profiles offer enough insight into the various characters possibilities while the portraits provide that needed first impression. Money well spent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Allies, Contacts, Enemies & Rivals
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