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Rotworld $3.95
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Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by David [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2023 16:27:27

A great game for zombie one shots or longer games. It uses the excellent pacesetter system. The action table is easy to use and chapter zombie creation is fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Martin O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2016 14:40:14

Like Zombies in Movies or TV Shows? Then this is a must have in my opinion. Rotworld gives you all the information you need to start a 'Zombie Apocalypse' campaign. Causes of the outbreak, the breakdown of society, pre & post hierarchy, even some maps of useful locations. Rotworld uses the same Pacesetter/ Goblinoid Games system that covers Cryptworld, Timemaster & Majus, allowing you a vast array of source material. Its a great book on its own, add any or all of the other titles & just about any campaign, from any time, can be built.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by forest r. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/14/2012 14:39:17

This is a solid game. I am so glad that Gobliniod Games used the Pacesetter rules system. The system is easy to learn and very smooth. No tons of back story stuff. A Corpse Master (GM) can do what ever He/She likes for a setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Stephen Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2012 12:54:32

Quite a good old school feel about it. I can see the similarities between Chill & Rotworld (obviously using the same engine). Strangely, I understood the basic mechanics reading Chill (first time round), but it took a few readings before getting the 'gist' with Rotworld. Don't know why. The outlay is obviously different, but both work rather well.

The artwork is pretty good. The sections on the causes of zombification (zombology), and using paranormal talents are good.

It's well packed (65 pages) with info on zombie survival, radiation, poison, etc.

At the mere price of £3.13, it's a bargain! A must buy!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by David C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2011 13:13:52

Rot World is 65 pages of information dense zombie RPG.

The book contains almost no background, flavor text, setting or "fluff". It is almost solid rules, mechanics and examples of play.

The heart of the game is the Action Table, a single table that can be used to resolve any action or conflict. Much of the rules text is examples of how to implement and interpret this table in play. Everything from determining the contents of the Kwik-e-Mart on the corner to combat against a horde of zombies.

I am not a fan of crunchy games, but in this case I will make an exception. This is not crunch for the sake of adding extraneous detail or rules for the sake of rules. Every rule and piece of crunch is here for a reason and will likely be used in play.

The sections on creating zombies and the breakdown of civilization are gems. A very wide variety of options and styles are presented with individual gamers being free to mix and match to suit their own tastes. Fast zombies created by a toxic waste spill out to eat your liver in a slow spreading infestation? Radioactive, intelligent, but slow shamblers consuming all flesh in a fast moving apocalypse? Psychic zombies from outer space? Take your pick.

Rules describe the rate of spread of the infestation, and the effects on various aspects of society. Very useful for those who wish to set their games at the beginning, middle or end of the outbreak.

This is the best product to come out of the OSR I have seen yet.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Dan P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2011 15:08:41

This is how games should be written. I admit I'm old school when it comes to gaming. I don't care much for several chapters of backstory before getting to the game. I don't need someone else to tell mehow to imagine things. This game dosen't do that. It gets right into character creation. Goblinoid Games has another winner. The game mechanic (though old) is new to me and took a couple reads to understand fully, but compared to other zombie rpgs on the market I think this game covers more with less pages, and at under 5 bucks you can't go wrong. I only hope this game gets more support. The zombie genre has never really been suited for long campaign play, but for the occasional one off, this delivers. Well worth the price. COuld have used a little more art work though. Did love the cover.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I just want to clarify for readers that the reviewer and author have the same first name and last initial, but are not the same person. ;-)
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Sean M. K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2011 15:30:54

I confess I'm not usually caught up in the zombie/apocalypse genre as many see to be these days.... However, I grabbed this as soon as I saw it available. I was and currently am a fan of the old Pacesetter games such as TimeMaster and Star Ace. When I seen Dan's new offering was based on the same mechanics (since he recently acquired and is re-releasing the TimeMaster line) I thought it would be a lot of fun. It is! A slim volume with enough game mechanic meat to make even a zombie GM happy. I look forward to new offerings in this line, and it will be interesting to see what happens to the TimeMaster system as it gets dusted off for a new generation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/01/2011 11:39:53

Believe it or not, I am not a huge fan of Zombie games. I love All Flesh Must Be Eaten, but as an addition to my WitchCraft/Ghosts of Albion games. Rotworld will be similar. Produced by Daniel Proctor of Labyrinth Lord and GORE fame, Rotworld capitalizes on the 5 billion dollar a year business of Zombies (As of October 2011). RW uses the old Time Master system that Proctor bought from Pacesetter. He did not however buy Chill, so he can't say it is compatible with Chill 1st Edition. But with some work it is and that is why I picked it up. I love Chill and plan to see what sort of goodness Rotworld could add to a Chill game. OR the other way around. Either way this small game (65 pages) packs a punch and shows that "Old School Gaming" is more than just making the next retro-clone of Holmes Basic or AD&D 1st ed. I hope Rotworld is successful so Goblinoid Games does a generic horror game with this system. There are not a lot of monsters in this book, outside of zombies, but there is plenty of text on character creation, combat and skills. There is a good Game Master section (Corpse Master) about how to setup and run a game. Rotworld is a fine game. It won't unseat AFMBE as the premiere Zombie survival game out there, but it is a lot of fun and great for an evening's distraction or even gathering up a bunch of friends with fond memories of gaming in the early 80s. For the price it really can't be beat. Actually it would still be a steal at twice the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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