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Printable Pawns: Rugged Adventurers $3.99
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Printable Pawns:  Rugged Adventurers
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Printable Pawns: Rugged Adventurers
Publisher: Fantanomicon Press
by PEDRAZZI G. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2011 11:21:56

I don't like very much cartoonish style. I don't love it and this isn't very high compatible with products from other producers.

But this is a my limit, not a criticism about the set's quality.

In my opinion the quality is good, many options ( front and back art, black and white figures, A frame, T, frame, based paper miniatures ... ) and for 3/4 bucks should be an interesting purchase for all.

Also the subject is really interesting, both for setting and that there are few products on this, so I hope that the next sets are still about "pulp".

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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