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Printable Pawns: Pig Faced Orcs
Publisher: Fantanomicon Press
by Mike G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2016 11:17:49

Absolutely love these, Full of old school character - they remind me of the sort of thing you would see in the old cartoons in Dragon back in the day (Phineas Fingers, Wormy etc.) Not had the chance to print them out yet but have always found this range to be very easy to make use of. I personally use the "based figure" versions - which scale up nicely with those from the likes of Okumarts and One Monk - but you can make them up as A-frame or T-frame standees if you prefer.

The cartoony style may not be to everyone's taste - although these orcs seem to suffer less from "big head syndrome" than the adventurers do. Only quibble I have is that orcs in my game aren't green - I prefer the ochre/orange/browny/poo-coloured ones myself..... So if you ever fancy doing a re-colour of the set I'll buy it again!!

And most importantly, at 50% off till the end of June, ths set of eight orcs comes in at only 70p in British money!! That's less than two shillings per orc! ;-)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Printable Pawns:  Pig Faced Orcs
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Undead Army: Skeleton Centaur Cavalry Regiment
Publisher: Mayhem in Paper
by Mike G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/21/2014 13:10:54

For full disclosure - I received my copy of this as a Christmas present from the artist/publisher who also hosts the excellent Cardboard Warriors forum.

An excellent addition to the One Monk range of cardboard miniatures. Consists of 15 skeletal centaurs in total - with four bowmen, four with spears, four with swords and a three-man-horse command group as well as a selection of (suitably decayed) banners to choose from.

The style is in keeping with the rest of the OM range - not overtly cartoonish in my opinion. Consistent with the existing range to allow you to expand your undead paper army despite One Monk having been under new management for the last couple of years.

I admit to being a huge fan of the One Monk range - unlike A-frame or tri-fold standees, these are genuine paper miniatures with a back and front that you cut out so as to provide a two-dimensonal alternative to metal or resin minis. Cutting them out can be fiddly (unless you have an automated robo-cutter) but at least you don't have to paint them. You can make your own bases out of cardboard (there are plenty of templates to choose from for free on the One Monk site) or buy a variety of plastic stands from various games supplly companies.

These are 30mm "scale" - comparable with most 'heroic scale' miniatures from the likes of GW, Reaper etc.

Would highly recommend all of the range. Between what is available here and the free stuff available to download from their site, One Monk can help you populate your entire dungeon/adventure path etc.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Undead Army: Skeleton Centaur Cavalry Regiment
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for the review. Be sure to check your library for the updated version as I have just added a bonus page of four-armed mutant skeleton centaurs. :)
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Three: Goblins and Hobgoblins
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Mike G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2013 09:02:40

A wonderfully characterful batch of figures from Mr Okum, with seven goblins and six hobgoblins. Layers on the pdf allow you to select one of six different colours for the cloaks/clothing on the little blighters. (No variation of skin tone however).

The figures themselves are a cartoony-old school mix, with oriental-style hobgoblins and goblines that are 'almost' Pathfinder-esque.

And the layer of bonus material (including four (two variants) grotesque, old-school trolls and a bunhc of goblin and hogoblin characters) is worth the price of admission alone!!!

Can't wait to get to a printer and get these up and running.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Three: Goblins and Hobgoblins
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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set One: Orc Tribe
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Mike G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/05/2013 04:06:27

A wonderful set of old-school, pig-gaced orcs with twelve different warriors, armed with a variety of nasty weapons. David's use of layers allows for four colour variants - changing the cloaks on the figures - which provides more variety. Plus this is worth buying for the bonus layer alone, which turns the ferocious orc warriors into a band of orc 'civilians' - including six orc kids!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set One: Orc Tribe
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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Bonus Set One: Fae is Fowl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Mike G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2013 03:46:39

I've become a big fan of David's cartoony old-skool style and as a long-time Glorantha nerd anything with anthropomorphic ducks has me at the word go. Fun cut-out and stand up figures - the cover shows all which are in the pack, but it is free! Layers allow at least one colour varaint for each. The photo-comic instructions which come with the pack are easy to follow and fun too.

Recommended if you want to use figures but don't want the seriousness and hassle that goes with collecting and painting your own!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Bonus Set One: Fae is Fowl
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