Absolutely love these, Full of old school character - they remind me of the sort of thing you would see in the old cartoons in Dragon back in the day (Phineas Fingers, Wormy etc.) Not had the chance to print them out yet but have always found this range to be very easy to make use of. I personally use the "based figure" versions - which scale up nicely with those from the likes of Okumarts and One Monk - but you can make them up as A-frame or T-frame standees if you prefer.
The cartoony style may not be to everyone's taste - although these orcs seem to suffer less from "big head syndrome" than the adventurers do. Only quibble I have is that orcs in my game aren't green - I prefer the ochre/orange/browny/poo-coloured ones myself..... So if you ever fancy doing a re-colour of the set I'll buy it again!!
And most importantly, at 50% off till the end of June, ths set of eight orcs comes in at only 70p in British money!! That's less than two shillings per orc! ;-)