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Wild Games Productions, LLC


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Publisher: Wild Games Productions, LLC
by Sean M. K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/15/2011 08:49:22

Cover art isn't bad! The formatting is inconsistent, some of the tables, etc seem to have been "pasted" in from other sources. Fonts jump from sans serif to serif styles. I don't see how this is not simply a re-branding of already released I.P. material. To me, it just looks like somebody's "tweaked" house rules which as itself is fine for your game-table, but don't try to pass it off as your own or sell it to the public. Beware!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Wild Games Productions, LLC
by David M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/15/2011 01:16:39

Apart from being poorly formatted with problems such as different font sizes in the same block of text and tables with text in the wrong column, the people who put this document together obviously don't understand what a "retro-clone" is and how to correctly use the OGL. Being a strong supporter of retro-clones and passionate about Holmes D&D, I would normally be very happy to see such a product released. Instead, as I flicked through the pdf, I literally felt sick in my stomach as I saw material blatantly ripped off from the Holmes rulebook. There are too many examples to mention them all but to get an idea of what has been done by WG Productions, check out the magic items tables on page 42 of M&Z and then look at the same tables in the Holmes rulebook - it's quite stunning, and not in a nice way.

To date, most authors of clones have worked very hard to abide by OGL and produce legal clones that replicate the original material, but not just copy it - if you understand the difference? Clearly Vincent Florio and Co. don't. This document would've made a fine fan project, but as a retail product in an online store, it's both reckless and foolish. I hope WG Productions comes to their senses before WotC considers legal action, because I really wouldn't be surprised if that company did so. Perhaps too WGP should seek some legal advice about the correct and proper use of WotC's Open Game License. Shame Bro's.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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