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Kelek Thalgar & Shadow Vale: A Torn World Overland Map

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Kelek Thalgar & Shadow Vale: A Torn World Overland Map
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Kelek Thalgar & Shadow Vale: A Torn World Overland Map
Publisher: Torn World
by Lee S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2012 11:28:59

Review of the Torn World product: Kelek Thalgar - Shadow Vale - A Torn World Overland Map

By Lee A. Smith (MadCartographer)

Scale 1-5 with: 1=poor, 5=Great, 20 possible points.

Visual Appeal: 5 As usual, the cover is simply amazing, a nice pic of the area dominates the cover, and the cartography is simply the best. High marks as usual. I love the fact that they keep the same look and feel for all of their products.

Readability: 5 As I read through this PDF, I was taken to Blessed Gorge, the Blight and the Kings court. There is a lot of good info in this document and the reading is very easy to follow. Well written and thought out. I really enjoyed this!

Art (Color and Black & White): 5 MAP_-_KelekThalgar&_ShadowVale(Handdrawn_-_no_labels).JPG I really like this map for players, no labels means the PC’s can mark it up all they want with whatever they need. I like this concept of on labels for the players. Good job. The map is also excellent!

MAP_-_KelekThalgar&_ShadowVale(Handdrawn).JPG This map has tons of labels for the GM and player alike. The more labels the more I like them, I like my maps well populated with mountains and rivers, valleys etc that are named.

MAP_-_KelekThalgar&_Shadow_Vale.JPG What can I say, I’m a fan! Alyssa is an amazing cartographer! Her shades and colors she uses go well together and makes the map just jump out at you. Good job.

Overall: 5 This bundle is the best I have seen from their products thus far. I really like this Torn World the more I dig into it. Well laid out and thought out. I can’t wait for the next one. Well done! Rating of 5.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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