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Eastern Oljanus - The Sisk Empire: A Torn World Overland Map

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Eastern Oljanus - The Sisk Empire: A Torn World Overland Map
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Eastern Oljanus - The Sisk Empire: A Torn World Overland Map
Publisher: Torn World
by Lee S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/03/2012 12:23:41

Review of the Torn World product: East Oljanus – The Sisk Empire – A Torn World Overland Map – UPDATED.

By Lee A. Smith (MadCartographer)

Scale 1-5 with: 1=poor, 5=Great, 20 possible points.

Visual Appeal: 4 There are 2 files to this product: MAP_-_Oljanus_East.JPG: As per usual, the cover has the same “standardization” for the World of Torn as all the other products. I can’t say how much I love this because there is no doubt that this a World of Torn product. I hope they continue to keep this same look and feel to all their products.

TWOM003_EastOljanus-_Sisk_Empire.pdf: The manual is also well laid out, with the standard format. I also note the additional text that explains their year reckoning of A.R. I like this addition as it has not been explained before, now it makes sense to me.

Readability: 5 The information contained in the pdf is fantastic, gives full political, climate, and Current Interests in nice detail for your roll playing needs. Once again giving the “type” of people that live here, as Roman, Greek minded, so you know how to play them. This section is a great addition that was omitted the first go around. Well done!

Art (Color and Black & White): 5 As per usual, the cartography is exceptional. Nice and easy flowing colors and the labels blend well with the map. Very easy to look at and understand what’s where on this map. A nice pic of a Sisk solder is also included in this pdf file. The cartographers and artists are all pros.

Overall: 5 Now that this product has been updated, I’m happy to give it full marks. I feel the text for the Sisk really adds to the area. Shows GM’s and PC alike what to expect should they venture into this hostel peoples land. I also like the addition of A. R. Explained. This now makes sense to me since I had no way of knowing what A. R. meant. Fantastic product, and another must get if your gaming in the Torn World. I rate this a 5.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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