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xxx Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit (Open Playtest Version 1.1)
Publisher: BRW Games
by Rob N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2011 21:09:48

Truly, Adventures Dark and Deep is a step forward and a superb product. While the evolution and changes of AD&D to ADD is often subtle, the rules are smoother and much more playable for newer people. If you're not a newer player to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, then ADD will run beautifully and gel perfectly with your current game. Even in playtest form it's definitely a massive step forward, if you know where to look within for where the developments are. It can only get better going forward.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
xxx Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit (Open Playtest Version 1.1)
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xxx Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual (Open Playtest Version 1.1)
Publisher: BRW Games
by Rob N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2011 21:09:38

Truly, Adventures Dark and Deep is a step forward and a superb product. While the evolution and changes of AD&D to ADD is often subtle, the rules are smoother and much more playable for newer people. If you're not a newer player to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, then ADD will run beautifully and gel perfectly with your current game. Even in playtest form it's definitely a massive step forward, if you know where to look within for where the developments are. It can only get better going forward.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
xxx Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual (Open Playtest Version 1.1)
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xxx Adventures Dark and Deep Bestiary (Open Playtest Version 1.1)
Publisher: BRW Games
by Rob N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2011 21:06:47

While the evolution and changes of AD&D to ADD is often subtle, the rules are smoother and much more playable for newer people. If you're not a newer player to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, then ADD will run beautifully and gel perfectly with your current game. Even in playtest form it's definitely a massive step forward, if you know where to look within for where the developments are. It can only get better going forward.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
xxx Adventures Dark and Deep Bestiary (Open Playtest Version 1.1)
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