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Ground set #13 - Winter forest $5.45
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Ground set #13 - Winter forest
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Ground set #13 - Winter forest
Publisher: Lord Zsezse Works
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/12/2012 17:54:43

As you’d expect if you’re familiar with LZW’s early “ground sets,” the basic offering here consists of a series of snow-covered tiles with a dirt path through each tile. The path patterns are a bit more varied and interesting than in most of the LZW ground sets, but what really sets this pack apart are the layer options. Using PDF layers, you can add in extra trees (both deciduous and evergreen), stones, and so forth. The 1" square grid is off by default, but you can turn it on with a click. One note of warning: when you turn a layer on or off, that choice affects all pages, so you’ll probably want to print your pages one at a time, customizing them to taste in between. LZW still needs a better English-speaking editor to clean up their introductions and instructions; otherwise, this is an excellent tile pack.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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