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Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition $29.99
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Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
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Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by greg m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/29/2015 16:27:24

I cannot say enough good things about this product. The images are all crisp, well drawn. Seeing Tim Bradstreet's art grace the pages of a V:tM core book was fantastic, in my opinion. The writers missed very few items in bringing V:tM to an expanded audience for the twentieth anniversary of the flagship line of the classic Works of Darkness. Two things that stood out as missing to me was the lack of two Paths of Enlightenment, the Path of the Hive, and Scorched Heart. Other than that, fantastic book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by lee m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2015 07:46:05

What an amazing book. Packed full of information and very useable without the need to buy other source material...well at least for a while

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Emily O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2014 11:11:34

If you like Vampire the Masquerade, then this book is amazing because it not only has a few things updated to be more in line with modern times, but it also gathers together a lot of different rules and information from various books within the line and puts it all within a single source. I've been running a campaign out of it for a few months now, and all of my player are really enjoying it. I'm incredibly satisfied, and even if the price is high for the physical color copy, it is DEFINITELY worth it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Jose R. G. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2014 17:14:39

Definitivamente un libro extraordinario! Compre la edicion de pasta dura a color standard, no me arrepiento, es buena. Aunque si el bolsillo te alcanza para la de color premium deberias comprar esa, dicen que tiene hojas mas gruesas y colores mas nitidos, te repito la version stantard es buena pero es un libro que quieres tener al cien. La version en blanco y negro ni lo pienses, el arte a color hace que no quieras sacrificar nada de el tomo, es 1.4 veces mas grande que el manual basico. La pasta dura esta impresa de forma magistral, la impresion es buena aunque sigue pareciendo a inyeccion de tinta, las versiones en negro parecen de tonner de baja calidad (compre otros manuales), igual la version corre a cargo de lighting source uk ltd.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Michael O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2014 06:56:14

Love this book. I purchased the black and white softcover version, and though the price was a bit high, it was definitely worth it to get everything I could need to play or run a game. If you have the money, you definitely need to pick this book up.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2013 15:28:23


The highest quality art and excellent presentation are one of the most compelling things about this book. The colors are all very vivid, the poses of the vampires are imaginative. The gore, in the form of the depictions of decapitation and slit wrists and throat in one illustration, might turn off some and captivate others. In black and white, the images contained within are seriously worth printing to keep monuments of and to stimulate the writer's mind.


In grey-scale, the art takes on a classical Gothic, mysterious kind of life. It more accurate represents the Vampire in a way, because it was created by a man in the late 19th century, when color photography was not featured as prominently as it is in today's publications. The models in the book are really attractive, each in their own distinct ways. No two models are alike and the hand drawn illustrations gain a mystical, intriguing quality.


The introduction of the Vampire, the guidance on storytelling are very neatly written and the red headers add a stylish edge. How to write about stories of the Masquerade must be read to know how to begin to fathom the art of writing for beginners and a good reminder for seasoned writers. The essential methods of building a foundation for fiction are brilliantly explained. The titles, statuses clans and sects are very complete, even though some are concisely covered. The worldly archetypes and occupations your vampires can take are described very thoroughly. New or familiar to the genre, you must read the book from stem to stern. It's extensive and a mountain of patience is required in order to finish it, but when you're done, you'll be well-informed and eager to learn more precise details about the Camarilla, the Sabbat, the Anarch movement and the Independents. You'll also be able to build your characters from the ground up, give them their abilities, backgrounds, powers and make them play as prominent a role in your works of fictions as you see fit. The bloodlines will certainly give you fine starting points from which to begin. The ghouls and revenants offer many possibilities, too.

Thank you very much, White Wolf! This is a rebirth of one of the RPG titles that helped set the gears of supernatural fiction into motion.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by David G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2013 10:48:08

This is an amazing product. All the rules are in one place so that gameplay doesn't have to stop while someone digs out some obscure book, all the clans, sects, bloodlines, and powers are here so that frugal players can grab it and have whatever they need. The only downside is that some of the art leaves a little to be desired, but most of the art is phenomenal. If you like V:tM, cWoD, or just White Wolf, pick this up. If you like vampires in general, pick this up, find a group, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. I got it to replace a revised Core Rulebook that was stolen from me years ago, and I'm almost glad it was stolen now. I got the B&W softcover from Drive Thru, and the quality is amazing. They say there's a thin white edge on all the pages, but it's not a big deal at all. You barely notice it, and the binding is pretty good too. Buy this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Jorge C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2013 06:28:56

No podría estar más contento con el manual, es increíble, un regalo para la vista.

Por ello, es todavía más triste que el envío y el servicio de atención al cliente me hayan dado tantos problemas. Según se me informó, el libro salió de su destino (Reino Unido) el día 1 de abril, y me ha llegado hoy, 3 de mayo, un mes después. Dos veces contacté con DriveThruRPG, las dos veces me dijeron que había habido un problema con los datos que tenía la empresa de reparto, y las dos veces di mi dirección completa y mi número de teléfono personal, ta y como me solicitaban. Finalmente, hoy recibí una llamada de dicha empresa de reparto, y me dijeron que habían conseguido mi teléfono buscando mi nombre en internet y llamando a mi antiguo lugar de trabajo, y tuve que darles de palabra mi dirección completa, cuando yo contaba con que DriveThruRPG se hubiera encargado de esto.

Espero que haya sido un malententido aislado y que el servicio y de atención al cliente y/o el servico de envío no sea tan deficiente como a mí me ha parecido, porque, repito, la calidad del producto, de la impresión y del encuadernado, es increíble.

Muchas gracias.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/17/2013 11:17:30

Like many others I was mildly upset (an obvious understatement) when White Wolf decided to end the (Classic/Old) World of Darkness line last decade (2004 or so). When V20 was announced I was initially not interested, determined to move on and embrace Vampire The Requiem.

I cannot express how excited I am about the return to (the non-meta-plot version) Vampire the Masquerade. This book is terrific, but this review is more about the quality of the print-on-demand book I ordered last week.

It is beautiful. The hardback binding is virtually identical to the original books--solid binding, glossy cover, heavy weight. The paper, though seemingly lighter in weight, is of good quality. The printing--full bleed!--is different from the original products only in the process uses a more matte ink and paper than a semi-gloss treatment from previous versions.

I was not expecting much from a print-on-demand book and, clearly, I set my expectations far too low.

Terrific job, WW and DTRPG!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/14/2013 07:08:16

The 20th Anniversary Edition combines the best of the best of the old Vampire the Masquerade game and strives for completion. All the clans, all the powers and most of the iconic characters. It is more expensive that any of the other White Wolf Vampire games, but it is also the largest and everything you need for years of playing is right here. Or more the point, everything from years of playing is right here. It is easy to pick this up and feel like it is 1990 again. I think this book is really aimed more at people that played V:TM back in the day and now have a desire to go back to those nights where monsters roamed the city. There is a lot here for new players though too. If you have never played a Vampire game then this has everything you need.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Matthew S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/21/2012 12:12:32

The definitive edition of Vampire the Masquerade. Many rules loopholes that have been noticed over the last two decades were addressed in an elegant fashion. This is a must have for anyone with a great love of the World of Darkness or Vampires in general.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Idle R. H. P. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/20/2012 18:07:47

I must confess to being a bigger fan of the new World of Darkness system than the old. Therefore, I was somewhat disappointed that these didn’t contain any conversions. (Those looking for conversion rules, check out the Vampire Translation Guide.) To be fair, this contains exactly what is promised, which is a celebration of Vampire: The Masquerade.

You can see what the book contains just by reading the product description, so I won't get into that. Instead, I will briefly go over how much more is offered here than in the Revised edition.

Chapter One: A World of Darkness

Pretty much the same in both editions, although the Anniversary edition presents it in a slightly more logical order.

Chapter Two: Sects and Clans

Again, the same. The Anniversary edition presents all of the sects first and then the clans.

Chapter Three: Character and Traits

This is where the Anniversary edition starts offering more; there are more backgrounds. The presentation of Humanity has been moved to a later chapter.

Chapter Four: Disciplines

As promised, the Anniversary edition presents powers up to nine dots.

Chapter Five: Rules

About the same.

Chapter Six: Systems and Drama

About the same.

Chapter Seven:

Revised gives us history and the Anniversary edition gives us morality. Morality is where you can find a look at Humanity and the Paths of Enlightment in the Anniversary edition.

Chapter Eight: Storytelling

The Anniversary edition provides more troubleshooting and addition situations.

Chapter Nine: Antagonists or Others

Surprisingly similar. The Anniversary edition moves the bestiary from the Revised's appendix to here.

Chapter Ten: Bloodlines (Anniversary only)

This includes all of the bloodlines, including ones like True Brujah. Considering the Anniversary pdf is only about $11 more, this addition might make it worth it on its own.


The Anniversary edition has moved and expanded the Ghoul rules.

Who should buy it?

Those who love Vampire: The Requiem but have never played Vampire: The Masquerade. There’s no better starting point than this set.

Those who love Vampire: The Masquerade and want all of this material in one set. These are the types that bought D&D’s Rules Compendium despite owning all of the 3.5 rulebooks.

Those looking to get a gift for that gamer in their life.

Who shouldn’t buy it?

Those new to Vampire or the World of Darkness. The new World of Darkness and Vampire: The Requiem are the ones to get. Masquerade has arguably the better setting, but Requiem has a cleaner system and its setting is more streamlined, making it better for new players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Sean S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2012 15:19:15

Absolutely fantastic, beautiful, and well organized. Its about time White Wolf went back to the classic World of Darkness games. I tried nwod and V:TR and it just does not compare.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Andrew T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/06/2012 13:30:29

This is a total must for anyone who ever played or still plays Vampire. The artwork ranges from familiar looks to the new chaper heading splash pages that jump out when you turn the page. The game is the same, but many things are updated or clarified for modern technology and advancements that weren't around before. The wide array of bloodlines, bloodline Disciplines, updated backgrounds and setting information all gathered into one omnibus edition is too good to pass up. PDF comes with interactive character sheets for building characters both advanced or beginner. All in all, this is a homerun and I can't wait for the Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition due out in September.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by kyle s. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/22/2012 11:35:37

This takes me back. You think that sexy brooding vampires is a new phenomenon? Trust me, the vampire craze of the 1990's was an interesting time. And along with Anne Rice books and Buffy, Vampire The Masquerade was at the helm of the fad.

Back then I probably played more hours of V:TM then all other tabletop games combined. And Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, was a fun nostalgic trip back to those days.

Everything you need, whether you are new player who loves Twilight and True Blood, or an old veteran who loves Lestat and Poppy Z Brite, is in this book. The presentation is flawless. Worth every penny!

Happy hunting!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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