The Good: A great homage to the cosmic comics that have come before. without veering into ripping anything off. Jam packed with usable information for the page count.
The Bad: The page count may be a tad low for the price...but it is a densely packed, readily adaptable book.
For my full review, please visit: http://bit.ly/aj5eIL
A very well done tribute to Andy Hallett, Lorne on the TV show Angel, in the API vein. A very cool, playable race for API, for free, and a classy tribute all at once.
The Good: Three new races, each bringing a unique flavor to the API Universe. The Grandel manage to not be overkill in a game that already has a number of aquatic races, Dunbar offer a very different experience and the Olivers are good fun.
The Bad: The Olivers may cause some Kender flashbacks for some folks, in that annoying "party thief" kinda way.
For a full review, please visit: http://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2010/08/tommys-take-on-api-demon-packs.html
The Good: As usual, some great ideas. I love the new races, especially the Morgane, and the Hidden Folk are a great twist on elves. The Knights of Solomon could make for tremendous antagonists or even an interesting campaign option.
The Bad: The book suffers from trying to cover too much with too little space. Whereas the first API Worldwide book made Canada feel PACKED, Europe comes across kind of anemic in comparison.
For a full review, go to: http://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2010/08/tommys-take-on-api-worldwide-europe.html
The Good: Most everything. This is like a "how-to" on adding new and compelling material to a game setting through supplements. All of it is truly optional, but just loaded with amazing plot seeds and character options.
The Bad: Er...it's not in full color, I guess? Seriously, if you like API, this is a no-brainer.
For my full review, please go to: http://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2010/08/tommys-take-on-api-worldwide-canada.html
The Good: Brimming with plot seeds and balancing humor, horror and action with a delicate agility. The system is a bit on the crunchy side, but in the fun way.
The Bad: The production values are slightly on the weaker side. Nothing is overtly bad, but rarely does it reach beyond "functional".
Conclusion: Imagine CJ Carella's Witchcraft or the World of Darkness if they didn't take themselves so seriously. A GREAT corebook.
See a more detailed review at: http://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2010/08/tommys-take-on-apocalypse-prevention.html
The Good: Some really nice tracks on this album with some very atmospheric music. The Bad: A few of the tracks kinda ran together on me, and not in the good, thematically connected way. Still, some of the better game atmosphere music I've heard.
The Good: Some gorgeous art, a game system with a proven track record, and the first new DC RPG license in years. The Bad: A flavorless, clinical approach that feels less like a DC RPG and more like a license forced into a system. For a full review: http://bit.ly/9TeKDz
The Good: Some nice twists on some classic situations. New, thematically appropriate mechanics. A wide variety in the adventures.
The Bad: ORE still isn't the most intuitive system to me, but the game doesn't advertise itself as anything else.
Conclusion: Very well done module. I wish more modules had both this level of completeness and flexibility. For a more complete review, see: http://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2010/08/tommys-take-on-road-trip-monsters-and.html