This is an amazing product given that it's free. Starting with the negatives - the presentation is text heavy with simple B&W illustrations every-so-often, but what do you expect from a free product. Having said that the writing is good and the layout makes it nice to read. Th download also includes character sheets, a primer and various other worksheets which I'm even thinking of adapting for other games.
The system/game is written like a series of toolkits - making missions, making characters, handling bases, doing missions - it's a very interesting approach and I think it'd work very well for gaming groups who need a quick break from a campaign and just want to have some fun. System is easy to learn and is quick and fun. It's one of these indie-type games with fate-like conditions. Contentions are resolved by building up conditions until an opponent is forced to yield. It'll work well for an energetic and fun time around the table.
The setting puts you/your team as a group of rebels fitting against some evil mastermind. What I perhaps admire most is that the approach to taking down the mastermind; a series of attacks at the various resources and sources of power for the mastermind until they are vulnerable to attack. It's a series of mini-sabotage missions to take down the oppressor.
You can't really fault this - download it and play it now.